ネットで「英語 プレゼン」などと検索すると,多くのフレーズ集がヒットするはずです.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman.
I’d like to thank you for giving me the chance to speak here today.
Thank you, chairperson.
Thank you for your introduction.
Hello, everyone.
(Good morning, everyone.)
(Good afternoon, everyone.)
I’m (名前) at *** university.
In this presentation, I’d like to talk about ***.
This presentation is divided into 5 parts.
(This presentation consists of 5 parts.)
Let's talk about ***.
Let me begin by talking about ***.
This slide shows ***.
Now let’s move on to ***.
In this section, I’ll talk about ***.
As you know, ***.
As you may know, ***.
These figures show ***.
This figure shows ***.
Here, you can see ***.
Let me show you ***.
As I mentioned before, ***.
Like this.
Actually, ***.
This is *** that I developed.
This is *** that we want to get finally.
We can get *** from ***.
In other words, ***.
ポイントは動画をいくつか作成しておき,それらの動画を「Now, let me show you the videos for explanation」と言って召喚します.動画があった方が分かり易いですし,発表者にとっても楽です.動画を再生中は適当に「This is ***」みたいな補足をしておきましょう.
That's all.
That's all I have to say.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for your attention.
Excuse me, could you say that again ?
Could you repeat that, please ?
Sorry, I meant to say ***.
Are you asking about *** ?
As far as I know, ***.
To the best of my knowledge, ***.
what is the meaning of *** ?
The short answer is Yes.
If I understood correctly, ***.
For example, let's assume ***.
At this time,
I can't give you a definite answer, because ***.
This is difficult to explain, but I can say ***.
Excuse me, what was your second question ?
I'm sorry. I'm not sure, but I guess that ***.
Is that Okay ?
Thank you for your comment.
The internet connection is bad / weak / unstable.
Go ahead.
How can I say ...
Let me use a translator(と言いながらGoogle翻訳などを画面に出す).
Could you paste your question into the chat ?
I couldn't understand. Sorry my English.
- プレゼン中に日本語で「え~とぉ」や「あっ,間違えた」などと言う.
- セリフを間違えたときにヘラヘラ笑う.
- 声が小さい.
- 質問が聞き取れなかったときに,ずっと無言のまま棒立ち.
- 発表が終わった後に,スライドを閉じる.
Q. 「何度練習しても「the」の発音(ザ or ジ)を間違えてしまいます.どうしたらよいでしょう?」
A. 「そんな細かいことを気にしている視聴者はほぼいないですし,仮に気づかれたとしても何の問題もありません.したがって,全部「ザ」でゴリ押しましょう.」