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[AWS Q&A 365][ECS]Daily Five Common Questions #75

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1. What is Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)?

Answer: Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully-managed container orchestration service that helps you easily run, scale, and secure containerized applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

2. What are the key components of Amazon ECS?

Answer: The key components of Amazon ECS are clusters, task definitions, tasks, and services.

3. How can I create a cluster using the Classic Amazon ECS console?

Answer: To create a cluster using the Classic Amazon ECS console, you can navigate to the "Clusters" page, click the "Create Cluster" button, select the cluster type, and configure the cluster settings.

4. How can I create a task definition using the Classic Amazon ECS console?

Answer: To create a task definition using the Classic Amazon ECS console, you can navigate to the "Task Definitions" page, click the "Create new Task Definition" button, select the task type, and configure the task settings.

5. How can I create a service using the Classic Amazon ECS console?

Answer: To create a service using the Classic Amazon ECS console, you can navigate to the "Services" page, click the "Create Service" button, select the task definition, and configure the service settings such as deployment type, desired count, and load balancing.


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