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Last updated at Posted at 2020-05-22



  • ガチャの実施期間を設定したい
  • ガチャの実施期間が切り替わったら抽選対象アイテムを自動的に追加したい


id start_time end_time gacha_group gacha_lottery_id
1 2020-05-01 00:00:00 2020-05-31 23:59:59 A normal_1
2 2020-05-01 00:00:00 2020-05-31 23:59:59 A normal_11
3 2020-05-25 00:00:00 2020-05-31 23:59:59 B fighter_2
4 2020-06-01 00:00:00 2020-06-04 23:59:59 C omake_2_11
5 2020-05-20 00:00:00 2020-05-31 23:59:59 A omake_fighter_6
6 2020-06-01 00:00:00 2020-06-30 23:59:59 C normal_1
7 2020-06-01 00:00:00 2020-06-30 23:59:59 C normal_11
  • 2020年5月31日までの抽選対象グループ:A
  • 2020年6月1日 からの抽選対象グループ:C


  • ガチャの実施期間の開始と終了(start_time,end_time)
  • 期間内における抽選対象グループ(gacha_group)
  • 対応するガチャ方式定義ID(gacha_lottery_id)


id item_type times rarity omake_times omake_rarity cost
normal_1 0 1 0 0 0 10
normal_11 0 10 0 1 3 100
fighter_2 0 2 0 0 0 30
omake_2_11 0 9 2 2 3 150
omake_fighter_6 2 5 0 1 3 100



import random
from datetime import datetime

def gacha(lots, times: int=1) -> list:
    return random.choices(tuple(lots), weights=lots.values(), k=times)

def get_rarity_name(rarity: int) -> str:
    rarity_names = {5: "UR", 4: "SSR", 3: "SR", 2: "R", 1: "N"}
    return rarity_names[rarity]

# ガチャ情報の辞書
def get_gacha_info(now_time: int) -> dict:
    gachas = {
        1: {"start_time": "2020-05-01 00:00:00", "end_time": "2020-05-31 23:59:59", "gacha_group": "A",
            "gacha_lottery_id": "normal_1"},
        2: {"start_time": "2020-05-01 00:00:00", "end_time": "2020-05-31 23:59:59", "gacha_group": "A",
            "gacha_lottery_id": "normal_11"},
        3: {"start_time": "2020-05-25 00:00:00", "end_time": "2020-05-31 23:59:59", "gacha_group": "B",
            "gacha_lottery_id": "fighter_2"},
        4: {"start_time": "2020-06-01 00:00:00", "end_time": "2020-06-04 23:59:59", "gacha_group": "C",
            "gacha_lottery_id": "omake_2_11"},
        5: {"start_time": "2020-05-20 00:00:00", "end_time": "2020-05-31 23:59:59", "gacha_group": "A",
            "gacha_lottery_id": "omake_fighter_6"},
        6: {"start_time": "2020-06-01 00:00:00", "end_time": "2020-06-30 23:59:59", "gacha_group": "C",
            "gacha_lottery_id": "normal_1"},
        7: {"start_time": "2020-06-01 00:00:00", "end_time": "2020-06-30 23:59:59", "gacha_group": "C",
            "gacha_lottery_id": "normal_11"}

    results = {}
    for gacha_id, info in gachas.items():
        start_time = int(datetime.strptime(info["start_time"], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timestamp())
        end_time = int(datetime.strptime(info["end_time"], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timestamp())
        # 日時の範囲で対象ガチャ情報を絞り込みます
        if start_time <= now_time <= end_time:
            results[gacha_id] = info

    return results

# ガチャ方式定義情報の辞書
def get_gacha_lottery_info(gacha_lottery_id: str) -> dict:
    # gacha_groupを移管しました
    gacha_lottery = {
        "normal_1":  {"item_type": 0, "times": 1, "rarity": 0, "omake_times": 0, "omake_rarity": 0, "cost":10},
        "normal_11":  {"item_type": 0, "times": 10, "rarity": 0, "omake_times": 1, "omake_rarity": 3, "cost":100},
        "fighter_2":  {"item_type": 0, "times": 2, "rarity": 0, "omake_times": 0, "omake_rarity": 0, "cost":30},
        "omake_2_11":  {"item_type": 0, "times": 9, "rarity": 2, "omake_times": 2, "omake_rarity": 3, "cost":150},
        "omake_fighter_6":  {"item_type": 2, "times": 5, "rarity": 0, "omake_times": 1, "omake_rarity": 3, "cost":100}
    return gacha_lottery[gacha_lottery_id]

def set_gacha(items: dict, gacha_items: dict):
    # ガチャの設定に必要なアイテム情報をガチャアイテム情報に含める
    dic_gacha_items = {}
    for gacha_item_id, info in gacha_items.items():
        info["item_info"] = items[info["item_id"]]
        dic_gacha_items[gacha_item_id] = info

    # 抽選対象リストを抽出
    def get_lots(lottery_info: dict):
        lots = {}
        omake_lots = {}
        for id, info in dic_gacha_items.items():
            if lottery_info["gacha_group"] != info["gacha_group"]:
            if lottery_info["item_type"] and lottery_info["item_type"] != info["item_info"]["item_type"]:

            if not(lottery_info["rarity"]) or lottery_info["rarity"] <= info["item_info"]["rarity"]:
                lots[id] = info["weight"]

            if lottery_info["omake_times"]:
                if not(lottery_info["omake_rarity"]) or lottery_info["omake_rarity"] <= info["item_info"]["rarity"]:
                    omake_lots[id] = info["weight"]

        return lots, omake_lots

    # ガチャ実行
    def exec(gacha_lottery_id: str, now_time: int=0) -> list:
        if not now_time: now_time = int(datetime.now().timestamp())
        # 実行可能なガチャ情報を取得
        gachas = get_gacha_info(now_time)
        lottery_info = get_gacha_lottery_info(gacha_lottery_id)

