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Amazon Linux 2 に snoopy logger をインストールする

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SSH操作ログを記録したい。Amazon Linux 2で。ちょっとハマったのでメモ。

Amazon Linux 1


sudo yum install -y snoopy-logger --enablerepo=epel

Amazon Linux 2

EPELにパッケージが存在してません。 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1154859 として挙がったものの、進捗は無いようです。

docker run -it library/amazonlinux:2 /bin/bash
yum list | grep snoopy
yum list --enablerepo=epel | grep snoopy

Amazon Linux 2 で成功する手順

git-master 指定でなら成功。snoopy-installがリコメンドしてきた gcc などの他に、Dockerコンテナ版Amazon Linux 2 は which のインストールも必要でした。

docker run -it library/amazonlinux:2 /bin/bash
yum install -y gcc gzip make socat tar wget autoconf git libtool m4
yum install -y which
rm -f snoopy-install.sh
wget -O snoopy-install.sh https://github.com/a2o/snoopy/raw/install/doc/install/bin/snoopy-install.sh
chmod 755 snoopy-install.sh
./snoopy-install.sh git-master


bash-4.2# ./snoopy-install.sh git-master
SNOOPY INSTALL: Required programs already present: gcc gzip make socat tar wget autoconf git libtool m4
SNOOPY INSTALL: Starting installation, log file: //snoopy-install.log
SNOOPY INSTALL: Installation mode: git-REFERENCE
SNOOPY INSTALL: Cloning git repository: https://github.com/a2o/snoopy.git
SNOOPY INSTALL: Checking out git ref: master
SNOOPY INSTALL: Git submodules: initilizing...
SNOOPY INSTALL: Git submodules: updating...
SNOOPY INSTALL: Bootstraping build environment... done.
SNOOPY INSTALL: Configuring... done.
SNOOPY INSTALL: Building... done.
SNOOPY INSTALL: Installing... done.
SNOOPY INSTALL: Enabling... done.

SNOOPY LOGGER is now installed and enabled.

TIP #1: If Snoopy is to be enabled for all processes, you need
        to restart your system, or at least all services on it.

TIP #2: If you ever need to disable Snoopy, you should use provided
        'snoopy-disable' script. Use 'snoopy-enable' to reenable it.

TIP #3: Snoopy output can usually be found somewhere in /var/log/*
        Check your syslog configuration for details.

TIP #4: Configuration file location: /etc/snoopy.ini
        See included comments for additional configuration options.

Snoopy wishes you a happy logging experience:)



Amazon Linux 2 で失敗する手順 (stable

stable と バージョン指定の場合、 http://source.a2o.si というサーバーから持ってこようとしているのですが、 https://github.com/a2o/snoopy/issues/146 によりダメなようです。サーバーが落ちてる理由はちょっとわからないです。まあ、そのうち復活するんじゃないでしょうか。わからんけど。

bash-4.2# ./snoopy-install.sh stable
SNOOPY INSTALL: Required programs already present: gcc gzip make socat tar wget
SNOOPY INSTALL: Starting installation, log file: //snoopy-install.log
SNOOPY INSTALL: Installation mode: package-latest-stable
SNOOPY INSTALL: Getting latest Snoopy version... ^Z

(ここで control + z。一時停止させる

[1]+  Stopped                 ./snoopy-install.sh stable
bash-4.2# bg %1
[1]+ ./snoopy-install.sh stable &


bash-4.2# ps -auxfww
root         1  0.0  0.1  11748  3056 pts/0    Ss   05:49   0:00 /bin/bash
root      5385  0.0  0.1  11616  2660 pts/0    S    05:53   0:00 /bin/bash ./snoopy-install.sh stable
root      5389  0.0  0.0  11616  1776 pts/0    S    05:53   0:00  \_ /bin/bash ./snoopy-install.sh stable
root      5398  0.0  0.2  47116  4692 pts/0    S    05:53   0:00      \_ wget -q -O - http://source.a2o.si/download/snoopy/snoopy-latest-version.txt
root      5404  0.0  0.1  51924  3524 pts/0    R+   05:54   0:00 ps -auxfww


Amazon Linux 2 で失敗する手順 (バージョン指定

https://github.com/a2o/snoopy/issues/146 のとおりgithubのソースでバージョン指定でやってみるものの、Buildの途中で突然死します。何か出てきても使うのは怖いですね。

bash-4.2# ./snoopy-install.sh git-snoopy-2.4.6
SNOOPY INSTALL: Required programs already present: gcc gzip make socat tar wget autoconf git libtool m4
SNOOPY INSTALL: Starting installation, log file: //snoopy-install.log
SNOOPY INSTALL: Installation mode: git-REFERENCE
SNOOPY INSTALL: Cloning git repository: https://github.com/a2o/snoopy.git
SNOOPY INSTALL: Checking out git ref: snoopy-2.4.6
SNOOPY INSTALL: Git submodules: initilizing...
SNOOPY INSTALL: Git submodules: updating...
SNOOPY INSTALL: Bootstraping build environment... done.
SNOOPY INSTALL: Configuring... done.
SNOOPY INSTALL: Building... bash-4.2#

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