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[PHImageManager] iOS12以前とiOS13以降の挙動の変化について

Last updated at Posted at 2019-10-19


    //written on '19.10.17
    func testPHImageManager() {
        let imgManager = PHImageManager.default()

        //option setting
    	let  op = PHImageRequestOptions()
        op.isSynchronous = true//MARK: false で順番が入れ替わるか
        op.resizeMode = .exact
        op.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat

        let asset = testAssets[0]
        let w = CGFloat(asset.pixelWidth)
        let h = CGFloat(asset.pixelHeight)

		let originalSize = CGSize(width: w, height: h)
        for i in 0..<20 {
            let targetSize = CGSize(width: w*i.cgfloat * 0.5 , height: h*i.cgfloat * 0.5)
            //targetSize in pixel
            imgManager.requestImage(for: asset, targetSize:targetSize , contentMode: PHImageContentMode.aspectFill, options: op){
                img,info in

                guard var tmpImg = img else{

                print("original: \(originalSize)")
                print("targetSize: \(targetSize)")
                print("actualSize: \(img!.size)")

    //written on '19.10.17
    private func moveToPickerViewController() {
        let configuration = DKImageGroupDataManagerConfiguration()
        let assetFetchOptions = PHFetchOptions()
        assetFetchOptions.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "mediaType == %d", PHAssetMediaType.image.rawValue)
        configuration.assetFetchOptions = assetFetchOptions
        configuration.assetGroupTypes = [.smartAlbumUserLibrary]

        let groupDataManager = DKImageGroupDataManager(configuration: configuration)
        let pickerController = DKImagePickerController(groupDataManager: groupDataManager)
        pickerController.assetType = .allPhotos
        pickerController.sourceType = .photo
        pickerController.showsEmptyAlbums = false
        pickerController.didSelectAssets = { [unowned self] (assets:[DKAsset]) in
            self.testAssets = assets.map() {
                return ($0.originalAsset!)
        self.modalPresentationStyle = .pageSheet
        self.present(pickerController, animated: true, completion: nil)


original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (375.0, 667.0)
actualSize: (375.0, 667.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (1125.0, 2001.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (1500.0, 2668.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (1875.0, 3335.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (2250.0, 4002.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (2625.0, 4669.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (3000.0, 5336.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (3375.0, 6003.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (3750.0, 6670.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (4125.0, 7337.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (4500.0, 8004.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (4875.0, 8671.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (5250.0, 9338.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (5625.0, 10005.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (6000.0, 10672.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (6375.0, 11339.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (6750.0, 12006.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)
original: (750.0, 1334.0)
targetSize: (7125.0, 12673.0)
actualSize: (750.0, 1334.0)

cf. DKImagePickerController


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