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Extracting Rakuten orders history into a tabular data using python selenium

Last updated at Posted at 2022-09-23


Everything you buy on rakuten (https://www.rakuten.co.jp/) is saved into orders history, the so called 購入履歴
rakuten_with_selenium scripts parse your history of orders and save it into excel
We extract below information about orders in tabular form

  • order id
  • purchase date
  • item image link
  • item name
  • price
  • quantity

You can find the code on github, jspanda_eshop_parsing > rakuten_with_selenium.

Script walkthrough

Initialize selenium driver

We will use selenium webdriver to control rakuten web page

from selenium import webdriver
driver.get("rakuten page url")

Login to your Rakuten page

Next we will access login page, fill in username and password and click submit. get_rakuten_creds extracts dictionary with keys u and p from pickle file using pickle module.

# find login button and click on it
buttons = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "button")
login_buttons = [button for button in buttons if button.text == 'ログイン']
logging.info(f"there are {len(login_buttons)} login buttons")
login_button = login_buttons[0]

# fill in username and password and press submit
rakuten_creds = get_rakuten_creds(pathlib.Path(r"path to credentials folder"),creds_file_name="credentials pickel file name which is a dictionary with username and password"))
user_id = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "u")
pasw = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "p")
submit_btn = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "submit")

Accessing orders history page

Assuming that we logged in successfully, we will navigate to orders history page.
Rakuten orders history uses pagination. Each page consists of some 20 orders.
So we will navigate to each page by visiting url f"https://order.my.rakuten.co.jp/?page=myorder&act=list&page_num={page}"

One order may consist of multiple items. Because you might have shopped multiple items at one go.
All those items will be linked to the same order id.

# find order history link and click on it, which will take us to orders history page
order_hist_link = driver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, "購入履歴")

Looping through orders

As we loop through orders, we save extracted order item detail into a named tuple.
We add all these order item named tuples into a list and eventually convert them into a dataframe. Then we add the dataframe into yet another list, which we will eventually concatenate into one big dataframe with all order items extracted from rakuten orders history page.

# define a named tuple to hold an order item record
RakutenOrderItem = namedtuple("RakutenOrderItem", "order_id adate image name item_link price quantity total")
  1. We access list of orders by class name oDrListItem
  2. Then we iterate over each order and items that it consists of.
  3. We access items that make up an order by class name oDrListItemRightCont
  4. We extract order id and purchase date from the order element.
  5. As we loop through each item of an order, we extract information we are interested in such as name,image,price and quantity.
start_page = 1
end_page = 5
for page in range(start_page, end_page):
    logging.info(f"WILL PARSE PAGE {page}")
    rakuten_orders_url = f"https://order.my.rakuten.co.jp/?page=myorder&act=list&page_num={page}"

    rakuten_order_items = []

    order_list_items = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "oDrListItem")
    logging.info(f"there are {len(order_list_items)} order_list_items")
    for order_list_item in order_list_items:
        purchase_date_el = order_list_item.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "purchaseDate")
        order_id_el = order_list_item.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "idNum")
        logging.info(f"Found purchase_date {purchase_date_el.text} and order id {order_id_el.text}")
        order_item_elements = order_list_item.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "oDrListItemRightCont")
        for order_item_el in order_item_elements:
            image_el = order_item_el.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "img")
            image_src = image_el.get_attribute("src")
            order_item_link, order_item_name = extract_order_name_and_link(order_item_el)
            price_el = order_item_el.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "price")
            price = int(price_el.text.replace(",", ""))
            quantity_el = order_item_el.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "itemNum")
            quantity_patterns = re.findall("[0-9]", quantity_el.text)
            quantity = int(quantity_patterns[0])
            order_item = RakutenOrderItem(order_id_el.text,
                                          price * quantity)
            logging.info(f"order item : {order_item}")

We transform list of order item named tuples into dataframe before we continue to next orders page.
And append the dataframe into yet another list, which we will eventually concatenate into one big dataframe of rakuten order items

rakuten_order_df = pd.DataFrame(rakuten_order_items)
logging.info(f"rakuten_order_df : {len(rakuten_order_df)}")

Saving results

Concatenate all order items into one dataframe and save the results into excel file

rakuten_orders_df = pd.concat(rakuten_order_df_list)
rakuten_orders_df.index = range(len(rakuten_orders_df))
logging.info(f"extracted total of {len(rakuten_orders_df)} rakuten orders")

rakuten_orders_df["purchase_date"] = rakuten_orders_df["adate"].apply(convert_japanese_date_string_to_date)
rakuten_orders_df["year"] = rakuten_orders_df["purchase_date"].map(lambda adate: adate.year)
rakuten_orders_df["month"] = rakuten_orders_df["purchase_date"].map(lambda adate: adate.month)
min_date = rakuten_orders_df["purchase_date"].min()
max_date = rakuten_orders_df["purchase_date"].max()

data_folder = pathlib.Path(r"C:\Users\amrul\PycharmProjects\jspanda_eshop_parsing\data")
file = f"rakuten_orders_{to_yyyymmdd(min_date)}_to_{to_yyyymmdd(max_date)}.xlsx"
rakuten_orders_df.to_excel(data_folder / file)

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