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[Haskell] ネットワーク接続されたプリンタのステータスを取得するプログラム

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[Ruby] ネットワーク接続されたプリンタのステータスを取得するプログラム


  1. 16進文字列からByteStringに変換する処理
  2. UDPクライアントプログラム
  3. レスポンスがなかったときのタイムアウト処理
  4. ByteStringからIntやStringを取り出す処理
  5. 一定時間待ちをするsleep処理
  6. 指定した回数、IO aを繰り返し実行する処理
  7. アプリカティブを使用してできるだけdo構文を使わない書き方
  8. {-# OPTIONS -Wall -Werror #-}と hlint



{-# OPTIONS -Wall -Werror #-}
module Main where
-- | アプリカティブ
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>),many)
import Control.Monad (when)
-- | パケットの送受信に ByteString.Char8 を使用する
import Network.Socket hiding (sendTo,recvFrom)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Numeric (readHex)
-- | SNMPパケットの型と処理
type HexPacket = String

-- | 16進文字列を バイナリパケットに変換する
encodeRequest :: HexPacket -> B.ByteString
encodeRequest = B.pack . hexPacket2str
  where hexPacket2str = map (chr . fst . head . readHex) . words 

-- | convert big-endian ByteString to Int
big :: B.ByteString -> Int
big = B.foldl (\a c -> a*256 + ord c) 0

-- | SNMP GetRequest パケット
sysName :: HexPacket
sysName = "30 27 "
       ++ "02 01 00 "
       ++ "04 06 70 75 62 6c 69 63 "
       ++ "a0 1a "
       ++ "02 02 03 e8 "
       ++ "02 01 00 "
       ++ "02 01 00 "
       ++ "30 0e "
       ++ "30 0c "
       ++ "06 08 2b 06 01 02 01 01 05 00 "
       ++ "05 00 "

-- | SNMP レスポンスからsysNameを得てStringにして返す
decodeSysName :: B.ByteString -> String
decodeSysName s = 
  "sysName[" ++ name ++ "]"
  where n = big . B.take 1 $ B.drop 40 s
        name = B.unpack . B.take n $ B.drop 41 s
-- | SNMP GetRequest パケット
sysUpTime :: HexPacket
sysUpTime = "30 27 "
        ++  "02 01 00 "
        ++  "04 06 70 75 62 6c 69 63 "
        ++  "a0 1a "
        ++  "02 02 03 e9 "
        ++  "02 01 00 "
        ++  "02 01 00 "
        ++  "30 0e "
        ++  "30 0c "
        ++  "06 08 2b 06 01 02 01 01 03 00 "
        ++  "05 00 "

-- | SNMP レスポンスからsysUpTimeを得てStringにして返す
decodeSysUpTime :: B.ByteString -> String
decodeSysUpTime s = 
  "sysUpTime[" ++ show time ++ "]"
  where time = big . B.take 3 $ B.drop 41 s
-- | SNMP GetRequest パケット
hrDeviceStatus :: HexPacket
hrDeviceStatus =  "30 2A "
              ++  "02 01 00 "
              ++  "04 06 70 75 62 6c 69 63 "
              ++  "a0 1d "
              ++  "02 02 03 ea "
              ++  "02 01 00 "
              ++  "02 01 00 "
              ++  "30 11 "
              ++  "30 0f "
              ++  "06 0b 2b 06 01 02 01 19 03 02 01 05 01 "
              ++  "05 00 "

