
More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2019-01-20







Option Explicit

Public Sub GetDataSample()

  Dim temporaryBook As Workbook
  Dim connection    As Object
  Dim recordset     As Object
  Dim sql           As String
  Dim row           As Long

  Set temporaryBook = makeTemporaryBook ': If temporaryBook Is Nothing Then GoTo ERR_END
  GetSheetToBook ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SQL1").Range("A1"), temporaryBook, "SQL1"
  GetSheetToBook ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SQL2").Range("A1"), temporaryBook, "SQL2"

  Set connection = GetADODBConnection(temporaryBook)

  sql = "SELECT" _
      & "  B.日本語 " _
      & " FROM [SQL1$] AS A" _
      & "  LEFT OUTER JOIN [SQL2$] AS B" _
      & "   ON A.ID=B.ID AND A.ひらがな=B.ひらがな;" _

  If Not getADODBRecordset(connection, sql, recordset) Then GoTo ERR_END


'  'フィールド(項目)名を出力
'    For row = 0 To recordset.Fields.Count - 1
'      .Offset(, row).Value = recordset.Fields(row).Name
'    Next row

  ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SQL1").Cells(2, 3).CopyFromRecordset recordset

'  row = 2
'  Do Until recordset.EOF
'      ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SQL1").Cells(row, 3).Value = recordset!日本語
'      recordset.MoveNext
'      row = row + 1
'  Loop

  GoTo FIN


  MsgBox "エラーですよ"


  CloseRecordSet recordset

  CloseConnection connection

  DeleteBook temporaryBook

End Sub

Function makeTemporaryBook() As Workbook

  Dim newBook As Workbook

  On Error Resume Next
  Set newBook = Application.Workbooks(TEMPORARY_BOOK_NAME)
  On Error GoTo 0

  If Not newBook Is Nothing Then
    DeleteBook newBook
  End If

  Set newBook = Workbooks.Add

  Application.DisplayAlerts = False
  newBook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "TEMPORARY_BOOK_FOR_SQL", xlWorkbookDefault
  Application.DisplayAlerts = True

  Set makeTemporaryBook = newBook

End Function

Function DeleteBook(book As Workbook) As Boolean

  Dim fullname As String
  fullname = book.fullname

  On Error GoTo ERR_END

  Set book = Nothing
  Kill fullname

  On Error GoTo 0

  DeleteBook = True

  GoTo FIN

  Debug.Print "DeleteBook:削除失敗"
End Function

Public Sub GetSheetToBook( _
      table_top_left_range_of_src_sheet As Range _
    , destination_book As Workbook _
    , new_sheet_name_as_table_name As String _
  Const A1_CELL As String = "A1"
  Dim srcSheet As Worksheet
  Dim tableBottomRightRange As Range
  Dim tableRange As Range
  Dim dstSheet As Worksheet

  With table_top_left_range_of_src_sheet.CurrentRegion
    Set tableBottomRightRange = .Cells(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count)
  End With

  Set srcSheet = table_top_left_range_of_src_sheet.Parent
  Set tableRange = srcSheet.Range(table_top_left_range_of_src_sheet, tableBottomRightRange)

  With destination_book.Worksheets(1).Range(A1_CELL).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)
    If .Address(False, False) = A1_CELL And .Value = Empty Then
      Set dstSheet = destination_book.Worksheets(1)
      With destination_book
        Set dstSheet = .Worksheets.Add(After:=.Worksheets(.Worksheets.Count))
      End With
    End If
  End With

  dstSheet.Name = new_sheet_name_as_table_name
  With dstSheet.Range(A1_CELL)
    .PasteSpecial xlPasteFormats
    .PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
  End With

  Application.DisplayAlerts = False
  Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

Public Function GetADODBConnection(data_source_book As Workbook) As Object

  Dim ADODBConnection As Object
  Dim connectionString As String

  Set ADODBConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

  connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _
                   & "Data Source=" & data_source_book.fullname & ";" _
                   & "Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;" _
                   & "HDR=Yes"";"
  ADODBConnection.Open connectionString

  Set GetADODBConnection = ADODBConnection

End Function

Public Function getADODBRecordset( _
                        ByRef connection As Object, _
                        ByVal SQL_string As String, _
                        ByRef record_set As Object _
                        ) As Boolean
  Const adOpenDynamic       As Long = 2
  Const adLockOptimistic    As Long = 3

  On Error GoTo ERR_END

  Set record_set = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

  record_set.Open SQL_string, connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

  getADODBRecordset = True

  GoTo FIN


  MsgBox "getRecordsetにてエラー"


End Function

Public Sub CloseConnection(objCN As Object)

