ssl error: error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failedが表示される
エラー内容で「connection with http server terminated incorrectly: ssl connect error: ssl error: error:0A000086:SSL routines::certificate verify failed」という表示が出る。
cd /usr/local/ssl
mv ssl ssl.def #デフォルトの証明書を移動
ln -s /etc/pki/tls /usr/local/ssl/ssl
su rspamd
#-sは、セレクター -dは、ドメインを入力
/usr/local/bin/rspamadm dkim_keygen -s 'selector' -b 2048 -d -k /usr/local/var/lib/rspamd/dkim/example.private > /usr/local/var/lib/rspamd/dkim/example.txt
chown rspamd:rspamd -R /usr/local/etc/rspamd
chown rspamd:rspamd -R /usr/local/var/lib/rspamd/dkim
cat > /usr/local/etc/rspamd/local.d/dkim_signing.conf << EOF
# local.d/dkim_signing.conf
enabled = true;
# If false, messages with empty envelope from are not signed
allow_envfrom_empty = true;
# If true, envelope/header domain mismatch is ignored
allow_hdrfrom_mismatch = true;
# If true, multiple from headers are allowed (but only first is used)
allow_hdrfrom_multiple = true;
# If true, username does not need to contain matching domain
allow_username_mismatch = true;
# Default path to key, can include '$domain' and '$selector' variables
#path = "/usr/local/var/lib/rspamd/dkim/$domain.$selector.key";
# Default selector to use
#selector = "dkim";
# If false, messages from authenticated users are not selected for signing
sign_authenticated = true;
# If false, messages from local networks are not selected for signing
sign_local = true;
# Map file of IP addresses/subnets to consider for signing
# sign_networks = "/some/file"; # or url
# Symbol to add when message is signed
symbol = "DKIM_SIGNED";
# Whether to fallback to global config
try_fallback = true;
# Domain to use for DKIM signing: can be "header" (MIME From), "envelope" (SMTP From), "recipient" (SMTP To), "auth" (SMTP username) or directly specified domain name
use_domain = "header";
# Domain to use for DKIM signing when sender is in sign_networks ("header"/"envelope"/"auth")
#use_domain_sign_networks = "header";
# Domain to use for DKIM signing when sender is a local IP ("header"/"envelope"/"auth")
#use_domain_sign_local = "header";
# Whether to normalise domains to eSLD
use_esld = true;
# Whether to get keys from Redis
use_redis = false;
# Hash for DKIM keys in Redis
key_prefix = "DKIM_KEYS";
# map of domains -> names of selectors (since rspamd 1.5.3)
#selector_map = "/etc/rspamd/";
# map of domains -> paths to keys (since rspamd 1.5.3)
#path_map = "/etc/rspamd/";
# If `true` get pubkey from DNS record and check if it matches private key
check_pubkey = false;
# Set to `false` if you want to skip signing if public and private keys mismatch
allow_pubkey_mismatch = true;
# ドメイン別設置(OpenDKIM記述形式)
signing_table = [
"* <selector_name>",
"* <selector_name>"
key_table = [
rspamdのWeb画面ステータス表示に「Legacy version」と表示される
su rspamd
cat > /usr/local/etc/rspamd/local.d/history_redis.conf << EOF
servers =; # Redis server to store history
expire = 432000; # Expire in seconds for inactive keys, default to 5 days
nrows = 2000; # Default rows limit
compress = true; # Use zstd compression when storing data in Redis
subject_privacy = false; # Subject privacy is off
cat > /usr/local/etc/rspamd/local.d/arc.conf << EOF
# local.d/arc.conf
# Allowed settings id
allowed_ids = nil;
# If false, messages with empty envelope from are not signed
allow_envfrom_empty = true;
# If true, envelope/header domain mismatch is ignored
allow_hdrfrom_mismatch = false;
# Domain mismatch allowed for local IP
allow_hdrfrom_mismatch_local = false;
# Domain mismatch allowed for sign_networks
allow_hdrfrom_mismatch_sign_networks = false;
# If true, multiple from headers are allowed (but only first is used)
allow_hdrfrom_multiple = false;
