
[AWS Q&A 365][ECS]Daily Five Common Questions #84

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1. What monitoring tools are available for Amazon ECS with AWS Fargate?

Answer: Amazon ECS provides built-in monitoring and logging tools such as CloudWatch metrics, logs, and events. You can also use third-party monitoring tools like Datadog, New Relic, and Sysdig.

2. How can I monitor the performance of my tasks running on AWS Fargate?

Answer: You can monitor the performance of your tasks by using CloudWatch metrics such as CPU utilization, memory utilization, and network I/O. You can also use CloudWatch Logs to monitor the logs generated by your tasks.

3. Can I set up alarms to be notified when certain metrics exceed a threshold?

Answer: Yes, you can set up CloudWatch alarms to be notified when certain metrics exceed a threshold. For example, you can set up an alarm to be notified when CPU utilization exceeds 80%.

4. How can I monitor the health of my services running on AWS Fargate?

Answer: You can monitor the health of your services by using the ECS service scheduler and the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). The service scheduler automatically replaces unhealthy tasks, and the ELB performs health checks on the tasks to ensure they are healthy.

5. Can I monitor the resource utilization of my clusters running on AWS Fargate?

Answer: Yes, you can monitor the resource utilization of your clusters by using CloudWatch metrics such as CPU utilization, memory utilization, and network I/O. You can also use CloudWatch Logs to monitor the logs generated by your clusters.


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