  Const adStateClosed = 0

  If objCN Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

  If objCN.State <> adStateClosed Then


  End If

  Set objCN = Nothing

End Sub

Public Sub CloseRecordSet(objRS As Object)

  Const adStateClosed = 0

  If objRS Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

  If objRS.State <> adStateClosed Then


  End If

  Set objRS = Nothing

End Sub


Sub testGetIEObject()
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = GetIEObject("https://photos.google.com/u/1/photo/AF1QipNlu2ACuq8nktSQuBWFIEjzl9oh2DU-BYCIEKJy")
ファイルダウンロードSample ie
End Sub



Public Sub ファイルダウンロードSample(ie As Object)
  With ie
    DownloadFileNbOrDlg .hwnd, "C:\Users\Tom\Documents\自作\Excel遊びテスト3"
  End With
End Sub

Private Sub DownloadFileNbOrDlg(ByVal hIE As Long, ByVal SaveFilePath As String)
'通知バー/Internet Explorerダイアログを操作してファイルをダウンロード
'※ UIAutomationClient(%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\UIAutomationCore.dll)要参照
' - hIE:InternetExplorerのハンドル
' - SaveFilePath:ファイルのダウンロード先
'https://gist.github.com/kumatti1/7957796 参考

  Dim uiAuto As CUIAutomation
  Dim elmIE As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmNotificationBar As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmSaveSplitButton As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmSaveDropDownButton As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmSaveMenu As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmSaveMenuItem As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmIEDialog As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmSaveAsButton As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmSaveAsWindow As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmFileNameEdit As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmSaveButton As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmNotificationText As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim elmCloseButton As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim iptn As IUIAutomationInvokePattern
  Dim vptn As IUIAutomationValuePattern

  Set uiAuto = New CUIAutomation
  Set elmIE = uiAuto.ElementFromHandle(ByVal hIE)

  With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If .FileExists(SaveFilePath) Then .DeleteFile SaveFilePath, True
  End With

    Set elmNotificationBar = _
      GetElement(uiAuto, _
                 elmIE, _
                 UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId, _
                 "IENotificationBar", _

    '[Internet Explorer]ダイアログ((ファイル名) で行う操作を選んでください)取得
    Set elmIEDialog = _
      GetElement(uiAuto, _
                 elmIE, _
                 UIA_NamePropertyId, _
                 "Internet Explorer", _
  Loop Until (Not elmNotificationBar Is Nothing) Or _
             (Not elmIEDialog Is Nothing)

  '***** 通知バー操作ここから *****
  If Not elmNotificationBar Is Nothing Then
    Set elmSaveSplitButton = _
      GetElement(uiAuto, _
                 elmNotificationBar, _
                 UIA_NamePropertyId, _
                 "保存", _
    If elmSaveSplitButton Is Nothing Then GoTo Fin

    Set elmSaveDropDownButton = _
      GetElement(uiAuto, _
                 elmNotificationBar, _
                 UIA_LegacyIAccessibleRolePropertyId, _
    If elmSaveDropDownButton Is Nothing Then GoTo Fin

    '[保存]ドロップダウン押下 -> [名前を付けて保存(A)]ボタン押下
    Set iptn = elmSaveDropDownButton.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)
      Sleep 300
      Set elmSaveMenu = _
        GetElement(uiAuto, _
                   uiAuto.GetRootElement, _
                   UIA_ClassNamePropertyId, _
                   "#32768", _
    Loop While elmSaveMenu Is Nothing
    Set elmSaveMenuItem = _
      GetElement(uiAuto, _
                 elmSaveMenu, _
                 UIA_NamePropertyId, _
                 "名前を付けて保存(A)", _
    If elmSaveMenuItem Is Nothing Then GoTo Fin
    Set iptn = elmSaveMenuItem.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)
  End If
  '***** 通知バー操作ここまで *****

  '***** Internet Explorerダイアログ操作ここから *****
  If Not elmIEDialog Is Nothing Then
    Set elmSaveAsButton = _
      GetElement(uiAuto, _
                 elmIEDialog, _
                 UIA_NamePropertyId, _
                 "名前を付けて保存(A)", _
    If elmSaveAsButton Is Nothing Then GoTo Fin
    Set iptn = elmSaveAsButton.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)
  End If
  '***** Internet Explorerダイアログ操作ここまで *****

  If (elmNotificationBar Is Nothing) And (elmIEDialog Is Nothing) Then GoTo Fin

  '***** 名前を付けて保存操作ここから *****
  Sleep 300
    Set elmSaveAsWindow = _
      GetElement(uiAuto, _
                 uiAuto.GetRootElement, _
                 UIA_NamePropertyId, _
                 "名前を付けて保存", _
  Loop While elmSaveAsWindow Is Nothing

