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how to create facebook page for branding

Last updated at Posted at 2016-04-01

Resource: How to create facebook page for branding

create facebook blog page is the page you can create for the branding of your blog, business or website. This is your Fan page by which people can like you without having to add you as a friend.

Need of Facebook page
Facebook is most searchable and most popular website after google. There are billions of monthly visitors in facebook. If you need more traffic to your website you need to share your work with high ranked social networking sites and facebook is one of the top ranked social networking site.

Facebook is the biggest advertising tool for almost many websites. They work har d and announce their work in facebook. All they know about facebook that its a social media website to get their product lovers easily with less effort.

Ok, Now you got to know the importance of facebook page for branding without any delay here are the steps you have to follow to create and complete your branding page on facebook

how to create facebook blog page for branding

Go to create a Facebook page link . Here, there are six options to select, For your website, business or blog Branding you have to select “Brand or Product”.
create facebook blog page

“Brand or Product” option will give you to select your branding and join your supporters on facebook. Select “website” from the dropdown menu and put your brand name in the input box given after dropdown.Click on checkbox to get agree for the facebook page terms and conditions.Click on get started.
create facebook blog page

Then on next step put your website link and put description of your website. Choose a unique web address for your facebook page, enter your brand name here.
create facebook blog page

next select your profile picture. You can use your brand logo for profile picture. This will make your fan page easily findable by your Fans.
create facebook blog page

next you can add this page to your facebook favourite area. Your brand page begin displaying on facebook home page left side. You can skip add to favourite section.
create facebook blog page

now you can Choose your preferred page audience for newly created facebook page. select location you want your fans from. Search and select your area of interest and click on save.
create facebook blog page

after all these steps, you will reach to your admin panel page. Here, you can choose and select your cover photo. Invite your fans to like your facebook page. You can check likes from like button given on admin panel.
create facebook blog page

Promote your page by cliking to “Promote” button. Here, You will get three option. Select what you want and start promoting your website pages.

Now, you have done creating facebook blog page and ready to publish post and get like.

Resource: How to create facebook page for branding


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