        ids = []
        for gacha_id, gacha_info in gachas.items():
            if gacha_lottery_id == gacha_info["gacha_lottery_id"]:
                lottery_info["gacha_group"] = gacha_info["gacha_group"]
                print("==%s==:gacha_group:%s" % (gacha_lottery_id, lottery_info["gacha_group"]))
                lots, omake_lots =get_lots(lottery_info)
                ids = gacha(lots, lottery_info["times"])
                if len(omake_lots) > 0:
                    ids.extend(gacha(omake_lots, lottery_info["omake_times"]))
        return ids

    return exec

def main():
    # アイテム情報
    items = {
        5101: {"rarity": 5, "item_name": "UR_勇者", "item_type": 1, "hp": 1200},
        4201: {"rarity": 4, "item_name": "SSR_戦士", "item_type": 2, "hp": 1000},
        4301: {"rarity": 4, "item_name": "SSR_魔法使い", "item_type": 3, "hp": 800},
        4401: {"rarity": 4, "item_name": "SSR_神官", "item_type": 4, "hp": 800},
        3201: {"rarity": 3, "item_name": "SR_戦士", "item_type": 2, "hp": 600},
        3301: {"rarity": 3, "item_name": "SR_魔法使い", "item_type": 3, "hp": 500},
        3401: {"rarity": 3, "item_name": "SR_神官", "item_type": 4, "hp": 500},
        2201: {"rarity": 2, "item_name": "R_戦士", "item_type": 2, "hp": 400},
        2301: {"rarity": 2, "item_name": "R_魔法使い", "item_type": 3, "hp": 300},
        2401: {"rarity": 2, "item_name": "R_神官", "item_type": 4, "hp": 300},
        3199: {"rarity": 3, "item_name": "SR_勇者", "item_type": 1, "hp": 600},
        # 以下、追加
        4101: {"rarity": 4, "item_name": "SSR_勇者", "item_type": 1, "hp": 1000},
        5201: {"rarity": 5, "item_name": "UR_戦士", "item_type": 2, "hp": 1300},
        5301: {"rarity": 5, "item_name": "UR_魔法使い", "item_type": 3, "hp": 1000},

    # ガチャアイテム情報
    gacha_items = {
        1:  {"gacha_group": "A", "weight": 3, "item_id": 5101},
        2:  {"gacha_group": "A", "weight": 9, "item_id": 4201},
        3:  {"gacha_group": "A", "weight": 9, "item_id": 4301},
        4:  {"gacha_group": "A", "weight": 9, "item_id": 4401},
        5:  {"gacha_group": "A", "weight": 20, "item_id": 3201},
        6:  {"gacha_group": "A", "weight": 20, "item_id": 3301},
        7:  {"gacha_group": "A", "weight": 20, "item_id": 3401},
        8:  {"gacha_group": "A", "weight": 40, "item_id": 2201},
        9:  {"gacha_group": "A", "weight": 40, "item_id": 2301},
        10: {"gacha_group": "A", "weight": 40, "item_id": 2401},
        11: {"gacha_group": "B", "weight": 15, "item_id": 4201},
        12: {"gacha_group": "B", "weight": 30, "item_id": 3201},
        13: {"gacha_group": "B", "weight": 55, "item_id": 2201},
        # 以下、追加
        14: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 1, "item_id": 5101},
        15: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 1, "item_id": 5201},
        16: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 1, "item_id": 5301},
        17: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 9, "item_id": 4101},
        18: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 6, "item_id": 4201},
        19: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 6, "item_id": 4301},
        20: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 6, "item_id": 4401},
        21: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 20, "item_id": 3201},
        22: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 20, "item_id": 3301},
        23: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 20, "item_id": 3401},
        24: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 40, "item_id": 2201},
        25: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 40, "item_id": 2301},
        26: {"gacha_group": "C", "weight": 40, "item_id": 2401},

    # 実施するガチャのタプル
    gacha_lottery_ids = (

    # 動作確認のため、ガチャ実行日時を指定
    now_time = int(datetime.strptime("2020-06-01 00:00:00", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').timestamp())

    func_gacha = set_gacha(items, gacha_items)

    # gacha_lottery_idの設定にてガチャを実行
    for gacha_lottery_id in gacha_lottery_ids:
        ids = func_gacha(gacha_lottery_id,now_time)
        for id in ids:
            item_info = items[gacha_items[id]["item_id"]]
            print("ID:%d, %s, %s" % (id, get_rarity_name(item_info["rarity"]), item_info["item_name"]))

if __name__ == '__main__':



ID:26, R, R_神官
ID:25, R, R_魔法使い
ID:22, SR, SR_魔法使い
ID:26, R, R_神官
ID:24, R, R_戦士
ID:25, R, R_魔法使い
ID:21, SR, SR_戦士
ID:15, UR, UR_戦士
ID:24, R, R_戦士
ID:23, SR, SR_神官
ID:24, R, R_戦士
ID:21, SR, SR_戦士
ID:21, SR, SR_戦士
ID:25, R, R_魔法使い
ID:24, R, R_戦士
ID:21, SR, SR_戦士
ID:23, SR, SR_神官
ID:25, R, R_魔法使い
ID:23, SR, SR_神官
ID:18, SSR, SSR_戦士
ID:25, R, R_魔法使い
ID:23, SR, SR_神官
ID:17, SSR, SSR_勇者


  1. ゲーム画面(アプリ)側からgacha_idを指定してガチャの実行依頼
  2. 指定されたgacha_idが有効期限内であることを判定
  3. ガチャ情報(gacha_idにて取得した情報)を用いて、ガチャを実行

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