  '[ファイル名]欄取得 -> ファイルパス入力
  Set elmFileNameEdit = _
    GetElement(uiAuto, _
               elmSaveAsWindow, _
               UIA_NamePropertyId, _
               "ファイル名:", _
  If elmFileNameEdit Is Nothing Then GoTo Fin
  Set vptn = elmFileNameEdit.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_ValuePatternId)
  vptn.SetValue SaveFilePath

  Set elmSaveButton = _
    GetElement(uiAuto, _
               elmSaveAsWindow, _
               UIA_NamePropertyId, _
               "保存(S)", _
  If elmSaveButton Is Nothing Then GoTo Fin
  Set iptn = elmSaveButton.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)
  '***** 名前を付けて保存操作ここまで *****

  '***** ダウンロード完了待ちここから *****
  If elmNotificationBar Is Nothing Then
      Set elmNotificationBar = _
        GetElement(uiAuto, _
                   elmIE, _
                   UIA_AutomationIdPropertyId, _
                   "IENotificationBar", _
    Loop While elmNotificationBar Is Nothing
  End If

  Set elmNotificationText = _
    GetElement(uiAuto, _
               elmNotificationBar, _
               UIA_NamePropertyId, _
               "通知バーのテキスト", _
  If elmNotificationText Is Nothing Then GoTo Fin

  Set elmCloseButton = _
    GetElement(uiAuto, _
               elmNotificationBar, _
               UIA_NamePropertyId, _
               "閉じる", _
  If elmCloseButton Is Nothing Then GoTo Fin

  Loop Until InStr( _
    elmNotificationText.GetCurrentPropertyValue(UIA_ValueValuePropertyId), _
    "ダウンロードが完了しました") > 0

  Set iptn = elmCloseButton.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_InvokePatternId)
  '***** ダウンロード完了待ちここまで *****

  Exit Sub
  MsgBox "処理が失敗しました。", vbCritical + vbSystemModal
End Sub

Private Function GetElement(ByVal uiAuto As CUIAutomation, _
                            ByVal elmParent As IUIAutomationElement, _
                            ByVal propertyId As Long, _
                            ByVal propertyValue As Variant, _
                            Optional ByVal ctrlType As Long = 0) As IUIAutomationElement
  Dim cndFirst As IUIAutomationCondition
  Dim cndSecond As IUIAutomationCondition

  Set cndFirst = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition( _
                   propertyId, _
                   propertyValue _
  If ctrlType <> 0 Then
    Set cndSecond = uiAuto.CreatePropertyCondition( _
                      UIA_ControlTypePropertyId, _
                      ctrlType _
    Set cndFirst = uiAuto.CreateAndCondition( _
                     cndFirst, _
                     cndSecond _
  End If
  Set GetElement = elmParent.FindFirst(TreeScope_Subtree, cndFirst)
End Function


' 関数名:GetIEObject
' 概要 :指定されたURLを開いているInternetExplorerのインスタンスを返します
' 引数 :[url]...URL
' 戻り値:InternetExplorerのインスタンス
Public Function GetIEObject(ByVal url As String) As Object
    Set GetIEObject = Nothing

    Dim sh As Object
    Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

    Dim w As Object
    For Each w In sh.Windows
        If InStr(w.Name, "Internet Explorer") > 0 Then
            If (w.LocationURL = url) Then
                Set GetIEObject = w
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
End Function

Option Explicit

' Win32 API定義
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

'Internet ExplorerのCOMをインスタンス化します
Dim ie As New InternetExplorer

Sub ログインページを開く()

    'サンプルHTMLを開いているInternet Explorerのインスタンスを取得します
    Set ie = GetIEObject("https://www.pairs.lv/")
    If (ie.LocationURL = "") Then
        ie.navigate "https://www.pairs.lv/"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ie.Visible = Trsue

    Dim ancObj As HTMLAnchorElement
    For Each ancObj In ie.document.getElementsByClassName("login-facebook-button direct_btn")
        Exit For

End Sub
Sub FaceBookログインページのieセット()

    Dim sh As Object
    Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

    Dim w As Object
    For Each w In sh.Windows
        If (TypeOf w Is InternetExplorer) Then
            If (0 < InStr(w.LocationURL, "https://www.facebook.com/login")) Then
                Set ie = w
                Exit For
            End If
        End If

    Dim inpObj As HTMLInputElement
    Set inpObj = ie.document.getElementById("email")
    inpObj.Value = ""

    Set inpObj = ie.document.getElementById("pass")
    inpObj.Value = ""

    Set inpObj = ie.document.getElementById("u_0_0")

End Sub

Sub inputTest()

