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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, BangPatterns, ViewPatterns #-}
module Algorithm.Fina.Helper (zipC, teeC, tapC, dupC, sma, ema, fir) where

import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as C

{-| 遅延
  NOTE: 先頭にダミーを挟み込んでるだけなので、長さがその分伸びてしまう

>>> C.sourceList [1..10] C.=$= tapC 2 0 C.$$ C.consume

tapC :: Monad m =>
    Int     -- 遅延サンプル数
    -> o    -- 遅延期間中のダミー出力値
    -> C.Pipe o o m ()
tapC n o | n < 0  = error "tapC: The n should ge. zero."
             | otherwise = C.haveMore (C.map id) (return ()) (replicate n o)

{-| 0次補完でオーバーサンプリング

>>> C.sourceList [1..9] C.=$= dupC 3 C.$$ C.consume

dupC :: Monad m => 
    Int     -- 倍数
    -> C.Pipe a a m ()
dupC n | n <= 0 = error "dupC: The n should greater than zero."
       | otherwise = let dc = C.NeedInput (\x -> C.haveMore dc (return ()) (replicate n x)) (return ()) in dc

{-| 単純移動平均 -}
sma :: (Monad m, Real a, Fractional b) =>
    Int                 -- 平均回数
    -> C.Conduit a m b
sma n = C.conduitState
      (replicate (n - 1) 0)
      (\xs (realToFrac -> y) ->
        return $ let !z = (sum xs + y) / fromIntegral n
                  in C.StateProducing (y:init xs) [z]
      (\_ -> return [])

{-| 指数平滑移動平均 -}
ema :: (Monad m, Real a, Fractional b) =>
    Int    -- 平均回数
    -> C.Conduit a m b
ema n = C.conduitState
          (\y (realToFrac -> x) -> return $ let z = y + alpha * (x - y) in C.StateProducing z [z])
          (\_ -> return [])
  where alpha = 2 / fromIntegral (n + 1)

type Queue a = ([a], [a])
emptyQ = ([], [])
isEmptyQ ([], []) = True
isEmptyQ _ = False
singletonQ x = ([x], [])
enQ y ([], ys) = (reverse (y:ys), [])
enQ y (xs, ys) = (xs, y:ys)
deQ ([], _) = undefined
deQ (_:[], ys) = (reverse ys, [])
deQ (_:xs, ys) = (xs, ys)
headQ ([], _) = undefined
headQ (x:_, _) = x

{-| 入力を2つのPipeに食わせて、出力をfで束ねて出力するpipe

>>> C.sourceList [0..10] C.=$= (zipC (,) (C.map ((+ 2))) (C.map negate)) C.$$ C.consume

>>> C.sourceList [0..10] C.=$= (zipC (,) (tapC 2 (-1)) (C.map id)) C.$$ C.consume

>>> C.sourceList [0..10] C.=$= (zipC (,) (dupC 2) (C.map id)) C.$$ C.consume

joinC :: Monad m => [C.Pipe i o m ()] -> CPipe i [Maybe o] m ()
parC :: Monad m => [C.Pipe i o m ()] -> CPile [i] [o] m ()

splitC :: C.Pipe i a m () -> (C.Source m a, C.Source m a)
  let (s1,s2) = splitC (c1 =$= c2 =$= c3)
  s1 =$= c4 $$ mysink1
  s2 =$= c5 $$ mysink2

zipC :: forall a b c i m. (Monad m) => (a -> b -> c) -> C.Pipe i a m () -> C.Pipe i b m () -> C.Pipe i c m ()
zipC f p1 p2 = zc f emptyQ p1 p2
    -- NOTE: 引数をひっくり返しながら動くので、型シグネチャを書いて多相にしないと駄目
    zc :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> ([i], [i]) -> C.Pipe i a m () -> C.Pipe i b m () -> C.Pipe i c m ()
    -- 出力完成
    zc f b (C.HaveOutput na ca oa) (C.HaveOutput nb cb ob) = C.HaveOutput (zc f b na nb) (ca >> cb) (f oa ob)
    zc f b (C.PipeM mp1 ca) (C.PipeM mp2 cb) = C.PipeM (do { p1 <- mp1; p2 <- mp2; return $ zc f b p1 p2 }) (ca >> cb)
    zc f b (C.PipeM mp clean) p2 = C.PipeM (do { p <- mp; return $ zc f b p p2 }) clean
    zc f b p1 (C.PipeM mp clean) = C.PipeM (do { p <- mp; return $ zc f b p1 p }) clean
    zc f b (C.NeedInput g p1) p2
      | isEmptyQ b  = case p2 of
                        C.NeedInput h p2' -> C.NeedInput (\x -> zc f b (g x) (h x)) (zc f b p1 p2')  -- 需要が合致しているので産地直送するように最適化
                        _ -> C.NeedInput (\x -> zc (flip f) (singletonQ x) p2 (g x)) (zc f b p1 p2) -- NOTE: flipの畳み込みはいつ起こる?
      | otherwise   = zc f (deQ b) (g $ headQ b) p2
    zc f b p1 (C.NeedInput h p2) = C.NeedInput (\x -> zc f (enQ x b) p1 (h x)) (zc f b p1 p2)
    -- FIXME: 片方が閉じたとき、もう片方はどうする?
    zc _ _ (C.Done _ _) _ = C.Done Nothing ()
    zc _ _ _ (C.Done _ _) = C.Done Nothing ()

