
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

これはFujitsu Advent Calendar 2017の18日目の記事です。










基礎技術に関してさらに言えば、2016年に登場したx-shot learning技術は、はやくもベンチマークの上限に達する精度をたたき出しています。カプセルネットワークと呼ばれる新しい画像認識用ニューラルネットワークも提案されました。








  • 画像認識・・・ top of ILSVRC 2017
    Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks [pdf]
  • オブジェクト検知
    Mask R-CNN [pdf]
  • 2Dから3D物体検知
    2D-Driven 3D Object Detection in RGB-D Images [pdf]
  • オブジェクト追跡
    End-to-end representation learning for Correlation Filter based tracking [pdf]
    Detect to Track and Track to Detect [pdf]
  • セマンテックセグメンテーション
    Photographic Image Synthesis with Cascaded Refinement Networks [pdf]
  • 3次元認識
    Learning 3D Object Categories by Looking Around Them [pdf]
    Escape from Cells: Deep Kd-Networks for the recognition of 3D point cloud models [pdf]
    PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation [pdf]
  • 巨大クラス数学習
    Knowledge Concentration: Learning 100K Object Classifiers in a Single CNN [pdf]
  • 巨大データ学習
    Revisiting Unreasonable Effectiveness of Data in Deep Learning Era [pdf]
  • ジェスチャー認識
    Egocentric Gesture Recognition Using Recurrent 3D Convolutional Neural Networks with Spatiotemporal Transformer Modules [pdf]
  • 3次元幾何セグメンテーション
    3D Graph Neural Networks for RGBD Semantic Segmentation[pdf]
  • シーングラフ
    Scene Graph Generation from Objects, Phrases and Caption Regions [pdf]
  • 物体検知
    YOLO9000:Better, Faster, Stronger [pdf]


  • 動画の中割り作成
    A filter based approach for inbetweening [pdf]
    Video Frame Interpolation via Adaptive Separable Convolution [pdf]
  • 漫画のカラー化
    Comicolorization: Semi-Automatic Manga Colorization [pdf]
  • 線画作成
    Learning to Simplify: Fully Convolutional Networks for Rough Sketch Cleanup [pdf]
    Joint Gap Detection and Inpainting of Line Drawings [pdf]
  • 3Dオブジェクト補完
    High-Resolution Shape Completion Using Deep Neural Networks for Global Structure and Local Geometry Inference [pdf]
  • 画風の模倣
    Universal Style Transfer via Feature Transforms [pdf]
    Visual Attribute Transfer through Deep Image Analogy [pdf]
    Deep Photo Style Transfer [pdf]
    CAN: Creative Adversarial Networks Generating “Art” by Learning About Styles and Deviating from Style Norms [pdf]
  • CADデータ等からリアルなデータを生成
    Learning From Simulated and Unsupervised Images Through Adversarial Training [pdf]


  • DiscoGAN:ドメイン間の変換を学習
    Learning to Discover Cross-Domain Relations with Generative Adversarial Networks [pdf]
  • CycleGAN
    Unpaired image-to-image translation using cycle-consistent adversarial networks [pdf]
  • 2次元から3次元画像生成
    SSD-6D: Making RGB-Based 3D Detection and 6D Pose Estimation Great Again [pdf]
  • 未来予想
    Visual Forecasting by Imitating Dynamics in Natural Sequences [pdf]


  • レビュー論文
    Recent Trends in Deep Learning Based Natural Language Processing [pdf]
  • 音声合成
    Parallel WaveNet: Fast High-Fidelity Speech Synthesis [pdf]
  • 音声認識
    State-of-the-art Speech Recognition With Sequence-to-Sequence Models [pdf]
    Letter-Based Speech Recognition with Gated ConvNets [pdf]
  • 画像当てゲームで言語を生み出す。
    Multi-Agent Cooperation and the Emergence of (Natural) Language [pdf]
  • CNN技術応用
    Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning [pdf]
  • 強化学習応用
    An Actor-Critic Algorithm for Sequence Prediction [pdf]
  • 半教師ありテキスト分類
    Adversarial Training Methods for Semi-Supervised Text Classification [pdf]
  • ソフトマックス関数の悪影響を排除
    Breaking the Softmax Bottleneck: A High-Rank RNN Language Model [pdf]
  • 敵対学習応用
    Adversarial Learning for Neural Dialogue Generation [pdf]
    Toward Controlled Generation of Text [pdf]
  • 言語系タスク支援ツール
    ParlAI [pdf]


