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[AWS Q&A 365][EKS]Daily Five Common Questions #50

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1. What are some security best practices for Amazon EKS?

Answer: Some security best practices for Amazon EKS include implementing pod security policies, using IAM roles for service accounts, and configuring VPC and subnet requirements properly.

2. What is the default pod security policy for Amazon EKS?

Answer: The default pod security policy for Amazon EKS is the Amazon EKS default pod security policy.

3. How can I configure logging for Amazon EKS?

Answer: Logging for Amazon EKS can be configured by enabling and disabling control plane logs and viewing cluster control plane logs.

4. What are some AWS responsibilities for Amazon EKS Connector considerations?

Answer: Some AWS responsibilities for Amazon EKS Connector considerations include managing and securing the Amazon EKS Connector service and maintaining its availability.

5. What are some customer responsibilities for Amazon EKS Connector considerations?

Answer: Some customer responsibilities for Amazon EKS Connector considerations include configuring and managing the Kubernetes cluster and securing the Kubernetes API server.


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