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Spring boot interview questions and answers

Last updated at Posted at 2019-11-29

What is Spring Boot application?
The Spring Boot is primarily considered as a framework from “The Spring Team” that eases the bootstrapping and the development of new Spring applications. It has not been implemented from the scratch by The Spring Team, instead, it has been implemented on the top of existing Spring Framework.
Being a Spring’s convention-over-configuration solution, the Spring Boot application helps in creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications that one can “just run”. It simplifies the process for configuring as well as deploying the spring applications.

Why we need Spring Boot?
Spring Framework aims to simplify Java Applications Development.
Spring Boot Framework aims to simplify Spring Development.

What is Spring Boot Starter?
Spring Boot Starters are just JAR Files. They are used by Spring Boot Framework to provide “Auto-Dependency Resolution”.
What is Spring Boot AutoConfigurator?
Spring Boot AutoConfigurator is used by Spring Boot Framework to provide “Auto-Configuration”.

What is Spring Boot Actuator?
Spring Boot Actuator is used by Spring Boot Framework to provide “Management EndPoints” to see Application Internals, Metrics etc.
What is Spring Boot CLI?
In simple words, Spring Boot CLI is Auto Dependency Resolution, Auto-Configuration, Management EndPoints, Embedded HTTP Servers(Jetty,Tomcat etc.) and (Groovy,Auto-Imports).

What is Spring Boot Initilizr?
Spring Boot Initilizr is a Spring Boot tool to bootstrap Spring Boot or Spring Applications very easily.
Spring Boot Initilizr comes in the following forms:
Spring Boot Initilizr With Web Interface.
Spring Boot Initilizr With IDEs/IDE Plugins.
Spring Boot Initilizr With Spring Boot CLI.
Spring Boot Initilizr With ThirdParty Tools.

Why we need Spring Boot Initilizr?
Spring Boot Initilizr simplifies Spring Applications Development by providing initial project structure and build scripts.
It reduces Development time.
It increases Productivity.

Spring Boot With Maven/Gradle?
Spring Boot Framework uses one of the greatest features of Maven/Gradle build tools: “Transitively Dependency Resolution Management”. And Checkout Spring boot interview questions.

What is “Transitively Dependency Resolution Management”?
“Transitively Dependency Resolution Management” means: If we define a “A” dependency in build scripts, “A” is dependent on “B” and “B” is dependent on “C”, That means “A” is also dependent on “C”.Then Build Tools will download and add all Three Jar files “A”, “B” and “C” to our application.

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What are the limitations with auto wiring?
Following are some of the limitations you might face with auto wiring:
Overriding possibility: You can always specify dependencies using and settings which will override autowiring.
Primitive data type: Simple properties such as primitives, Strings and Classes can’t be autowired.
Confusing nature: Always prefer using explicit wiring because autowiring is less precise.

Describe Spring DAO support?
The Data Access Object (DAO) support in Spring makes it easy to work with data access technologies like JDBC, Hibernate or JDO in a consistent way. This allows one to switch between the persistence technologies easily. It also allows you to code without worrying about catching exceptions that are specific to each of these technology.


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