-- | SNMP レスポンスからhrDeviceStatusを得てStringにして返す
decodeHrDeviceStatus :: B.ByteString -> String
decodeHrDeviceStatus s = 
  "deviceStatus[" ++ status ++ "]"
  where st = big . B.take 1 $ B.drop 44 s
        status = case st of 
                   1 -> "unknown(1)"
                   2 -> "running(2)"
                   3 -> "warning(3)"
                   4 -> "testing(4)"
                   5 -> "down(5)"
                   _ -> "other(" ++ show st ++ ")"
-- | SNMP GetRequest パケット
hrPrinterStatus :: HexPacket
hrPrinterStatus = "30 2A "
              ++  "02 01 00 "
              ++  "04 06 70 75 62 6c 69 63 "
              ++  "a0 1d "
              ++  "02 02 03 eb "
              ++  "02 01 00 "
              ++  "02 01 00 "
              ++  "30 11 "
              ++  "30 0f "
              ++  "06 0b 2b 06 01 02 01 19 03 05 01 01 01 "
              ++  "05 00 "

-- | SNMP レスポンスからhrDeviceStatusを得てStringにして返す
decodeHrPrinterStatus :: B.ByteString -> String
decodeHrPrinterStatus s = 
  "printerStatus[" ++ status ++ "]"
  where st = big . B.take 1 $ B.drop 44 s
        status = case st of 
               1 -> "other(1) (error)"
               3 -> "idle(3)"
               4 -> "printing(4)"
               5 -> "warmup(5)"
               _ -> "unknown(" ++ show st ++ ")"
-- | printerアドレス (SNMPサーバ)
lp2500,pxb750f :: String
lp2500  = ""    -- LP-2500  laser
pxb750f = ""    -- PX-B750F inkjet

printer :: IO String
printer = return lp2500

-- | SNMPポート
port :: PortNumber
port = 161

-- | SNMPクライアント (UDPクライアント)
snmpClient :: String -> HexPacket -> (B.ByteString -> String) -> IO String
snmpClient server hexPacket decoder = withSocketsDo $ do
        (serveraddr:_) <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just server) (Just "snmp")
        let host = takeWhile (/=':') . show $ addrAddress serveraddr
        hostAddr <- inet_addr host
        soc <- socket AF_INET Datagram defaultProtocol
        let req = encodeRequest hexPacket
        _ <- sendTo soc req (SockAddrInet port hostAddr)
        tpl <- timeout (3*1000*1000) $ recvFrom soc 256
        close soc
        case tpl of
          Just (response, _) -> return $ decoder response
          Nothing  -> return "Timeout Error"

-- | SNMPで3つの値を取得して表示する
getThree :: IO ()
getThree = printer >>= (\server ->
           glue <$> snmpClient server sysUpTime decodeSysUpTime
                 <*> snmpClient server hrDeviceStatus decodeHrDeviceStatus
                 <*> snmpClient server hrPrinterStatus decodeHrPrinterStatus
           ) >>= putStrLn
                  where glue a b c = unwords [a,b,c]

-- | SNMPでsysNameを取得して表示する
getName :: IO ()
getName = printer
         >>= (\server -> snmpClient server sysName decodeSysName) 
         >>= putStrLn

-- | IO aなmをn回繰り返し実行する
times :: Int -> IO a -> IO ()
times n m = when (n > 0) $ m >> times (n-1) m

-- | メイン
main :: IO ()
main = getName
       >> times 10 (getThree >> threadDelay (1000*1000))



sysUpTime[3421] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[idle(3)]
sysUpTime[3523] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[idle(3)]
sysUpTime[3625] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[idle(3)]
sysUpTime[35036] deviceStatus[down(5)] printerStatus[other(1) (error)]
sysUpTime[35138] deviceStatus[down(5)] printerStatus[other(1) (error)]
sysUpTime[35241] deviceStatus[down(5)] printerStatus[other(1) (error)]
sysUpTime[261970] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[warmup(5)]
sysUpTime[262071] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[warmup(5)]
sysUpTime[262173] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[warmup(5)]
sysUpTime[263456] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[printing(4)]
sysUpTime[263560] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[printing(4)]
sysUpTime[263661] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[printing(4)]
sysUpTime[263763] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[printing(4)]
sysUpTime[263865] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[idle(3)]
sysUpTime[263966] deviceStatus[running(2)] printerStatus[idle(3)]

私の手持ちのプリンター EPSON LP-2500では、


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