    Const targetURL As String = "https://lms.gacco.org/courses/course-v1:gacco+ga031+2019_10/courseware/572b7833ed5b4ba7983e5383fa5e4c8c/fc1b5aecd0304871a36f99f2aa73d7b6/"

    Dim ie As Object
    Set ie = GetIEObject(targetURL)
    If (ie.LocationURL = "") Then
        ie.Navigate targetURL
        Exit Sub
    End If

    ie.Visible = True

    Dim formElement As Object
    Set formElement = ie.document.getElementsByTagName("form")(0)

    Dim formElemChildren As Object
    Set formElemChildren = GetChildrenByTagname(formElement, "input select textarea")

    Dim element As Object
    For Each element In formElemChildren
        Select Case StrConv(element.tagName, vbLowerCase)
            Case "input"
                Select Case StrConv(element.Type, vbLowerCase)
                    Case "hidden"
                    Case "radio"
                        CheckByParentInnerText element, "01", include:=True
                    Case "text"
                        element.Value = "test"
                    Case "checkbox"
                        CheckByParentInnerText element, "02", include:=True
                    Case "submit"
                    Case Else
                End Select
            Case "select"
                SelectOptionByValueOrByInnerText element, "東京都"
            Case "textarea"
                element.Value = "test" & vbCrLf & "test"
            Case Else
        End Select

End Sub

Function GetChildrenByTagname(parentElement As Object, tagNamesSeparetedSpace As String, Optional ByRef elementCollection As Collection) As Object
    If elementCollection Is Nothing Then
        Set elementCollection = New Collection
    End If

    Dim tagNameArray As Variant, tagName As Variant
    tagNameArray = Split(tagNamesSeparetedSpace, " ")

    Dim element As Object, i As Long
    For Each element In parentElement.Children

        GetChildrenByTagname element, tagNamesSeparetedSpace, elementCollection

        For i = LBound(tagNameArray) To UBound(tagNameArray)
            If StrConv(element.tagName, vbLowerCase) = tagNameArray(i) Then
                elementCollection.Add element
            End If

    Set GetChildrenByTagname = elementCollection
End Function

Sub SelectOptionByValueOrByInnerText(selectElement As Object, valueOrInnerText As String)

    Dim optionEleCollec As Collection
    Set optionEleCollec = GetChildrenByTagname(selectElement, "option")

    Dim element As Object
    For Each element In optionEleCollec

        If element.Value = valueOrInnerText _
        Or element.innerText = valueOrInnerText Then

            element.Selected = True

        End If


End Sub

Sub CheckByParentInnerText(inputElement As Object, innerText As String, Optional include As Boolean = False)

    Dim checkFlg As Boolean
    checkFlg = False

    If include = True Then
        If InStr(inputElement.parentElement.innerText, innerText) > 0 Then
            checkFlg = True
        End If
        If inputElement.parentElement.innerText = innerText Then
            checkFlg = True
        End If
    End If

    inputElement.Checked = checkFlg
End Sub


Sub testtest()
    Dim ie As Object
    Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
    ie.Visible = True
    ie.navigate "about:blank"               'IE開く

    ie.navigate "http://synodos.jp/"    '指定のURLを開く

    'Internet ExplorerがURLを開けずにループし続ける場合を考慮し、制限時間を設けます
    Dim st As Date
    st = Now()

    Debug.Print st
    Debug.Print Format(st, "mmdd")

        If (ie.Busy = False) Then
            Exit Do
        End If

        '10秒経過してもInternet Explorerから処理が返ってこない場合は該当URLの読み込みを中断します
        If (DateAdd("s", 10, st) < Now()) Then
            Debug.Print "10秒以上経過したため、処理を中断します"
            Exit Sub

        End If

        Sleep 1000


    SetForegroundWindow ie.hwnd 'IEをアクティブに
    Application.Wait [Now()+”00:00:02”] '待機

    Dim obj As Object
    For Each obj In ie.document.getElementsByTagName("html") 'IEだとタブのフォーカスが最初はアドレスバーにあるから位置をhtmlに移動
        Exit For
    SendKeys "{TAB}{TAB}{TAB}"

End Sub


'----------------- API宣言部分 -----------------
Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32.dll" _
    Alias "FindWindowExA" ( _
    ByVal hWndParent As Long, _
    ByVal hwndChildAfter As Long, _
    ByVal lpszClass As String, _
    ByVal lpszWindow As String) As Long

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _
        (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As LongPtr

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SendMessageA" _
        (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, _
        ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Any) As Long

'Internet ExplorerのCOMをインスタンス化します
Dim ie As New InternetExplorer

Sub test()

