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UE4 4.13 の Release Notes で気になるものを抜粋してみた

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4.13 が出たので、 Release Notes から気になった点を抜粋 → メモレベルのコメントを書いてみた。

書いた本人の技術(知識)は、 VR環境向けにアプリいくつか作ったけど、まだまだ初心者レベルなので、気になった点があればお察し or コメントで指摘ください。

公式の Release Notes



Widget Interaction Component

Widget にコンボボックス、スライダなどインタラクションコンポーネントが追加された

Procedural Mesh Slicing

Procedural Mesh で動的にスパスパと切れる。

後述する Stathc Mesh の CPU アクセス許可有効が必須

Play from VR Editor

VR Editor 内での実行が可能に

Screenshots from VR Editor

VR Editor 内でスクショ撮れる

Automatic Entry to VR Editing Mode


Media Framework Overhaul

h.264 対応とか

Optimized Instanced Stereo Rendering for VR

主にPSVR向けに Instanced Stereo Rendering が最適化された模様。
StereoPanorama プラグインはこれが有効だと動かないorz


Bug fix については割愛。


New: Added "empty" keyword to Clear Array Node which will show the Clear Array Node in the Blueprint Graph Context Menu when searching using the word "empty."

Array ノードに empty が追加された。
これで IsValid だったり、要素数取得して 1 未満か?と確認する必要が無くなる。

New: Added Interface properties can be exposed on spawn.

Interface にプロパティ定義できるようになった?要確認

The "Delete Unused Variable" feature now considers the "Get Class Defaults" node.



New: Added Option to show warnings and errors visually on the HUD in development builds.

  • Controlled by Duration Of Errors And Warnings On HUD in Engine.Engine section of DefaultEngine.ini (0 = disable).

HUD で警告とエラー表示可能に

Editor and Tools

New: Added the ability to set PNG and JPG files as a Splash Image from the Project Settings.


New: You can now package a plugin from the plugin browser.

プラグインの packaging ができるようになった?

Source Control

New: Git Plugin implemented the Sync operation to update local files using the git pull --rebase command.

rebase 対応。

New: Git Plugin now allows you to make an initial commit when initializing a new project.

initial commit 対応。Win 環境で若干癖のある Git Bash で初回に色々やっておく必要が無くなりそう

If multiple assets need to be checked out, a single notification is now created for all files rather than creating one notification for each file.


When submitting changed assets to source control, files that were previously deleted are no longer resubmitted to source control.


Gameplay Framework

New: Added support for multi-jumping to Character Movement, and fixed infinite jumps when Jump Max Hold Time is set.


New: Added "Get Parent Actor" convenience function.

GetParentActor追加。 ChildActor 使ってる場合に親に通知したりできそう

New: Added Activate and Deactivate events to the Actor Component.

Actor にも Activate/Deactivate 追加

New: Added new "Load Level Instance" Blueprint node, which allows to create multiple transformed instances of a .umap without having to include in persistent level's list.

.umap からのインスタンス生成→読み込みが BP で。

Improved "Move Component To Rotation".

MoveComponentToRotation が改善された。普段使ってなかったかもしれないが...

Learning Resources

Content Examples

  • New: Added TP_VirtualRealityBP to list of Blueprint templates

preview 時には VRTemplate だったけど、 VirrualReality になってた。


New: Game window titles now show only the project title by default in shipping builds.

  • The default window title for non-shipping builds remains unaltered.
  • If there is a value stored in the Project Displayed Title setting, it will be displayed for all configurations.
  • If there is a value stored in the Project Debug Title Info setting, it will be appended to the window title in non-shipping builds.

shipping build 時、プロジェクトタイトルのみ表示がデフォルトに。


New: Allowed 'show collision' console command to work in Test configurations.



New: Added a setting to make the game window preserve its content's aspect ratio while being resized by user. This is on by default.


New: Added support for encrypting .ini files from the Project Settings and the Project Launcher.

ini ファイルの暗号化サポート


New: Added 'Allow CPU Access' flag to a Static Mesh, allowing CPU access to geometry in cooked builds.

  • This is required to convert a Static Mesh to a Procedural Mesh Component in-game.

StaticMesh に、CPUアクセス許可フラグの追加。
ProceduralMesh をスパスパ切るには許可必須。

New: Added the GPU Shared Flag to render targets so they can be shared with other applications.

RenderTarget にGPU 共有フラグ追加。他アプリとの共有可能に。

New: Added Blueprint node (Export Render Target and Export Texture 2D) to export 2D render targets and textures as HDR images to the disk.

