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node puppetterでwait系の処理を結構書いたので、メモ

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const Util = require('./util');

const wait = {
	 * 指定時間処理を止める
	sleep : async (time)=>{
		if(time === undefined){
			time = process.env.puppet_wait_ms;
		return new Promise(resolve => {
			setTimeout(() => {
			}, time);
	 * 指定のエレメントにselecter要素が表示されるまで待つ
	 * @param  ElementHandle  elem puppeteerのElementHandle
	 * @param  string  selecter
	 * @return Promise  listで返す
	forChildSelecter:async (elem,selecter) =>{
		let isShow = false;
		let targElms = {};
		for(let i = 1 ; i <= process.env.puppet_wait_count; i++){
			targElms = await elem.$$(selecter);
			if(targElms.length > 0){
				isShow = true;
			await wait.sleep();
		if(isShow === false){
			throw new Error(process.env.puppet_wait_count+'回待ったけどダメ!');
			return targElms;
	 * 指定のエレメントの中のselecter要素が消えるまで待つ
	 * @param  ElementHandle  elem puppeteerのElementHandle
	 * @param  string  selecter
	forChildSelecterHide: async(elm,selecter)=>{
		let isShow = true;
		let targElms = {};
		for(let i = 1 ; i <= process.env.puppet_wait_count; i++){
			targElms = await elm.$$(selecter);
			if(targElms.length == 0){
				isShow = false;
			await wait.sleep();
		if(isShow === true){
			throw new Error(process.env.puppet_wait_count+'回待ったけどダメ!');
			return true;
	 * 指定のエレメントの中のselecter要素が作られて、消えるまで待つ
	 * @param  ElementHandle  elem puppeteerのElementHandle
	 * @param  string  selecter
	forChildSelecterShowAndHide:async (elm,selecter)=>{
		await wait.forChildSelecter(elm,selecter);
		await wait.forChildSelecterHide(elm,selecter);
		return true;
	* ElementHandleから指定のClassNameが無くなるのを待つ。
	* 再帰確認時間はenv.puppet_waitでms
	removeClass : async (elem,targClassName)=>{
		let isRemove = false;
		for(let i = 1 ; i <= process.env.puppet_wait_count; i++){
			let handle = await elem.getProperty('className');
			let classNames = await handle.jsonValue();
			if(classNames.indexOf(targClassName) == -1){
				isRemove = true;
			await wait.sleep();
		if(isRemove === false){
			throw new Error(process.env.puppet_wait_count+'回待ったけどダメ!');
			return true;
module.exports = wait;


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