  • Alphagozero:ゼロから囲碁プロ棋士越え
    Mastering the game of Go without human knowledge [pdf]
  • Alphagoのチェス・将棋応用
    Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm [pdf]
  • マルチエージェント強化学習
    A Unified Game-Theoretic Approach to Multiagent Reinforcement Learning [pdf]
  • ロボティクス
    Leveraging Demonstrations for Deep Reinforcement Learning on Robotics Problems with Sparse Rewards [pdf]
  • マルチタスク強化学習
    Multi-Task Self-Supervised Visual Learning [pdf]
  • マルチタスク強化学習(省データ)
    Reinforcement Learning with Unsupervised Auxiliary Tasks [pdf]
  • エピソード学習
    Neural Episodic Control [pdf]
  • Q学習と政策勾配法の組み合わせ
    PGQ: Combining policy gradient and Q-learning [pdf]
  • 好奇心の定式化
    Curiosity-driven Exploration by Self-supervised Prediction [pdf]
  • エージェントをプログラミング
    Programmable Agents [pdf]
  • 量子アニーリングコンピュータ応用
    Quantum-enhanced reinforcement learning for finite-episode games with discrete state spaces [pdf]
  • 強化学習アルゴリズムの比較と組み合わせ
    Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning [pdf]
  • 逆カリキュラム学習
    Reverse Curriculum Generation for Reinforcement Learning [pdf]
  • 自然言語指示学習
    Grounded Language Learning in a Simulated 3D World [pdf]
    Dialogue Learning With Human-in-the-Loop [pdf]

x-shot learning

  • 強化学習応用
    DARLA: Improving Zero-Shot Transfer in Reinforcement Learning [pdf]
  • 勾配降下を学習
    Optimization as a Model for Few-Shot Learning [pdf]
    Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks [pdf]
  • Temp-Convネット応用
    Meta-Learning with Temporal Convolutions [pdf]
  • 初期値を推測
    Meta Networks [pdf]
    HyperNetworks [pdf]


  • インタラクティブな指示でピッキング
    Interactively Picking Real-World Objects with Unconstrained Spoken Language Instructions [pdf]
  • 画像圧縮
    Real-Time Adaptive Image Compression [pdf]
    End-to-end Optimized Image Compression [pdf]
  • GUI画像からプログラムを生成
    pix2code: Generating Code from a Graphical User Interface Screenshot [pdf]
  • 音楽生成
    MidiNet: A Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network for Symbolic-domain Music Generation [pdf]
  • 臨床兆候予想
    Doctor AI: Predicting Clinical Events via Recurrent Neural Networks[pdf]
    Deepr : A Convolutional Net for Medical Records [pdf]
    Predicting Medications from Diagnostic Codes with Recurrent Neural Networks [pdf]
  • X線検査応用
    AI Beats Radiologists at Pneumonia Detection [pdf]
  • 皮膚ガン診断
    Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks [pdf]
  • ガンの転移を診断
    Detecting Cancer Metastases on Gigapixel Pathology Images [pdf]
  • 複数の画像をまとめて診断
    Medical Image Segmentation Based on Multi-Modal Convolutional Neural Network: Study on Image Fusion Schemes [pdf]
  • 血管の疾患検知
    An automatic deep learning approach for coronary artery calcium segmentation [pdf]
  • 物理シミュレーション応用
    Data-Driven Synthesis of Smoke Flows with CNN-based Feature Descriptors [pdf]
  • ゲームエンジン
    Game Engine Learning from Video [pdf]
  • 自動運転
    End-to-end learning for lane keeping of self-driving cars [pdf]
  • ドローン
    A Deep Learning Approach to Drone Monitoring [pdf]
  • 国勢調査
    Using Deep Learning and Google Street View to Estimate the De- mographic Makeup of the US [pdf]
  • ネットワークトラフィック解析
    The Applications of Deep Learning on Traffic Identification [pdf]
  • 暗号技術
    Using Echo State Networks for Cryptography [pdf]
  • 気象予報
    Deep Forecast:Deep Learning-based Spatio-Temporal Forecasting [pdf]
  • モーゲージ債のリスク予想
    Deep Learning for Mortgage Risk [pdf]
  • 広告のクリック率予想
    Predicting Advertisement Clicks Using Deep Networks: Interpreting Deep Learning Models [pdf]
  • ファッションの流行を予想
    Fashion Forward: Forecasting Visual Style in Fashion [pdf]
  • 製造系検査
    A Generic Deep-Learning-Based Approach for Automated Surface Inspection [pdf]
    Deformable Patterned Fabric Defect Detection With Fisher Criterion-Based Deep Learning [pdf]
  • 物理現象の相転移検知
    Machine learning phases of matter [pdf]
    Deep Learning the Quantum Phase Transitions in Random Electron Systems: Applications to Three Dimensions [pdf]
    Detection of Phase Transition via Convolutional Neural Networks [pdf]