  Dim hInputBox As Long
  Dim hButton As Long
  Dim hWindow As Long

'HWND FindWindow(
'  LPCTSTR lpClassName,  // クラス名
'  LPCTSTR lpWindowName  // ウィンドウ名

  hWindow = FindWindow("#32770", "アップロードするファイルの選択") '#32770は「ダイアログ」のクラス名

'HWND FindWindowEx(
'  HWND hwndParent,   // 親ウィンドウのハンドル
'  HWND hwndChildAfter,  // 子ウィンドウのハンドル
'  LPCTSTR lpszClass,   // クラス名
'  LPCTSTR lpszWindow   // ウィンドウ名


hInputBox = FindWindowEx(hWindow, 0&, "ComboBoxEx32", "")

  hInputBox = FindWindowEx(hInputBox, 0&, "ComboBox", "")

  hInputBox = FindWindowEx(hInputBox, 0&, "Edit", "")

  hButton = FindWindowEx(hWindow, 0&, "Button", "開く(&O)")

Call SendMessage(hInputBox, &HC, 0, "C:\Users\Tom\Desktop\Excel遊び.xlsm")

'LRESULT SendMessage(
'  HWND hWnd,     // 送信先ウィンドウのハンドル
'  UINT Msg,       // メッセージ
'  WPARAM wParam,  // メッセージの最初のパラメータ
'  LPARAM lParam   // メッセージの 2 番目のパラメータ

Call SendMessage(hButton, &H6, 1, 0&)  'ボタンをアクティブにする
Call SendMessage(hButton, &HF5, 0, 0&) 'ボタンをクリックする

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub sample()
    Dim outLookAp As Object
    Set outLookAp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

    Dim objItem As Object
    Dim objAttachment As Object
    Dim strFile As String
    Dim strPath As String

    strPath = "C:\Users\Tom\Documents\電子書籍\IT\プログラミング・スクリプト\Excel VBAクローリング&スクレイピング\Sample\3\tmp\tmp" 'ファイルを保存したいフォルダ

    Set objItem = outLookAp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem '今開いているメールオブジェクトを取得
    For Each objAttachment In objItem.Attachments
        strFile = strPath & "\" & objAttachment.Filename
        objAttachment.SaveAsFile strFile

End Sub

Sub GetAllMail()
    Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
    Dim myNamespace As Outlook.Namespace
    Dim 受信トレイ As Object
    Dim mailFolder As Object

    Set objOutlook = New Outlook.Application
    Set myNamespace = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")

    Set 受信トレイ = myNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)

    Dim i As Long: i = 1 '出力用カウンタ
    Debug.Print 受信トレイ.Name
    メールを取得し、サブフォルダがあればそのメールも取得 受信トレイ, i

End Sub

Sub メールを取得し、サブフォルダがあればそのメールも取得(フォルダ As Object, ByRef mailCnt As Long)

    Dim i As Long
    If フォルダ.Items.Count > 0 Then
        For i = 1 To フォルダ.Items.Count
            mailCnt = mailCnt + 1
            With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Outlook")
                .Cells(mailCnt, 1).Value = フォルダ.Items(i).SentOn
                .Cells(mailCnt, 2).Value = フォルダ.Items(i).Subject
                .Cells(mailCnt, 3).Value = フォルダ.Items(i).Body
            End With
        Next i
    End If
    Dim mailFolder As Object
    For Each mailFolder In フォルダ.Folders
        Debug.Print mailFolder.Name
        メールを取得し、サブフォルダがあればそのメールも取得 mailFolder, i
    Next mailFolder
End Sub


Private Sub ListView1_OLEDragDrop( _
    Data As MSComctlLib.DataObject, _
    Effect As Long, _
    Button As Integer, _
    Shift As Integer, _
    x As Single, _
    y As Single)

    Dim LineText As String
    Dim AllText As String
    Dim i

    If Data.Files.Count > 0 Then
        For i = 1 To Data.Files.Count
            MsgBox Data.Files(i)
        Next i
    End If
End Sub


Private Sub クリップボードの中身判定()
    Dim ClipBoard As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    ClipBoard = Application.ClipboardFormats

    If ClipBoard(1) = -1 Then
        MsgBox "クリップボードは空です。", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If

    For i = 1 To UBound(ClipBoard)
        MsgBox ClipBoard(i)
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub クリップボードの中を見る()
    Dim CB As New DataObject
    MsgBox CB.GetFormat(1)

Public Function 提出期限(ByVal a_day As Date) As Date

    Dim day21later As Date
    day21later = a_day + 21

    Dim calender_array() As Variant
    calender_array = Calender.Range("カレンダー").Value
    Dim bisDayCnt As Long: bisDayCnt = 0
    Dim i As Long
    For i = UBound(calender_array) To LBound(calender_array) Step -1

        If day21later = calender_array(i, 1) Then

                If calender_array(i, 2) = 0 Then
                    bisDayCnt = bisDayCnt + 1

                    If bisDayCnt >= 2 Then Exit For

                End If

                i = i - 1

            Loop While i >= LBound(calender_array)
            Debug.Print "え!?"