ExportRenderTarget, ExportTexture2D ノード追加。
HDR イメージがHDD保存可能に。
Cube も対応してないだろうか...

New: Capsule shadows are now supported in stereo (VR).

Cupsule shodows 対応。

New: Create Project Settings to optionally disable certain rendering features which cause extra shader permutations and extra shader compile time if they are not required for a given project.

  • Can be found under Project Settings > Rendering Overrides (Local).
  • If an attempt to use a disabled feature is made, a warning will be displayed.


New: Added a new Blueprint function "Clear Render Target 2D", which is the only way to set a render target alpha directly.

ClearRenderTarget2D ノード追加。

New: Added a new Blueprint function "Create Render Target 2D", which allows self-contained render-to-texture blueprints

CreateRenderTarget2D ノード追加。

Cube も欲しい...


New: The transforms of individual mesh particles are now available in materials via the "Transform Vector" and “Transform Position” nodes for advanced material effects on mesh particles.

TransformVector と TransformPosition を追加。


r.Hoge の設定が色々追加。 FPS稼げない→調整が簡単にできそうなのが多数

基本的には packaging 前に調整しておくのがいいけど、別な環境に渡す場合などに使えそう


New: Added a way to control how far down the HLOD hierarchy to allow showing (can be used to limit quality loss and streaming texture memory usage on high scalability settings).


New: Realtime GPU profiler - preview feature (not yet enabled by default).

リアルタイム GPU プロファイラ追加。 GPU profiler 2 の最適化とも関連している?

New: Reduced memory allocations when creating sections in a Procedural Mesh Component.

Procedural Mesh でのセクション作成時のメモリ削減

New: Simple forward shading path for scaling down to low end PC.

ini の設定のみで有効/無効が切り替えられるので、いざという時に使うとか、シェーディングにこだわらない場合は一括で Simple forward shading ON というのもありかも。



New: Added ability to replace the widget the track is currently bound to. Also includes changes in Widget Blueprint Editor to send delegate to Animation Tab Summoner when switching from Graph to Designer.

Widget 側で位置トラッキング → delegate 呼び出し出来るようになった
3D 表示したい場合に Widget → Actor に Widget Component とかまさなくても済むようになる?

New: Added additional styling options for the default items that are created in the combobox, such as Font.


New: Added "Get Url" method and “On Url Changed” property to the Web Browser widget.

使わないかもだけど Web Browser widget にGetUrl, OnUrlChanged 追加。

New: Worked on better support for VR interactions with Slate widgets by introducing the Widget Interaction Component and performance improvements to the Widget Component.

Widget と Widget component の相互作用のパフォーマンス改善。
ということは、 Widget の 3D 表示には、 Widget Component 必須なのは変わらず、か


New: Added a "Start in VR" project setting, which will force a project to try and start in VR mode, regardless of whether or not it has -vr specified on the commandline.

プロジェクト設定(と、起動時のコマンドラインオプション)で VR 強制設定を追加。

New: Added additional Motion Controller types, to allow for extension to devices that have more than just left and right trackers.

MotionController にタイプ設定を追加。

New: Added in "Get HMD Device Name" function to the HMD function library, which allows you to identify which plugin (e.g. Oculus Rift, SteamVR, PSVR) is currently active.

GetHMDDeviceName 関数で、 HMD のデバイス名が取得できるようになった。

New: Added fix for flickering shadows on translucent surfaces in VR.


New: Added Steam VR Stereo Layer Support.



New: Added several new extensibility points to animation and physics for plugin development.

  • Exported FAnimBlueprintCompiler class from KismetCompiler module.
  • Exported AssetUserData interface virtuals on UAnimationAsset.
  • Exported several virtuals on UAnimSequenceBase and USkeleton.
  • Added SimEventCallbackFactory for custom simulation event callbacks.
  • Added CreatePhysicsDelegate and DestroyPhysicsDelegate multi-cast delegates to UActorComponent.


New: Improved performance of RecalcRequiredBones on SkeletalMeshComponents. It now takes a third of the time to execute on average.

SkeletalMesh の RecalcRequiredBones パフォーマンス改善。平均で処理時間が 1/3 程度まで改善した。


New: Allowed AudioVolume to be subclassed outside Engine module.

エンジンモジュール外で AudioVolume のサブクラス化が可能に。

New: Threaded Audio.

Audio のスレッド化。



Gameplay Framework



New: Added SlackIntegrations module for sending messages to Slack from UE4 projects.

VR の子項目になってるのがなぜ?
これって、Slack に設定済みの何かを送信できるだけ?双方向?

Upgrade Notes



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