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No, you don't want a dash

Last updated at Posted at 2024-07-13

Characters have names.

I happen to have some experience with text normalization of Western texts, crawled from the World Wide Web, having seen the better part of the zodiac of esoteric symbols. Also, as a traumatic carryover from my relationship with LaTex, I also have some by-product-level of interest in typesetting. One of the recurring topics being the hyphen.

Since poeople have a tendency to assign any word to any meaning (hello arbitrariness of the sign, hello Saussure!), I don't expect anyone to be aware of the nomenclature concerning the horizontal bar-like symbols. Say, when German people read out text loud for others, they say "minus" for the hyphen. But anyone who did LaTeX - and math - knows that minus and hyphen symbols are not interchangeable. You are butchering it. Well, historically, hyphen used to be a replacement for minus in environments where only ASCII was available. Like your grandmom's typewriter. Hence the official name HYPHEN-MINUS.

Without aiming to be comprehensive, here is a list of hyphen-like symbols.

symbol unicode name notes
- 0x002d hyphen the only one in ASCII plane
0x2212 non-breaking hyphen
- 0x2212 minus minus is not hyphen
0x2013 en-dash as wide as 'n'
0x2013 dash or em-dash as wide as 'm'
0x2e14 double em-dash twice 'm'
0x2e15 horizontal bar for typographers
0xfe58 small em dash for typographers
0x2e12 CJK minus minus in Japanese texts
0xff0d CJK hyphen
0x30fc CJK length mark Japanese length mark

Feel free to check the code point for any of these symbols in Python:


So, who cares?

Normally no one cares. I don't care. But when a site is explicitly asking for a dash in the input, most probably it is not what they want. They want an ASCII hyphen, not a dash. They just don't know. Perhaps dash sounds cooler than hyphen, or easier to spell. I have never come accross any site that accepted dash - code point 0x2e14 - in the input.


Yeah, the failed attempt in the screenshot was due to the dash.


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