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Ooura FFTをネイティブDLL(x64)にしてC#から使ってみた

Last updated at Posted at 2019-09-17

1. はじめに


2. スタティックライブラリの作成

大浦FFTのソースコードをVisual Studio 2019でスタティックライブラリにしました。
 fft4g.c fft8g.c fftsg.c


#pragma once

void cdft4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void rdft4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void ddct4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void ddst4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void dfct4g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);
void dfst4g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

void cdft8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void rdft8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void ddct8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void ddst8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void dfct8g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);
void dfst8g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

void cdftsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void rdftsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void ddctsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void ddstsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
void dfctsg(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);
void dfstsg(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

3. DLLの作成


#pragma once

#define DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define DLL_API __declspec(dllimport)

extern "C"
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_cdft4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_rdft4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_ddct4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_ddst4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_dfct4g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_dfst4g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

    DLL_API void OouraFFT_cdft8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_rdft8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_ddct8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_ddst8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_dfct8g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_dfst8g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

    DLL_API void OouraFFT_cdftsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_rdftsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_ddctsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_ddstsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_dfctsg(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);
    DLL_API void OouraFFT_dfstsg(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);
#include "pch.h"

#include "OouraFFTDll.h"
#include "OouraFFTLib.h"

void OouraFFT_cdft4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w)
    cdft4g(n, isgn, a, ip, w);


void OouraFFT_rdft4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w)
    rdft4g(n, isgn, a, ip, w);

4. C#でOouraFFTDll.dllを使うときのメソッドの定義


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // DllImport

namespace IvyFEM.FFT
    public class ImportedFunctions
        // OouraFFT
        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_cdft4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_rdft4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_ddct4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_ddst4g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_dfct4g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_dfst4g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_cdft8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_rdft8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_ddct8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_ddst8g(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_dfct8g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_dfst8g(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_cdftsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_rdftsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_ddctsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_ddstsg(int n, int isgn, double* a, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_dfctsg(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

        public static extern unsafe void OouraFFT_dfstsg(int n, double* a, double* t, int* ip, double* w);

5. FFT関数を使う

        public static void DoFFT(
            double[] times,
            double[] timeDomainDatas,
            out double[] freqs,
            out System.Numerics.Complex[] freqDomaindatas)
            freqs = null;
            freqDomaindatas = null;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(times.Length == timeDomainDatas.Length);
            int dataCnt = timeDomainDatas.Length;
            double dt = times[1] - times[0];

            // FFTを実行する
                int n = dataCnt;
                int isgn = 1; // 1 or -1;
                double[] a = new double[n * 2];
                a[0...2 * n - 1]   :input / output data(double *)
                        input data
                            a[2 * j] = Re(x[j]), 
                            a[2 * j + 1] = Im(x[j]), 0 <= j < n
                        output data
                            a[2 * k] = Re(X[k]), 
                            a[2 * k + 1] = Im(X[k]), 0 <= k < n

                X[k] = sum_j=0^n-1 x[j]*exp(2*pi*i*j*k/n), 0<=k<n
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    double data = timeDomainDatas[i];
                    a[2 * i] = data;
                    a[2 * i + 1] = 0;

                int ipSize = (int)(2 + Math.Sqrt(n)) + 1;
                int[] ip = new int[ipSize];
                ip[0] = 0;
                // w[],ip[] are initialized if ip[0] == 0

                int wSize = n / 2;
                double[] w = new double[wSize];

                    fixed (double* aP = &a[0])
                    fixed (int* ipP = &ip[0])
                    fixed (double* wP = &w[0])
                        IvyFEM.FFT.ImportedFunctions.OouraFFT_cdftsg(2 * n, isgn, aP, ipP, wP);

                freqDomaindatas = new System.Numerics.Complex[n];
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    double real = a[2 * i];
                    double imag = a[2 * i + 1];
                    // フーリエ複素振幅
                    System.Numerics.Complex data = new System.Numerics.Complex(real, imag);
                    freqDomaindatas[i] = data;

            // 時間長さ
            double tl = dt * dataCnt;
            // 周波数刻み
            double df = 1.0 / tl;
            // 周波数アレイ
            freqs = new double[dataCnt];
            for (int i = 0; i < dataCnt; i++)
                freqs[i] = i * df;

6. 計算例


        public void FFTExample(MainWindow mainWindow)
            int n = 8;
            double[] times = new double[n];
            double[] datas = new double[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                times[i] = i;
                datas[i] = i < 4 ? 1.0 : 0.0;

            string CRLF = System.Environment.NewLine;
            string ret =
                "FFT Example" + CRLF +
                "---------------------------------" + CRLF +
                "datas" + CRLF;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                ret += string.Format("{0}", datas[i]) + CRLF;
            ret += "---------------------------------" + CRLF;

            double[] freqs;
            System.Numerics.Complex[] freqDomainDatas;
            IvyFEM.FFT.Functions.DoFFT(times, datas, out freqs, out freqDomainDatas);
            ret +=
                "Result" + CRLF +
                "---------------------------------" + CRLF +
                "frequency domain data" + CRLF;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                ret += string.Format("{0}", freqDomainDatas[i]) + CRLF;
            ret += "---------------------------------" + CRLF;



7. まとめ

Ooura FFTをネイティブDLL(x64)にしてC#から使えるようにしました。

IvyFEM開発日誌(10).NET 有限要素法 IvyFEM - 時間領域FEMによるH面導波管直角コーナーベンドの散乱係数の計算(Givoli-Neta-Patlashenko's High order ABC)


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