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金融経済学#1:Introduction to finance and investment planning

Last updated at Posted at 2018-04-29


The purpose of this article is to review the sessions of Financial Economics. Actually, even though it doesn't seem to be related to Computer Science field directly, I open this to the public because it might be helpful to understand Financial Economics x CS field, for instance in the situation that you want to analyze stock trading with Deep Learning.

1. 金融資産 / Financial Assets


On this chapter, first of all, I offer the definition of "what is financial assets". Then, I categorize some financial assets into fine pieces based on the definition and explain the details for each.

1.1. 金融資産とは / Definition of financial assets


In the first place, what is "ASSETS"?
Assets is thought as something valuable with well-defined property right, for example a 100CHF banknote, a goat (Swiss example), a loan, an insurance contract.
On the other hand, Financial Assets is thought as something that has no intrinsic value usually, however has values and comes with rights or obligations in the future, which may be contingent on the realization of specific events. For example, bonds, stocks, options, annuities and so on.
However, the distinction between financial assets and non-financial assets is not clear.

1.2. 金融資産の分類 / Categorizing financial assets


Then, after supplying a definition for financial assets, let's categorize financial assets into two.

安全資産(Riskless assets):


Assets whose future values can be known with uncertainty (e.g. federal bond, cash, deposit)

危険資産(Risky assets):


Assets whose future values may depend on the realization of some events (e.g. health insurance, stocks, options)

2. 安全資産 / Riskless Assets


As the risk of default always exists, there are, strictly speaking, no pure riskless assets. Riskless assets are purely theoretical.
However, the following items are considered (almost) riskless assets.
・Government bonds depending on the country
・Savings accounts depending on the bank
・Banknotes depending on the monetary policy
Remark that the notion of "safe" depends on the unit of reference.

2.1. ゼロクーポン債(割引債) / Zero-coupon bond


Zero-coupon bond is one of the riskless assets.
A zero-coupon bond is a debt security that doesn't pay interest (a coupon) but is traded at a deep discount, rendering profit at maturity when the bond is redeemed for its full face value.

2.2. ディスカウンティング / Discounting


Discounting is the process of determining the present value (i.e. at time $t=0$) of a future payment $x_t$ at time $t>0$. When $x_t$ is defined as the value at time $t$ and $r_t$ is defined as the discount rate at time $t$, we can see the formula representing the present value of $x_t$ and sum of the present values till time $T$ as follows.

離散時間 (discrete time):$$PV(x_t)=\frac{x_t}{\prod_{i=0}^{t-1}(1+r_i)}$$

連続時間 (continuous time):$$PV(x_t)=e^{-\int_{0}^tr(\tau)d\tau}x_tdt$$

2.3. コンパウンディング / Compounding


Compounding is the process of determining the value at time $t$ (in the future) of monetary amount $x_0$ invested at time $t=0$. When $x_t$ is defined as the value at time $t$ and $r_t$ is defined as the interest rate at time $t$, we can see the formula representing the future value of $x_0$ as follows.

離散時間 (discrete time):$$CV_t(x_0)=\prod_{i=0}^{t-1}(1+r_i)x_0$$

2.4. 割引率 / Discount rates


When we implement discounting or compounding with discount rates, there are two options to adopt. On this part, discount rates is equivalent to interest rates.

スポット・レート / Spot interest rates


Spot interest rates correspond to the interest rates offered today (time $t=0$) on zero-coupon bonds of varying maturities $t>0$. With utilizing Spot interest rates, it enables us to calculate the present value of zero coupon bond more realistic.
For instance, when we put the maturity $t=3 years$, coupon rate $c=5$% and face amount $p=100yen$,
the present value of zero coupon bond will be calculated as follows.


1年物スポット・レート $r_1=6$%
2年物スポット・レート $r_2=7$%
3年物スポット・レート $r_3=8$%

Then, when we put
spot interest rates for 1 year $r_1=6$%
spot interest rates for 2 years $r_2=7$%
spot interest rates for 3 years $r_3=8$%,
the present value of zero coupon
with face amount $p=100yen$ will be following amount.


フォワード・レート / Forward interest rates


Forward interest rates correspond to the anticipated spot rates at future dates. Assumed that arbitrage will be worked towards the market trading, we will be able to anticipate the future interest rates based on spot interest rates at the moment. However, it is never guaranteed to realize the forward interest rates because it is only anticipated with the current rates, which means that it's just the theoretical rates.
When we put
spot interest rates for 1 year: $r_1$
spot interest rates for 2 years: $r_2$
forward interest rates from the 1st year to 2nd year: ${f_{1,2}}$,


イールド・カーブ / Yield curve


Spot interest rates depends on the remaining duration of maturity.
Yield curve shows the relationship between the remaining duration and the interest rates in a graph with remaining duration on horizontal line and rates on vertical line.

