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[AWS Q&A 365][ECS]Daily Five Common Questions #102

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1. What is the Container agent endpoint?

Answer: The Container agent endpoint is a URL to which the ECS container agent sends container instance metadata and task metadata.

2. How is the Container agent endpoint used?

Answer: The Container agent endpoint is used by the ECS container agent to send metadata about the container instance and tasks to the ECS service.

3. Where can I find the Container agent endpoint?

Answer: The Container agent endpoint can be found in the ECS console or obtained through the AWS CLI or SDK.

4. Can the Container agent endpoint be modified?

Answer: No, the Container agent endpoint cannot be modified as it is automatically generated by the ECS service.

5. What happens if the Container agent endpoint is unreachable?

Answer: If the Container agent endpoint is unreachable, the ECS container agent will not be able to send metadata to the ECS service, which may result in issues with task scheduling and management.


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