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Basic Authentication with Java 11 HttpClient

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In this article, we will create Java 11 HttpClient that accesses Basic Auth protected REST API resource using sync and async mode. We will use Kotlin for a reference implementation.
Spring Boot 2 based Basic Auth Server
You can directly download the Basic Auth Server from Github Repository and run it locally using the below command.
Starting the server using Gradle
$ ./gradlew bootRun

Server will expose http://localhost:8080/api/health endpoint, which can be tested using the below curl command.
$ curl -i --user admin:password -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/health

Java 11 HttpClient
Java 11 HttpClient supports Basic Authentication using authenticator.
We can use either send or sendAsync api for making synchronous and asynchronous (fully non-blocking) requests.
HttpClient basic authentication - sync client
fun basicAuthSync() {
val httpClient: HttpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder()
.authenticator(object : Authenticator() {
override fun getPasswordAuthentication(): PasswordAuthentication {
return PasswordAuthentication("admin", "password".toCharArray())
val request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
val httpResponse = httpClient.send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString())
println("httpResponse statusCode = ${httpResponse.statusCode()}")

PasswordAuthentication is configured for handling HTTP Basic Authentication.
HttpClient - async client
httpClient.sendAsync(request, BodyHandlers.ofString())
Server Response
httpResponse statusCode = 200

What's new in Spring Boot 2
Spring boot 2 is liberated from legacy baggage of deprecated Java releases. Java 8 is the minimum baseline, with Java 9 support. Under the hood Spring Boot, 2 uses Spring 5.
Reactive web programming support with Spring Webflux.
Auto-configuration and starter POMs for reactive Spring Data Cassandra, MongoDB, Couchbase and Redis.
Supports embedded Netty, along with HTTP/2 support for Tomcat, Undertow, and Jetty
Kotlin we supported in Spring Boot 2, along with Junit 5. Now you can write Spring Boot 2 application from scratch in Kotlin. 
A brand new actuator architecture, with support for Spring MVC, WebFlux and Jersey.
Simplified security auto-configuration.
Uses Spring Framework 5 under the hood.
Gradle 4 required, works well with Gradle 5.

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