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Here Few Upcoming Trends with Angular 8 for 2020

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Being one of the most popular software development instruments today, Angular has received a lot of recommendations and recognition from the development community all over the world.

With the rise in popularity of using Angular for building user interfaces, the development community has grown. Heading towards 2020, Angular has a lot for the industries and thus is giving us the opportunity to explore its functionalities, features, and benefits for web and mobile app development.
1.Enterprise web apps
The global clientele is always expecting a robust Enterprise web application with the latest framework and codes adhering to the guidelines. The Enterprise web applications should be developed in such a way that they are business-driven, highly-optimized, and user-centric thus enhancing the growth of the business.
With the release of Angular latest version, the expectations of getting these things fulfilled increased as it was written in TypeScript and TypeScript has the following capabilities:
Navigation features
Advanced refactoring
Code reusability
easy maintenance.

2. Progressive web apps (PWAs)
Imagine yourself in an area with no network reception. You want to search for a nearby bookstore. Your web app has everything you wanted but can't work when you are offline. Every time you lose the network, you experience a stall in the application. Moreover, a typical web application would load all of its scripts before starting up. This will result in a wait for at least a minute or more for the first-page load. Ultimately, it will result in abandoning the application.
To avoid this, PWA comes into the picture.

With the capacity to provide a smooth user-experience in areas with no network coverage, they utilize the current browser technologies. They use service workers. These service workers act a bit like proxy intercepting the network requests and caching the responses. The entire application is permitted to be installed in the client's browser. Thus, the user can utilize the application being offline.
Introduced by Google in 2015, the forecast of Progressive Web Apps(PWAs) gaining popularity with Angular by the Angular development team is soon to be realized. Suggesting
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Why Angular 8 deserves all the limelight?

TypeScript is used to built Angular applications. It is a superset of JavaScript.
Features of TypeScript:
Higher security
Detects and eliminates errors at early stages
Not a stand-alone language
Direct debug on the browser or editor
Easy opt-out for the feature if needed.
Ensures improved navigation
Improved refactoring and auto-completion services.

MVVM Architecture

To develop robust and interactive developing web applications, Angular makes use of MVVM architecture. It is the modern structure of the MVC pattern. Due to this reason, the focus remains the same for MVVM like MVC implementation where you will require to split the domain logic and the presentation layer.
MVVM architecture is involved in:
Data Maintenance
Displaying of data
Accountable view
Connection establishment through the between view and model by the ViewModel.

Google Support:
Google developers provide great support to Angular for its development and maintenance. With Google's Long-term Support(LTS), it is clear about the intention of Google's plan of sticking and scaling on the Angular ecosystem catering to the day-to-day requirements. The angular framework is used by Google apps. The team is very optimistic about the stability of Angular.


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