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[AWS Q&A 365][AppSync]Daily Five Common Questions #24

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1. What is AWS AppSync?

answer: AWS AppSync is a service provided by Amazon Web Services that allows developers to build scalable GraphQL APIs by connecting to various data sources.

2. What are the features of AWS AppSync?

answer: The features of AWS AppSync include real-time data synchronization, offline data access, automatic schema generation, and support for multiple data sources.

3. How much does AWS AppSync cost?

answer: The pricing for AWS AppSync depends on the number of requests made and the amount of data transferred. There is also a free tier available for new users.

4. How do I launch my first GraphQL API using AWS AppSync?

answer: To launch your first GraphQL API using AWS AppSync, you can follow the Quick Start guide provided in the Developer Guide. This involves creating a schema, setting up data sources, and running queries and mutations.

5. What are the architectural concepts of AWS AppSync?

answer: The architectural concepts of AWS AppSync include GraphQL proxies, operations, actions, data sources, resolvers, pipeline resolvers, unit resolvers, functions, and identities. These concepts are used to design and implement scalable GraphQL APIs.


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