- Windows7 (64bit)
- [Graphviz] (http://www.graphviz.org/) 2.38
- [Graphviz - Documentation] (http://www.graphviz.org/documentation/)
- [Graphviz - Gallery] (http://www.graphviz.org/gallery/)
- [Gvizの目次 - Rubyの世界からGraphvizの世界にこんにちは!] (http://melborne.github.io/2014/02/27/gviz-posts/)
- [Rank attribute is confusing to me - stackoverflow] (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6149834/rank-attribute-is-confusing-to-me)
- [Basic Graphviz - GitHub] (https://gist.github.com/peterneubauer/2652082)
Graphviz チュートリアル (http://homepage3.nifty.com/kaku-chan/graphviz/index.html)
digraph graph_name {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
label = "sample graph",
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2,
splines = spline,
ranksep = 1.0,
nodesep = 0.9
node [
colorscheme = "rdylgn11"
style = "solid,filled",
fontsize = 16,
fontcolor = 6,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fillcolor = 11,
fixedsize = true,
height = 0.6,
width = 1.2
edge [
style = solid,
fontsize = 14,
fontcolor = white,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = white,
labelfloat = true,
labeldistance = 2.5,
labelangle = 70
// node define
alpha [shape = box];
beta [shape = box];
gamma [shape = Msquare];
delta [shape = box];
epsilon [shape = trapezium];
zeta [shape = Msquare];
theta [shape = doublecircle];
// edge define
alpha -> beta [label = "a-b", arrowhead = normal];
alpha -> gamma [label = "a-g"];
beta -> delta [label = "b-d"];
beta -> epsilon [label = "b-e", arrowhead = tee];
gamma -> zeta [label = "g-z"];
gamma -> eta [label = "g-e", style = dotted];
delta -> theta [arrowhead = crow];
zeta -> theta [arrowhead = crow];
// dotファイルはdigraphまたはgraphで始めます
// graph_nameはこの例でのグラフ名です。
digraph graph_name {
//graph settings
graph [
// graphは予約語です。
// ここにグラフ全体の設定を行います。
// node common setting
node [
// nodeは予約語です。
// ここで設定した属性はすべてのノードに反映されます。
// ノードの共通の設定はここに記述します。
// edge common setting
edge [
// edgeは予約語です。
// ここで設定した属性はすべてのエッジに反映されます。
// エッジの共通の設定はここに記述します。
// define alpha node
alpha [
// alphaという名前はこの例で付けたノード名です。任意の名前を付けることができます。
// ここにalphaノード固有の属性を設定します。
// define beta node
beta [
// betaという名前はこの例で付けたノード名です。任意の名前を付けることができます。
// ここにbetaノード固有の属性を設定します。
// define gamma and delta, epsilon node
gamma, delta, epsilon [
// 複数のノードに同じ属性を設定したい場合はカンマで区切って定義します。
// ここにgamma,delta, epsilonノードの属性を設定します。
// define alpha-beta edge
alpha -> beta [
// ここにalphaからbetaのエッジ固有の属性を設定します。
// define gamma-delta-epsilon edge
gamma -> delta -> epsilon [
// 複数のノードを繋げることで連続してエッジを定義することができます。
// define subgraph
subgraph cluster_sub1 [
// ここにサブグラフの属性を設定します。
- digraph : グラフの種類です。(digraph=有向グラフ、graph=無向グラフ)
- graph_name : グラフの名前です。任意の名前をつけることが出来ます。
- graph : グラフの属性値を設定します。
- node : ここで設定する属性値は全てのノードに適用されます。
- edge : ここで設定する属性値は全てのエッジに適用されます。
という名前の[ ]
digraph graph_name {
graph [
属性 = 値,
属性 = 値,
layout | description |
circo | 円形のグラフ. |
dot | 階層型のグラフ. 有向グラフ向き. デフォルトのレイアウトエンジン |
fdp | スプリング(ばね)モデルのグラフ. 無向グラフ向き. |
neato | スプリング(ばね)モデルのグラフ. 無向グラフ向き. |
osage | 配列型のグラフ. |
sfdp | fdpのマルチスケール版. 大きな無向グラフ向き. |
twopi | 放射型のグラフ. ノードは同心円状に配置される. |
digraph graph_name {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2,
layout = circo
// layout = dot
// layout = fdp
// layout = neato
// layout = osage
// layout = sfdp
// layout = twopi
node [
colorscheme = "rdylgn11"
style = "solid,filled",
fontsize = 14,
fontcolor = 6,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fillcolor = 11
edge [
color = white
alpha, beta, gamma , delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, theta;
alpha -> beta;
alpha -> gamma;
alpha -> delta;
alpha -> epsilon;
alpha -> zeta;
alpha -> eta;
alpha -> theta;
iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, xi;
beta -> iota;
beta -> kappa;
gamma -> lambda;
gamma -> mu;
