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docker-compose up -dをしたら Cannot start service (xxx): driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint (xxx) というエラーが出てnginxが起動しない時の対処法

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新規プロジェクトの開発にあたりdockerで環境構築する際にdocker-compose up -dをしたら下記エラーが出てnginxが立ち上がりませんでした。

WARNING: Image for service nginx was built because it did not already exist. To rebuild this image you must use `docker-compose build` or `docker-compose up --build`.
Creating redis ... done
Creating mysql ... done
Creating app   ... done
Creating nginx ... error
ERROR: for nginx  Cannot start service nginx: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint nginx 
(xxxxx): Error starting userland proxy: Bind for unexpected error (Failure EADDRINUSE)



$ sudo lsof -i -P | grep "LISTEN"


httpd        99           root    4u  IPv6 0x4405ecbd1691af79      0t0    TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
cupsd       244           root    7u  IPv6 0x4405ecbd1691a9b9      0t0    TCP *:631 (LISTEN)
cupsd       244           root    8u  IPv4 0x4405ecbd143300b9      0t0    TCP *:631 (LISTEN)
httpd       340           _www    4u  IPv6 0x4405ecbd1691af79      0t0    TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
Sketch      364           RURI    6u  IPv4 0x4405ecbd14331d39      0t0    TCP *:49155 (LISTEN)
Sketch      364           RURI   18u  IPv6 0x4405ecbd1691a3f9      0t0    TCP *:49155 (LISTEN)
plugin_ho   612           RURI   36u  IPv4 0x4405ecbd2004e6b9      0t0    TCP localhost:54000 (LISTEN)
Adobe\x20   953           RURI   12u  IPv4 0x4405ecbd2412c6b9      0t0    TCP localhost:15292 (LISTEN)
node      70724           RURI   23u  IPv6 0x4405ecbd31e3b2b9      0t0    TCP *:8081 (LISTEN)
Dropbox   71694           RURI  130u  IPv6 0x4405ecbd3045baf9      0t0    TCP *:17500 (LISTEN)
Dropbox   71694           RURI  132u  IPv4 0x4405ecbd32fa7a39      0t0    TCP *:17500 (LISTEN)
Dropbox   71694           RURI  162u  IPv4 0x4405ecbd32d7ea39      0t0    TCP localhost:17600 (LISTEN)
Dropbox   71694           RURI  166u  IPv4 0x4405ecbd32cf10b9      0t0    TCP localhost:17603 (LISTEN)
com.docke 74463           RURI   18u  IPv4 0x4405ecbd2fc140b9      0t0    TCP *:16379 (LISTEN)
com.docke 74463           RURI   20u  IPv4 0x4405ecbd33662a39      0t0    TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)
com.docke 74463           RURI   21u  IPv6 0x4405ecbd3045c0b9      0t0    TCP localhost:8080 (LISTEN)
com.docke 74463           RURI   24u  IPv6 0x4405ecbd1691c0b9      0t0    TCP localhost:16379 (LISTEN)
com.docke 74463           RURI   25u  IPv4 0x4405ecbd336b06b9      0t0    TCP *:3306 (LISTEN)
com.docke 74463           RURI   26u  IPv6 0x4405ecbd1691b539      0t0    TCP localhost:3306 (LISTEN)


$ sudo apachectl stop

docker-compose up -dをしたらnginxが起動しました。

redis is up-to-date
mysql is up-to-date
app is up-to-date
Starting nginx ... done

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