3. 危険資産 / Risky Assets


Risky assets are the assets whose future values may depend on the realization of some events.
e.g. )
・Stocks:assets whose value is related to the performance of the firms and to the "mood of the market" (expectations of other agents)
・Health insurance

3.1. デリバティブ / Derivatives


Derivatives are assets whose values mechanically depend on the values of other financial assets like the following examples.

先物取引 / Futures contract


Futures contract is the contract that makes a promise about future trading. Future contract has the obligation to purchase (long position) or sell (short position) the underlying at a specified future price at a specified delivery date.
The underlying may be a commodity (wheat, iron,...), a stock, a currency or an intangible such as an interest rate.

オプション取引 / Option contract


Option contract has the right to purchase (call option) or sell (short position) a specified amount of the underlying at a specified 'exercise price' at or before a specified expiration date.
The writer of the position has a short position and the owner of the option has a long position.
The underlying may be a commodity (wheat, iron,...), a stock, a currency or an intangible such as an interest rate as like the same case of futures contract.


The big difference between them is whether the transaction is the obligation or the right. Then, let's see the functions of those derivatives.

ヘッジング / Hedging


Hedging is an action to insure against market price volatility. By owning derivatives, a farmer receives a certain return fir his products.

投機 / Speculation


Speculation is an action to exploit profits from market price volatility.
Because derivatives can be traded with small amount of investment, it provides the speculators with many opportunities to speculate. (Leverage Effect)

3.2. オプション取引 / Options


Option contract has the right to purchase (call option) or sell (short position) a specified amount of the underlying at a specified 'exercise price' at or before a specified expiration date.The writer of the position has a short position and the owner of the option has a long position.
The underlying may be a commodity (wheat, iron,...), a stock, a currency or an intangible such as an interest rate as like the same case of futures contract.
Options is differed by as follows. On this article, basically we consider European rather than American options.

  • ポジション / Position
    • Long :option holder (right to exercise the option)
    • Short:option writer (obligation to facilitate the option's exercise)
  • 権利タイプ / Type of right
    • Call:long position has the right to purchase an asset for $X$
    • Put :long position has the right to sell an asset for $X$
  • 期限前行使 / Possibility of early exercise
    • American Option:exercise at or before expiration date $T$
    • European Option:exercise at expiration date $T$

それでは、ポジションと権利タイプそれぞれの組み合わせについて説明していきましょう。説明の際、それぞれの変数を以下のように設定しています。また重要なこととして、購入されたオプションが行使されなかった場合、そのオプションの権利はoption writerに戻ります。

Then, let's see more details for each combinations of Position and Type of right. On each combination, we put the following variables.

・権利行使価格 / Exercise price of option:$X$
・$T$期(満期)における対象商品の市場価格 / market price of the underlying at expiration date $T$:$S_T$
・オプションの購入価格 / Purchase price of option:$Premium$

ロング・コール / Long Call


Long call is the most basic option to buy call options. Call options is the right to purchase a specified amount of the underlying at a specified 'exercise price' at or before a specified expiration date.
On long call, generally speaking, if the price of the underlying increases as expected, investors can get profit by increasing of the premium for selling. On the other hand, if the price of the underlying does not achieve the expected price, the financial loss is limited to the premium for purchasing.

スクリーンショット 2018-04-29 3.24.39.png

ロング・プット / Long Put


Long put is the option to buy put options. Put options is the right to sell a specified amount of the underlying at a specified 'exercise price' at or before a specified expiration date.
On long put, generally speaking, if the price of the underlying decreases as expected, investors can get profit by increasing of the premium relatively for selling. On the other hand, if the price of the underlying does not achieve the expected price, the financial loss is limited to the premium for purchasing.

スクリーンショット 2018-04-29 3.25.57.png

ショート・コール / Short Call


Short call is the option to sell call options. Call options is the right to purchase a specified amount of the underlying at a specified 'exercise price' at or before a specified expiration date.
On short call, generally speaking, if the price of the underlying does not increase as expected, option writers can get premium. On the other hand, if the price of the underlying achieves the exercise price of option, option writers get financial loss (theoretically unlimited) because the right is exercised by holders.

スクリーンショット 2018-04-29 3.25.45.png

ショート・プット / Short Put


Short put is the option to sell put options. Put options is the right to sell a specified amount of the underlying at a specified 'exercise price' at or before a specified expiration date.
On long put, generally speaking, if the price of the underlying does not decrease as expected, option writers can get premium. On the other hand, if the price of the underlying achieves the expected price, option writers get financial loss (theoretically unlimited) because the right is exercised by holders.

スクリーンショット 2018-04-29 3.26.07.png

オプション戦略 / Option strategies



Bullish strategy:
The expectation that investors can generate a profit when the underlying's price increases. (e.g. long call, short put)

Bearish strategy:
The expectation that investors can generate a profit when the underlying's price decreases. (e.g. long put, short call)

4. 続き / Next Article

金融経済学#2:Option Valuation


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