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[AWS Q&A 365][EKS]Daily Five Common Questions #16

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1. What is Amazon EKS and how does it work?

Answer: Amazon EKS is a managed service that makes it easy to run Kubernetes on AWS without needing to install or operate your own Kubernetes control plane. With Amazon EKS, you can use all the Kubernetes features and tools you already know and love.

2. What are the pricing options for Amazon EKS?

Answer: Amazon EKS pricing is based on the number of Kubernetes worker nodes in your cluster and the AWS resources that you create to run your Amazon EKS worker nodes. You pay for AWS resources (e.g. EC2 instances or EBS volumes) that you create to run your Amazon EKS worker nodes, and there is no additional charge for Amazon EKS itself.

3. How do I create and manage a cluster in Amazon EKS?

Answer: You can create and manage a cluster in Amazon EKS using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or eksctl command line tool. You can also use CloudFormation templates or Terraform modules to create and manage Amazon EKS clusters.

4. How do I enable Windows support in Amazon EKS?

Answer: You can enable Windows support in Amazon EKS by creating a Windows node group in your cluster. You can then use Windows Server containers in your Kubernetes workloads and deploy Windows applications using Kubernetes.

5. How do I configure endpoint access in Amazon EKS?

Answer: You can configure endpoint access in Amazon EKS by modifying the Kubernetes API server endpoint and configuring the network access control list (ACL) for the Amazon EKS control plane VPC. You can also use PrivateLink to securely access the Kubernetes API server endpoint without exposing it to the public internet.


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