  • 影響関数
    Understanding Black-box Predictions via Influence Functions [pdf]
  • 可視化に関する課題のレビュー
    Challenges for Transparency [pdf]
  • CNN可視化
    Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization [pdf]


  • カプセルネットワーク
    Dynamic Routing Between Capsules [pdf]
  • ポインタネットワーク改良
    Pointer-Generator Network [pdf]
  • アテンション機構
    Residual Attention Network for Image Classification[pdf]
    Attention Is All You Need [pdf]
  • 転移学習:再利用するネットワークを選択
    PathNet: Evolution Channels Gradient Descent in Super Neural Networks [pdf]
  • ドロップアウト技術改良
    Dropout with Expectation-linear Regularization [pdf]
  • ディープテンソル:テンソル分解の応用
    Deep Tensor : Eliciting New Insights from Graph Data that Express Relationships Between People and Things [pdf]
  • SGD改良
    Entropy-SGD: Biasing Gradient Descent Into Wide Valleys [pdf]
  • Adam改善手法
    Fixing Weight Decay Regularization in Adam [pdf]
  • GANの新手法
    Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks[pdf]
  • IMASAT手法(情報量最大化+汎化)
    Learning Discrete Representations via Information Maximizing Self-Augmented Training [pdf]
  • レアデータ学習
    Learning to Remember Rare Events [pdf]


  • 多様体仮説
    Efficient Representation of Low-Dimensional Manifolds using Deep Networks [pdf]
  • DNI(ネットワーク分割)の理論解析
    Understanding Synthetic Gradients and Decoupled Neural Interfaces [pdf]
  • 実験的にDLの汎化性能が従来の理論に当てはまらないことを説明・・・ICLR2017ベストペーパー
    Understanding Deep Learning Requires Rethinking Generalization [pdf]
  • ディープラーニングの汎化性能の理論解析
    Generalization in Deep Learning [pdf]
  • GANの理論解析
    Generative Adversarial Nets from a Density Ratio Estimation Perspective [pdf]


  • オートエンコーダ改良
    Discrete Variational Autoencoders [pdf]
  • 省データグラフ畳み込み
    Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks [pdf]
  • 並列高速化
    Extremely Large Minibatch SGD: Training ResNet-50 on ImageNet in 15 Minutes [pdf]
    Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent with Delay Compensation [pdf]
  • RNNの高速化(Simple Recurrent Unit)
    Training RNNs as Fast as CNNs [pdf]
  • RNNの高性能化
    Recurrent Additive Networks [pdf]
  • 省メモリ
    Sparsely-Connected Neural Networks: Towards Efficient VLSI Implementation of Deep Neural Networks [pdf]
    Training Compressed Fully-Connected Networks with a Density-Diversity Penalty [pdf]
  • 省電力
    Eyeriss: An Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Accelerator for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks [pdf]
  • バイナリネットワーク改良
    Towards Accurate Binary Convolutional Neural Network[pdf]
  • ニューラルネットワーク圧縮(サーベイ)
    Efficient processing of deep neural networks: A tutorial and survey [pdf]
  • ネットワーク操作・モジュール化
    Modularized Morphing of Neural Networks [pdf]
  • attentionのグラフ応用
    Graph Attention Networks [pdf]
  • ハイパーパラメータ調整
    Population Based Training of Neural Networks [pdf]
  • 関係推論
    A simple neural network module for relational reasoning [pdf]
  • 因果推論
    Causal Effect Inference with Deep Latent-Variable Models [pdf]
  • 能動学習
    Interpretable Active Learning [pdf]
  • DLの検査手法
    Reluplex: An Efficient SMT Solver for Verifying Deep Neural Networks[pdf]
    Safety Verification of Deep Neural Networks [pdf]
  • 音から形や材質を予想
    Shape and Material from Sound [pdf]



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