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[AWS Q&A 365][Redshift Spectrum]Daily Five Common Questions #14

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1. What is Redshift Spectrum?

Answer: Redshift Spectrum is an Amazon Redshift feature that allows users to query data stored in Amazon S3.

2. What data formats does Redshift Spectrum support?

Answer: Redshift Spectrum supports structured and semi-structured data formats such as Parquet and ORC.

3. Can Redshift Spectrum perform parallel reads?

Answer: Yes, Redshift Spectrum supports parallel reads.

4. What is the recommended best practice for designing queries in Amazon Redshift?

Answer: The Amazon Redshift best practices for designing queries document provides more information about how to write queries to improve performance.

5. Is there a view that summarizes details for queries that spent time in a WLM query queue or commit queue?

Answer: Yes, the SVL_QUERY_QUEUE_INFO view provides a summary of details for queries that spent time in a WLM query queue or commit queue.


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