        End If


    提出期限 = calender_array(i, 1)

End Function


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\EXCEL.EXE"
C:\Users\Tom\Documents\自作\自動実行\自動実行サンプル.xlsm /e


Sub temp()
    Debug.Print Sheet_Table.ListObjects("売上表").Range.Address
    Debug.Print Sheet_Table.Range("売上表").Address
End Sub

Sub Macro1()
    On Error Resume Next: Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    On Error GoTo 0: Application.DisplayAlerts = True

    Dim shPivot As Worksheet
    Set shPivot = CodeNameとシート名を指定してシートを作成("Sheet_PivotTable", "ピボットテーブル")

    Dim Lobj売上表 As ListObject
    Set Lobj売上表 = Sheet_Table.ListObjects("売上表")

    With ThisWorkbook.PivotCaches
        Dim pCache As PivotCache
        Set pCache = .Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:=Lobj売上表.Range, Version:=xlPivotTableVersion10)
    End With
    With pCache
        Dim pTable As pivotTable
        Set pTable = .CreatePivotTable(TableDestination:=shPivot.Cells(6, 3), TableName:="ピボットテーブルFrom売上表", DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion10)
    End With

    ピボットテーブルの行フィールド設定 pTable, Lobj売上表.HeaderRowRange.Cells(, 4).Value
    ピボットテーブルの列フィールド設定 pTable, Lobj売上表.HeaderRowRange.Cells(, 1).Value
    ピボットテーブルのデータフィールド設定 pTable, Lobj売上表.HeaderRowRange.Cells(, 8).Value
End Sub

Sub testChangeCodeName()
ChangeCodeName "sheet_test", "Sheet30"
End Sub
Public Sub ChangeCodeName(newCodeName As String, oldCodeName As String)
    ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(oldCodeName).Properties("_CodeName") = newCodeName
End Sub

Sub test新しいシートをCodeNameを指定して追加()
CodeNameとシート名を指定してシートを作成 "Sheet_PivotTable", "ピボットテーブル"
End Sub
Function CodeNameとシート名を指定してシートを作成(newCodeName As String, newName As String) As Worksheet
    Dim newSheet As Worksheet
    With ThisWorkbook
        Set newSheet = .Sheets.Add(After:=.Sheets(.Sheets.Count))  'AddメソッドはAddしたシートを返す
    End With
    ChangeCodeName newCodeName, newSheet.CodeName
    newSheet.Name = newName
    Set CodeNameとシート名を指定してシートを作成 = newSheet
End Function

Sub ピボットテーブルの行フィールド設定(pTable As pivotTable, 項目名 As String)
    With pTable.PivotFields(項目名)
        .Orientation = xlRowField
        .Position = 1
    End With
End Sub
Sub ピボットテーブルの列フィールド設定(pTable As pivotTable, 項目名 As String)
    With pTable.PivotFields(項目名)
        .Orientation = xlColumnField
        .Position = 1
    End With
End Sub
Sub ピボットテーブルのデータフィールド設定(pTable As pivotTable, 項目名 As String)
    With pTable
        .AddDataField .PivotFields(項目名), "合計 / 数量", xlSum
    End With
End Sub
Sub 折れ線グラフ()
    Dim obj As Shape
    Set obj = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart2(227, xlLine)
    With obj.Chart
        .SetSourceData Source:=Sheet_PivotTable.Range("ピボットテーブル!$C$6:$G$21")
    End With
End Sub


Sub データ一つ検証() 'セル一つのだとvar配列はエラーになる!
    Dim var配列() As Variant
    var配列 = Sheet_配列.Range("A1").Value
End Sub
Sub データ二つ検証() 'セル二つのだとvar配列はエラーにならない!⇒テーブルデータの場合は敢えてテーブルヘッダの行も入れるべき!
    Dim var配列() As Variant
    With Sheet_配列
        var配列 = .Range(Range("A1"), Range("A2")).Value
    End With
End Sub
Sub 日付列の日付データをdebugPrint()
    Const 日付ラベルセル番地 As String = "A1"
    Const ラベルの分 As Integer = 1
    Dim 日付配列() As Variant
    With Sheet_配列.Range(日付ラベルセル番地)
        If .End(xlDown).Row = .Parent.Rows.Count Then Exit Sub
        日付配列 = .Resize(.End(xlDown).Row - (.Row - ラベルの分), 1).Value
    End With
    Dim i As Long
    For i = LBound(日付配列) + ラベルの分 To UBound(日付配列)
        Debug.Print 日付配列(i, 1)
End Sub


