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【Mac】GitHub製エディター Atomのインストール

Posted at



特に理由はないですけど、みんな大好き GitHub が作ったエディターでナウいらしいので使ってみました。


  • Markdownのプレビューが標準で付いている
  • パッケージなどがGUIで用意されている
  • パッケージが豊富
  • デザインがCSSで変更できる

ちなみに Node.jsでできているらしいです。



brew caskを使っている方は一行のコマンドでインストールできます。

% brew cask --version
// atomがインストールできるか確認
% brew cask search atom
==> Exact match
// インストール
% brew cask install atom
==> Downloading https://atom.io/download/mac
######################################################################## 100.0%
==> Symlinking App 'Atom.app' to '/Applications/Atom.app'
==> Symlinking Binary 'apm' to '/usr/local/bin/apm'
==> Symlinking Binary 'atom.sh' to '/usr/local/bin/atom'
🍺  atom staged at '/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/atom/latest' (11163 files, 234M)


brew caskを使っていない人はAtomよりパッケージをダウンロードしてくださいませ。


スクリーンショット 2015-04-20 11.35.08.png




  • vimのキーバインド
  • jsonファイルのスニペットなどの対応
  • 日本人なので日本語対応








なにやら Atomをインストールすると一緒にapmというコマンドも使えるようになり、それを使ってパッケージをインストールするらしいです。

# apmが入っているか確認
% apm --version
apm  0.157.0
npm  2.5.1
node 0.10.35
python 2.7.8
git 2.3.2
# vim-modeのインストール
 apm install vim-mode
Installing vim-mode to /Users/${User}/.atom/packages ✓


インストールできたらview -> Reloadを使って Atomをreloadしてください。



Cmd + ,でSettingsのページを開いてインストールタブをクリックしてください。








atom jsonで検索すると以下の二つのパッケージが有名どころっぽいです。




% apm search pretty-json
Search Results For 'pretty-json' (29)
├── pretty-json Format JSON (21485 downloads, 129 stars)
├── pretty-pastels-syntax Pastels on Dark with a vengeance (58 downloads, 2 stars)
├── jsonpp JSON pretty printer (1249 downloads, 4 stars)
├── base16-pretty-dark Forked Base16 dark theme for Atom w/ some small changes (139 downloads, 0 stars)
├── language-json JSON language support in Atom (62054 downloads, 21 stars)
├── atom-json-escape A short description of your package (436 downloads, 2 stars)
├── atom-yamljson Simple YAML<->JSON converter (66 downloads, 2 stars)
├── jsonlint JSON Lint reports for your Atom editor (4380 downloads, 9 stars)
├── linter-jsonlint Lint JSON on the fly (2371 downloads, 60 stars)
├── geojson-preview Preview geojson file in your text editor! (585 downloads, 4 stars)
├── atom-prettify Prettify your HTML (5408 downloads, 20 stars)
├── escape-utils Encode/decode URLs, Base65 or escape Html entites (future: JS/JSON, Base32/Base16, BinHex, Xml-Entities). (758 downloads, 9 stars)
├── atom-beautify Beautify HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, C, C++, C#, Objective-C, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, and SQL in Atom (139820 downloads, 558 stars)
├── language-json5 JSON5 language support in Atom (32 downloads, 2 stars)
├── chameleon-dark-syntax Syntax theme for HTML, CSS, LESS, SASS, SCSS, JavaScript and JSON (743 downloads, 3 stars)
├── xeta-syntax A custom syntax theme based on Peacock theme for PHP, HTML, CSS, SCSS, LESS, JavaScript, JSON, YAML, Markdown, Python, Ruby, SQL, CoffeeScript and XML. (909 downloads, 2 stars)
├── chester-atom-syntax A pretty Atom syntax theme based on Lonely Planet colours (221 downloads, 2 stars)
├── ristretto-syntax Atom dark syntax theme heavily inspired by espresso-libre. (16 downloads, 2 stars)
├── bemjson-snippets A lot of BEMJSON Snippets (33 downloads, 0 stars)
├── language-jsoniq JSONiq & XQuery support in Atom (65 downloads, 1 star)
├── language-hjson Hjson language support in Atom (11 downloads, 1 star)
├── apm-publish Publish apm packackes from atom (145 downloads, 1 star)
├── lychee-theme A port of chee's emacs theme (363 downloads, 1 star)
├── tron-theme Adaption of Tron Legacy theme for Atom (1297 downloads, 0 stars)
├── language-twig Twig support for Atom. Several languages supported. (1614 downloads, 7 stars)
├── php-twig Twig support for Atom. (7290 downloads, 31 stars)
├── suranyami-light-syntax Suranyami light syntax theme (304 downloads, 0 stars)
├── http-post A simple requestor test web requests. (185 downloads, 1 star)
└── language-ipynb IPython notebook language support in Atom (190 downloads, 4 stars)