# If true, username does not need to contain matching domain
allow_username_mismatch = false;
# Banned settings id
forbidden_ids = nil;
# Default path to key, can include '$domain' and '$selector' variables
path = "${DBDIR}/arc/$domain.$selector.key";
# Default selector to use
selector = "arc";
# If false, messages from authenticated users are not selected for signing
sign_authenticated = true;
# If false, inbound messages are not selected for signing
sign_inbound = true;
# If false, messages from local networks are not selected for signing
sign_local = true;
# Symbol to add when message is signed
sign_symbol = "ARC_SIGNED";
# Whether to fallback to global config
try_fallback = true;
# Domain to use for ARC signing: can be "header" (MIME From), "envelope" (SMTP From), "recipient" (SMTP To), "auth" (SMTP username) or directly specified domain name
use_domain = "header";
# Whether to normalise domains to eSLD
use_esld = true;
# Whether to get keys from Redis
use_redis = false;
# Hash for ARC keys in Redis
key_prefix = "ARC_KEYS";
# Reuse the existing authentication results
reuse_auth_results = false;
# map of domains -> names of selectors (since rspamd 1.5.3)
#selector_map = "/etc/rspamd/";
# map of domains -> paths to keys (since rspamd 1.5.3)
#path_map = "/etc/rspamd/";
# map of trusted domains. Symbol ARC_ALLOW_TRUSTED is added to messages
# with valid ARC chains from these domains. A failed DMARC result is removed/ignored.
# whitelisted_signers_map = ["", ""]
# From version 1.8.4, Rspamd uses a different set of sign_headers for ARC:
sign_headers = "(o)from:(o)sender:(o)reply-to:(o)subject:(o)date:(o)message-id:(o)to:(o)cc:(o)mime-version:(o)content-type:(o)content-transfer-encoding:resent-to:resent-cc:resent-from:resent-sender:resent-message-id:(o)in-reply-to:(o)references:list-id:list-owner:list-unsubscribe:list-subscribe:list-post:dkim-signature"
# Domain specific settings
domain { {
# Private key path
path = "/usr/local/var/lib/rspamd/dkim/example.private";
# Selector
selector = "ds";
su rspamd
cat > /usr/local/etc/rspamd/local.d/dmarc.conf << EOF
# local.d/dmarc.conf
reporting {
# Required attributes
enabled = true; # Enable reports in general
email = ''; # Source of DMARC reports
domain = ''; # Domain to serve
org_name = 'Example organisation'; # Organisation
# Optional parameters
bcc_addrs = [""]; # additional addresses to copy on reports
report_local_controller = false; # Store reports for local/controller scans (for testing only)
helo = 'rspamd.localhost'; # Helo used in SMTP dialog
smtp = ''; # SMTP server IP
smtp_port = 25; # SMTP server port
from_name = 'Rspamd'; # SMTP FROM
msgid_from = 'rspamd'; # Msgid format
max_entries = 1k; # Maximum amount of entries per domain
keys_expire = 2d; # Expire date for Redis keys
#only_domains = '/path/to/map'; # Only store reports from domains or eSLDs listed in this map
# Available from 3.3
#exclude_domains = '/path/to/map'; # Exclude reports from domains or eSLDs listed in this map
#exclude_domains = ["", ""]; # Alternative, use array to exclude reports from domains or eSLDs
# Available from 3.8
#exclude_recipients = '/path/to/map'; # Exclude reports for recipients listed in this map
#exclude_recipients = ["", ""]; # Alternative, use array to exclude reports for recipients
su rspamd
cat > /usr/local/etc/rspamd/local.d/multimap.conf << EOF
type = "ip";
prefilter = "true";
map = "/usr/local/etc/rspamd/local.d/";
action = "accept";
type = "from";
filter = "email:domain";
map = "/usr/local/etc/rspamd/";
score = -6.0
su rspamd
touch /usr/local/etc/rspamd/local.d/
touch /usr/local/etc/rspamd/local.d/