Sub 非表示行削除(sh As Worksheet)

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False '画面更新を停止
    Application.EnableEvents = False 'イベント発生を停止

    Dim workRng As Range
    Set workRng = sh.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)

        Set workRng = workRng.Offset(1)
    Loop While workRng.EntireRow.Hidden

    Dim delRows As Range
        Set workRng = workRng.Offset(-1)
        If workRng.EntireRow.Hidden Then
            If delRows Is Nothing Then
                Set delRows = workRng
                Set delRows = Union(delRows, workRng)
            End If
        End If
    Loop Until workRng.Row = 1

    If Not delRows Is Nothing Then
    End If

    Application.EnableEvents = True 'イベント発生再開
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面更新再開

End Sub
Sub test非表示行削除()
非表示行削除 ActiveSheet
End Sub


Function 文字列yyyymmddを日付に変換(str_yyyymmdd As String) As Date
    Dim work_str As String
    work_str = Format(str_yyyymmdd, "####/##/##") 'Format関数の"#"は数字1文字を表す
    If IsDate(work_str) Then
        文字列yyyymmddを日付に変換 = CDate(work_str)
        Debug.Print "引数不正(引数[" & str_yyyymmdd & "]がyyyymmdd形式でない)"
    End If
End Function
Sub test文字列yyyymmddを日付に変換()
Debug.Print 文字列yyyymmddを日付に変換("19911006")
End Sub

Function 文字列yyyymmddを引数n分前後させる(str_yyyymmdd As String, n As Long)
    Dim work_dt As Date
    work_dt = 文字列yyyymmddを日付に変換(str_yyyymmdd)
    work_dt = DateAdd("d", n, work_dt)
    文字列yyyymmddを引数n分前後させる = Format(work_dt, "yyyymmdd")
End Function
Sub test文字列yyyymmddを引数n分前後させる()
Debug.Print 文字列yyyymmddを引数n分前後させる("19910721", 10000)
End Sub


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 'セルの値が変更されたとき
    If Intersect(Target, Range("2:3")) Is Nothing Then
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "セルの値が変更されました"
    End If
End Sub

Enum idx
    top = 0
End Enum

Sub ShapesFit()
    Dim myRange As Range
    Dim 位置と大きさ_外 As Variant, 位置と大きさ_内 As Variant
    位置と大きさ_外 = 位置と大きさを取得("外")
    位置と大きさ_内 = 位置と大きさを取得("内")

    Dim myShape As Shape
    Set myShape = ActiveSheet.Shapes("サンプルグラフ")
    Dim myChild As Variant
    myShape.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("グラフ!$D$2:$G$3")
    With myShape
        .left = 位置と大きさ_外(idx.lef)
        .width = 位置と大きさ_外(idx.wid)
        .top = 位置と大きさ_外(idx.top)
        .Height = 位置と大きさ_外(idx.hei)
    End With
    With myShape.Chart
       Debug.Print .PlotArea.InsideLeft
       Debug.Print .PlotArea.InsideWidth
       Debug.Print .PlotArea.InsideTop
       Debug.Print .PlotArea.InsideHeight
        .PlotArea.InsideLeft = 位置と大きさ_内(idx.lef) - 位置と大きさ_外(idx.lef) - 4 '4は微調整
        .PlotArea.InsideWidth = 位置と大きさ_内(idx.wid)
        .PlotArea.InsideTop = 位置と大きさ_内(idx.top) - 位置と大きさ_外(idx.top) - 4
        .PlotArea.InsideHeight = 位置と大きさ_内(idx.hei)
       Debug.Print .PlotArea.InsideLeft
       Debug.Print .PlotArea.InsideWidth
       Debug.Print .PlotArea.InsideTop
       Debug.Print .PlotArea.InsideHeight
    End With
End Sub
Function 完全一致検索(検索値 As String) As Range
    Set 完全一致検索 = Cells.Find(What:=検索値, After:=Range("A1"), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
            xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
            , MatchByte:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
End Function

Function 位置と大きさを取得(内or外 As String) As Variant
    If Not (内or外 = "内" Or 内or外 = "外") Then
        MsgBox "設定エラー"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim Ret(4) As Variant

