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[AWS Q&A 365][ECS]Daily Five Common Questions #76

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1. Q: How do I troubleshoot a task definition that is failing to start?

A: First, check the task definition to make sure it is valid and has the necessary resources allocated. Then, check the container image to make sure it is accessible and correctly configured. You can also check the logs for any error messages or failures.

2. Q: How do I troubleshoot a service that is not scaling properly?

A: Check the service configuration to make sure it is set up correctly, including the desired count and deployment configuration. Check the service logs for any errors or issues. Additionally, make sure the service is using the correct scaling policy and that the necessary resources are available.

3. Q: How do I troubleshoot connectivity issues with a load balancer?

A: Check the load balancer configuration to make sure it is set up correctly, including the target groups and listeners. Check the security groups and network ACLs to make sure they allow traffic to and from the load balancer. Finally, check the logs for any errors or issues.

4. Q: How do I troubleshoot an issue with task networking?

A: Check the task definition and service configuration to make sure the network settings are correct. Check the security groups and network ACLs to make sure they allow traffic to and from the task. Finally, check the logs for any errors or issues related to networking.

5. Q: How do I troubleshoot an issue with a container failing to start?

A: Check the container image to make sure it is accessible and correctly configured. Check the task definition to make sure the container is properly defined and has the necessary resources allocated. Check the logs for any errors or issues related to the container or its dependencies.


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