Use `apm install` to install them or visit http://atom.io/packages to read more about them.
% apm install pretty-json
Installing pretty-json to /Users/${User名}/.atom/packages ✓

またreloadしてもらってCmd + Nで新規ファイルを作成して.jsonの拡張子をつければjsonファイルと認識されます。

ある程度入力した後にpackage -> Pretty JSON -> Prettifyを選択すれば、jsonファイルとして整形されるとおもいます。



どうやら Atomは日本語対応していないらしく、改行されないなどが起こります。


% apm search japanese-wrap
Search Results For 'japanese-wrap' (30)
├── japanese-wrap Word wrap for Japanese text (19263 downloads, 166 stars)
├── japanese-zen-han-convert (Japanese Chars) Zenkaku and Hankaku convert mutually. (333 downloads, 6 stars)
├── japanese-menu メニューバーとコンテキストメニューを日本語化します。 (1669 downloads, 11 stars)
├── japanese-dictionary (87 downloads, 1 star)
├── wrap An Atom package that does wrapping right. (51 downloads, 0 stars)
├── wrap-lines Wrap lines similar to Vim's 'gq' (958 downloads, 3 stars)
├── wrap-selection Package to wrap block or multiple blocks of the code in text you write. (77 downloads, 3 stars)
├── soft-wrap-indicator Adds an indicator to the status bar that lights up if the active editor has soft wrap enabled (425 downloads, 7 stars)
├── wrap-guide Displays a vertical line at the 80th character in the editor. This packages uses the config value of `editor.preferredLineLength` when set. (75892 downloads, 14 stars)
├── AtomicChar Word wrap for non-monopace texts, including Asian ones (144 downloads, 4 stars)
├── auto-panes Automatically open corresponding files in separate panes. Automatically save and close files unrelated to task at hand. (58 downloads, 0 stars)
├── swap-panes Move panes right, left, up, down, next or previous (313 downloads, 15 stars)
├── move-panes Move panes right, left, up, down, next or previous (551 downloads, 19 stars)
├── atom-jaco Japanese string and charactor converter. (49 downloads, 1 star)
├── resize-panes Resize panes by enlarging or shrinking them (3183 downloads, 65 stars)
├── dict-en2ja look up a selected English word in Japanese dictionary (48 downloads, 0 stars)
├── toggle-invisibles Toggles the display of invisible characters and/or the wrap guide (418 downloads, 4 stars)
├── omni-ruler Add multiple rulers/wrap guides (278 downloads, 6 stars)
├── HyperlinkHelper Wraps selected text as a link with set href attribute (37 downloads, 0 stars)
├── ruby-string-interpolation Keypress handling for # to wrap the selection in interpolation (882 downloads, 5 stars)
├── maximize-panes Maximize panes to occupy the entire window without closing other panes (548 downloads, 19 stars)
├── erb-helper ERB Helper makes it easy to insert and wrap ERB tags with Atom. (847 downloads, 6 stars)
├── razor-atom-syntax-theme Based on base16 tomorrow dark theme for Atom, with some slight changes (removed underline, changed wrap and indent colour) (77 downloads, 0 stars)
├── pane-move-plus Can has move your panes from side to side. (411 downloads, 2 stars)
├── pane-manager Set your panes layout, move your files between them, and other useful pane-related stuffs. (259 downloads, 1 star)
├── webview-pane A short description of your package (112 downloads, 1 star)
├── numbers-on-a-pane Display numbers on each pane for faster cmd-(1..9) jumping (320 downloads, 1 star)
├── pane-split-moves-tab Pane:split moves tab to new pane (14 downloads, 0 stars)
├── pane-layout-plus Can has switch the layout of your panes. (1182 downloads, 13 stars)
└── mathjax-wrapper MathJax in Atom (616 downloads, 5 stars)

Use `apm install` to install them or visit http://atom.io/packages to read more about them.

% apm install japanese-wrap
Installing japanese-wrap to /Users/${User名}/.atom/packages ✓


  • Preferred Line Lengthを設定(とりあえず70にしてみました)
    • default : 80
  • Soft Wrapにチェックをつける
    • default : false
  • Soft Wrap At Preferred Line Lengthにチェックをつける
    • default : false






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