(&&&) :: forall a b i m. (Monad m) => C.Pipe i a m () -> C.Pipe i b m () -> C.Pipe i (a, b) m ()
(&&&) = zipC (,)

{-| tee

>>> C.sourceList [0..5] `teeC` (C.map ((+) 1), C.map negate) C.$$ C.consume

teeC :: Monad m => C.Pipe i a m () -> (C.Pipe a b m (), C.Pipe a c m ()) -> C.Pipe i (b,c) m ()
teeC p1 (p2, p3) = p1 C.=$= (p2 &&& p3)

{-| 3タップのFIRフィルタ

>>> C.sourceList [60,60,60,80,40,60,60] C.=$= fir 0.25 0.5 0.25 C.$$ C.consume
fir :: forall a m. (Num a, Monad m) => a -> a -> a -> C.Conduit a m a
fir a1 a2 a3=
    (0, 0)
    (\(z1, z2) x -> return $ C.StateProducing (x, z1) [x * a1 + z1 * a2 + z2 * a3])
    (\_ -> return [])

tsv :: Monad m => C.Conduit T.Text m [T.Text]
tsv = C.map (T.split ((==) '\t'))

{-| [a]な入力の先頭n個とそれ以外を受け取るConduitに分割する
    NOTE: これだと、片方のチャンネルがDoneになった時点で両方とも止まってしまうのでは?
multiChannelTSV :: Monad m => Int -> C.Conduit [c] m a -> C.Conduit [c] m b -> C.Conduit [c] m (a,b)
multiChannelTSV n pa pb = (C.map (take n) C.=$= pa) &&& (C.map (drop n) C.=$= pb)

{-| Eitherを使って分岐するPipe
    NOTE: 入力を与えていないのに出力が出てくるようなPipeの場合、両方とも出力を
splitEitherC :: forall a b c d m. Monad m => C.Conduit a m b -> C.Conduit c m d -> C.Conduit (Either a c) m (Either b d)
splitEitherC (C.HaveOutput na ca oa) p2 = C.HaveOutput (splitEitherC na p2) ca (Left oa)
splitEitherC p1 (C.HaveOutput nb cb ob) = C.HaveOutput (splitEitherC p1 nb) cb (Right ob)
splitEitherC (C.PipeM ma ca) p2 = C.PipeM (do { p1 <- ma; return $ splitEitherC p1 p2 }) ca
splitEitherC p1 (C.PipeM mb cb) = C.PipeM (do { p2 <- mb; return $ splitEitherC p1 p2 }) cb
splitEitherC (C.Done _ _) _ = C.Done Nothing ()
splitEitherC _ (C.Done _ _) = C.Done Nothing ()
splitEitherC p1@(C.NeedInput f ca) p2@(C.NeedInput g cb)
  = C.NeedInput (\x -> case x of { Left xx -> splitEitherC (f xx) p2; Right xx -> splitEitherC p1 (g xx) }) (splitEitherC ca cb)

eitherJoinC :: forall a m. Monad m => C.Conduit (Either a a) m a
eitherJoinC = C.map (either id id)


>>> C.sourceList [Left 1,Left 2,Right 3, Left 4, Right 5, Right 6] C.=$= (C.map ((+) 2) ||| C.map ((*) 2)) C.$$ C.consume
(|||) :: forall a b c m. Monad m => C.Conduit a m c -> C.Conduit b m c -> C.Conduit (Either a b) m c
(|||) x y = splitEitherC x y C.=$= eitherJoinC

maybeC :: forall a b m. Monad m => C.Conduit a m b -> C.Conduit (Maybe a) m (Maybe b)
maybeC (C.HaveOutput na ca oa) = C.HaveOutput (maybeC na) ca (Just oa)
maybeC (C.PipeM ma ca) = C.PipeM (do { p <- ma; return $ maybeC p }) ca
maybeC (C.Done _ _) = C.Done Nothing ()
maybeC p@(C.NeedInput f ca) = C.NeedInput (maybe (C.HaveOutput (maybeC p) (return ()) Nothing) $ maybeC . f) (maybeC ca)

fromJustC :: forall a m. Monad m => C.Conduit (Maybe a) m a
fromJustC = C.filter isJust C.=$= C.map fromJust

(?=$=) :: forall a b c d m. Monad m => C.Pipe b (Maybe a) m () -> C.Pipe a c m d -> C.Pipe b c m d
(?=$=) b c = b C.=$= fromJustC C.=$= c

applyC :: forall a b m. Monad m => C.Conduit (a -> b, a) m b
applyC = C.map (\(f, x) -> f x) -- もうArrowでやれというか...

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