$ brew install dnsmasq
$ touch /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf
$ sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
$ sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
nsmasq --help
Usage: dnsmasq [options]
Valid options are:
-a, --listen-address=<ipaddr> Specify local address(es) to listen on.
-A, --address=/<domain>/<ipaddr> Return ipaddr for all hosts in specified domains.
-b, --bogus-priv Fake reverse lookups for RFC1918 private address ranges.
-B, --bogus-nxdomain=<ipaddr> Treat ipaddr as NXDOMAIN (defeats Verisign wildcard).
-c, --cache-size=<integer> Specify the size of the cache in entries (defaults to 150).
-C, --conf-file=<path> Specify configuration file (defaults to /usr/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf).
-d, --no-daemon Do NOT fork into the background: run in debug mode.
-D, --domain-needed Do NOT forward queries with no domain part.
-e, --selfmx Return self-pointing MX records for local hosts.
-E, --expand-hosts Expand simple names in /etc/hosts with domain-suffix.
-f, --filterwin2k Don't forward spurious DNS requests from Windows hosts.
-F, --dhcp-range=<ipaddr>,... Enable DHCP in the range given with lease duration.
-g, --group=<groupname> Change to this group after startup (defaults to dip).
-G, --dhcp-host=<hostspec> Set address or hostname for a specified machine.
-h, --no-hosts Do NOT load /etc/hosts file.
-H, --addn-hosts=<path> Specify a hosts file to be read in addition to /etc/hosts.
-i, --interface=<interface> Specify interface(s) to listen on.
-I, --except-interface=<interface> Specify interface(s) NOT to listen on.
-j, --dhcp-userclass=set:<tag>,<class> Map DHCP user class to tag.
-J, --dhcp-ignore=tag:<tag>... Don't do DHCP for hosts with tag set.
-k, --keep-in-foreground Do NOT fork into the background, do NOT run in debug mode.
-K, --dhcp-authoritative Assume we are the only DHCP server on the local network.
-l, --dhcp-leasefile=<path> Specify where to store DHCP leases (defaults to /usr/local/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.leases).
-L, --localmx Return MX records for local hosts.
-m, --mx-host=<host_name>,<target>,<pref> Specify an MX record.
-M, --dhcp-boot=<bootp opts> Specify BOOTP options to DHCP server.
-n, --no-poll Do NOT poll /etc/resolv.conf file, reload only on SIGHUP.
-N, --no-negcache Do NOT cache failed search results.
-o, --strict-order Use nameservers strictly in the order given in /etc/resolv.conf.
-O, --dhcp-option=<optspec> Specify options to be sent to DHCP clients.
-p, --port=<integer> Specify port to listen for DNS requests on (defaults to 53).
-P, --edns-packet-max=<integer> Maximum supported UDP packet size for EDNS.0 (defaults to 4096).
-q, --log-queries Log DNS queries.
-Q, --query-port=<integer> Force the originating port for upstream DNS queries.
-R, --no-resolv Do NOT read resolv.conf.
-r, --resolv-file=<path> Specify path to resolv.conf (defaults to /etc/resolv.conf).
-S, --server=/<domain>/<ipaddr> Specify address(es) of upstream servers with optional domains.
-s, --domain=<domain>[,<range>] Specify the domain to be assigned in DHCP leases.
-t, --mx-target=<host_name> Specify default target in an MX record.
-T, --local-ttl=<integer> Specify time-to-live in seconds for replies from /etc/hosts.
-u, --user=<username> Change to this user after startup. (defaults to nobody).
-U, --dhcp-vendorclass=set:<tag>,<class> Map DHCP vendor class to tag.
-v, --version Display dnsmasq version and copyright information.
-V, --alias=<ipaddr>,<ipaddr>,<netmask> Translate IPv4 addresses from upstream servers.
-W, --srv-host=<name>,<target>,... Specify a SRV record.
-w, --help Display this message. Use --help dhcp or --help dhcp6 for known DHCP options.
-x, --pid-file=<path> Specify path of PID file (defaults to /usr/local/var/run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid).
-X, --dhcp-lease-max=<integer> Specify maximum number of DHCP leases (defaults to 1000).
-y, --localise-queries Answer DNS queries based on the interface a query was sent to.
-Y, --txt-record=<name>,<txt>[,<txt] Specify TXT DNS record.
-z, --bind-interfaces Bind only to interfaces in use.
-Z, --read-ethers Read DHCP static host information from /etc/ethers.