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[AWS Q&A 365][Redshift]Daily Five Common Questions #35

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1. What are the two types of snapshots available in Amazon Redshift?

Answer: The two types of snapshots available in Amazon Redshift are automated and manual.

2. How does Amazon Redshift store snapshots?

Answer: Amazon Redshift stores snapshots internally in Amazon S3 using an encrypted Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.

3. Can you control when automated snapshots are taken in Amazon Redshift?

Answer: Yes, you can create a snapshot schedule to control when automated snapshots are taken in Amazon Redshift.

4. How can you monitor the progress of snapshots in Amazon Redshift?

Answer: You can monitor the progress of snapshots by viewing the snapshot details in the AWS Management Console, or by calling describe-cluster-snapshots in the CLI or the DescribeClusterSnapshots API action.

5. What is AWS Backup and how does it work with Amazon Redshift?

Answer: AWS Backup is a fully managed service that helps you centralize and automate data protection across AWS services, in the cloud, and on premises. With AWS Backup for Amazon Redshift, you can configure data protection policies and monitor activity for different Amazon Redshift resources in one place, and automate and consolidate backup tasks without any manual processes. AWS Backup automates the creation of Amazon Redshift manual snapshots and securely stores these snapshots in an encrypted backup vault that you designate in your backup plan.


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