    Dim 左上Rng As Range, 右下Rng As Range
    Set 左上Rng = 完全一致検索("【左上(" & 内or外 & ")】")
    Set 右下Rng = 完全一致検索("【右下(" & 内or外 & ")】")
    Ret(idx.top) = 左上Rng.top
    Ret(idx.lef) = 左上Rng.left
    Ret(idx.wid) = 右下Rng.left + 右下Rng.width - 左上Rng.left
    Ret(idx.hei) = 右下Rng.top + 右下Rng.Height - 左上Rng.top
    位置と大きさを取得 = Ret
End Function

Outlook イベント操作

Microsoft Word Objects

Private Sub Document_Open()
End Sub



Option Explicit

Private ObjOutlookAppEvent As New OutlookAppEvent

Public Sub SetOutlookAppEvent()
    Application.Visible = False
    Set ObjOutlookAppEvent = Nothing '2回以上呼び出す場合のため
    Set ObjOutlookAppEvent.App = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End Sub



Option Explicit

Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" _
        (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpsz0p As String, ByVal lpszFile As String, _
         ByVal lpszParams As String, ByVal lpszDir As String, _
         ByVal FsShowCmd As Long) As Long

Public WithEvents App As Outlook.Application
Private ObjWordAppEvent As New WordAppEvent

Const TITLE = "test" ' 自動処理するメールの件名

Private Sub App_NewMailEx(ByVal EntryIDCollection As String)
    Dim arrEntryId() As String, objMail As Object, i As Long
    arrEntryId = Split(EntryIDCollection, ",")
    For i = LBound(arrEntryId) To UBound(arrEntryId)
        Set objMail = App.Session.GetItemFromID(arrEntryId(i))
        If InStr(objMail.Subject, TITLE) > 0 Then
            MsgBox "you got mail !"
            PrintAttachments objMail
        End If
End Sub

Private Sub App_Quit()
    Dim setTime As Date
    setTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:05")  '5秒後に実行
    Application.OnTime setTime, "SetOutlookAppEvent"
End Sub

Private Sub App_Startup()
    Set ObjWordAppEvent = Nothing
    Set ObjWordAppEvent.App = GetObject(ThisDocument.FullName).Parent
    ObjWordAppEvent.App.Visible = False
End Sub

Public Sub PrintAttachments(ByVal objMail As MailItem)
MsgBox "PrintAttachments関数を呼び出しました"
    Const ATTACH_PATH = "C:\Users\Tom\Desktop\"   ' 添付ファイルを保存するフォルダを指定

    Dim objAttach As Attachment
    Dim strFileName As String
MsgBox "添付ファイル数:" & objMail.Attachments.Count
    If objMail.Attachments.Count > 0 Then
        For Each objAttach In objMail.Attachments
            ' 添付ファイルを指定フォルダに保存
            strFileName = ATTACH_PATH & objAttach.FileName
MsgBox strFileName & "を保存します"
            objAttach.SaveAsFile strFileName
            ' 保存したファイルを印刷する
'            Call ShellExecute(0, "print", strFileName, 0, ATTACH_PATH, 0)
    End If

End Sub


Option Explicit

Public WithEvents App As Word.Application

Private Sub App_WindowActivate(ByVal Doc As Document, ByVal Wn As Window)
    App.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub App_WindowDeactivate(ByVal Doc As Document, ByVal Wn As Window)
    App.Visible = False
End Sub

Private Sub App_WindowSelectionChange(ByVal Sel As Selection)
    App.Visible = False
End Sub



Sub testGetFileHashMD5()
Debug.Print GetFileHashMD5("C:\Users\Tom\Desktop\test.txt") 'OK
Debug.Print GetFileHashMD5("C:\Users\Tom\Desktop\1Byte.txt") 'OK
Debug.Print GetFileHashMD5("C:\Users\Tom\Desktop\null.txt") '空文字列を返す
End Sub

' 指定したファイルの MD5 ハッシュ値を取得する
Function GetFileHashMD5(fullName As String) As String

    Dim ByteArrayFromBinary
    ByteArrayFromBinary = ReadFileAsBinary(fullName)
    If VarType(ByteArrayFromBinary) <= vbNull Then Exit Function
    Dim md5
    Set md5 = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider")
    md5.ComputeHash_2 (ByteArrayFromBinary)
    Dim hashed_16() As Byte
    hashed_16 = md5.hash

    Dim msxml
    Set msxml = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    Dim xmlElement
    Set xmlElement = msxml.CreateElement("tmp")
    xmlElement.DataType = "bin.hex"
    xmlElement.NodeTypedValue = hashed_16
    GetFileHashMD5 = xmlElement.Text
End Function

Function ReadFileAsBinary(fullName As String)
    Const adTypeBinary = 1
    Dim stm
    Set stm = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    stm.Type = adTypeBinary
    stm.LoadFromFile fullName
    ReadFileAsBinary = stm.Read
End Function

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