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Keyboard shortcuts for the main calibre program for Mac

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Keyboard shortcuts for the main calibre program for Mac

Keyboard    | 
shortcut    | Action
Alt+Shift+D | Toggle Book details panel
Alt+Shift+T | Toggle Tag browser
 E          | Edit metadata of selected books
 O          | Open containing folder
 S          | Save to disk
Alt+V       | View specific format
Alt+A       | Show books by the same author as the current book
Alt+T       | Show books with the same tags as current book
Alt+Shift+F | Toggle Search Bar
Esc         | Clear the current search
Shift+Esc   | Focus the book list
 N          | Find the next book that matches the current search
            | (only works if search highlighting is turned on in search preferences)
Shift+N     | Find the previous book that matches the current search
            | (only works if search highlighting is turned on in search preferences)
Cmd+M       | Toggle mark/unmarked status on selected books


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