gamma -> nu;
gamma -> xi;
omicron, pi, rho;
delta -> omicron;
delta -> pi;
delta -> rho;
sigma, tau;
epsilon -> sigma;
epsilon -> tau;
layout | graph |
circo | ![]() |
dot | ![]() |
fdp | ![]() |
neato | ![]() |
osage | ![]() |
sfdp | ![]() |
twopi | ![]() |
digraph graph_name {
ノードの属性の設定は下記のようにノード名の後の[ ]
ノード名 [
属性 = 値,
属性 = 値,
digraph graph_name {
alpha [
label = "alpha node.", //ノードラベル
shape = box, //ノードの形を指定する
fixedsize = true, //ノードの大きさを指定可能とする
width = 1.5, //ノードの幅(インチ)
height = 1.2, //ノードの高さ(インチ)
style = "solid,filled" //ノードの枠線のスタイルと塗つぶしの指定
color = "#336666", //ノードの枠線の色
fillcolor = "#CC9999", //ノードを塗りつぶす色
fontname = "Migu 1M", //ノードラベルフォント
fontsize = 16, //ノードラベルフォントサイズ
fontcolor = blue //ノードラベルフォントカラー
digraph graph_name {
alpha -> beta;
digraph graph_name {
alpha -> beta -> delta;
エッジの属性の設定は下記のようにエッジの定義の後の[ ]
ノード名1 -> ノード名2 [
属性 = 値,
属性 = 値,
digraph graph_name {
graph [
ranksep = 1.1
//node define
// edge define
alpha -> beta [
label = "a-b", //エッジラベル
labelfloat = true, //ラベルの重なりを許可する
headlabel = "head", //エッジの終端にラベルをつける
taillabel = "tail", //エッジの始端にラベルをつける
labeldistance = 2.5, //ラベルの位置をノードからの距離で指定する
labelangle = 70, //ラベルの位置を角度で指定する
color = blue, //エッジカラー
style = solid, //エッジスタイル
dir = both, //エッジの矢印を指定する
arrowhead = normal, //エッジの終端の形状を指定
arrowtail = normal, //エッジの始端の形状を指定
arrowsize = 1, //矢印の大きさ倍率で指定
weight = 5 //エッジの重み付け 重みが大きいエッジが結ぶノードがより近く配置される
fontname = "Migu 1M", //エッジラベルフォント
fontsize = 14, //エッジラベルフォントサイズ
fontcolor = blue //エッジラベルフォントカラー
digraph graph_name {
graph [rankdir = LR];
node [shape = none];
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 [
arrowhead = none
Node Shapes
name | desc |
box | 箱形 |
polygon | 多角形 |
ellipse (default) | 楕円 |
oval | 卵型 |
circle | 円 |
point | 点 |
egg | 卵 |
triangle | 三角形 |
plaintext | テキスト |
plain | テキスト |
diamond | ダイヤモンド |
trapezium | 台形 |
parallelogram | 平行四辺形 |
house | 家 |
pentagon | 五角形 |
hexagon | 六角形 |
septagon | 七角形 |
octagon | 八角形 |
doublecircle | 二重線の丸 |
doubleoctagon | 二重線の八角形 |
tripleoctagon | 三重線の八角形 |
invtriangle | 逆三角形 |
invtrapezium | 逆台形 |
invhouse | 逆さの家 |
Mdiamond | ダイヤモンド |
Msquare | 正方形 |
Mcircle | 円 |
rect | 長方形. boxのシノニム. |
rectangle | 長方形. boxのシノニム. |
square | 正方形 |
star | 星 |
none | 無し. plaintextのシノニム. |
underline | 下線 |
note | ノート |
tab | タブ |
folder | フォルダー |
box3d | 3Dの箱形 |
rarrow | 右向きの矢印 |
larrow | 左向きの矢印 |
- sides : 辺の数を指定します。デフォルトは4です。
- skew : 正数は上部が右方向へゆがみます。負数は左方向へ歪みます。
- distortion : 正数は上部の辺の長さが下部よりも大きくなるようにします。負数は逆の結果になります。
Node Shape Sample
digraph shape_sample01 {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2
node [
colorscheme = "rdylgn11"
style = "solid,filled",
fontsize = 18,
fontcolor = 6,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fillcolor = 11
// node define
shape1 [label = "box", shape = box];
shape2 [ label = "polygon", shape = polygon,
sides = 8,
skew = 0.0,
distortion = 0.0
shape3 [label = "ellipse", shape = ellipse];
shape4 [label = "oval", shape = oval];
shape5 [label = "circle",shape = circle];
shape6 [label = "point", shape = point];
shape7 [label = "egg", shape = egg];
digraph shape_sample02 {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2
node [
colorscheme = "rdylgn11"
style = "solid,filled",
fontsize = 18,
fontcolor = 6,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fillcolor = 11
// node define
shape1 [label = "triangle", shape = triangle];
shape2 [label = "plaintext", shape = plaintext];
shape3 [label = "plain", shape = plain];
shape4 [label = "diamond", shape = diamond];
shape5 [label = "trapezium", shape = trapezium];
shape6 [label = "parallelogram", shape = parallelogram];
shape7 [label = "house", shape = house];
digraph shape_sample03 {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2
node [
colorscheme = "rdylgn11"
style = "solid,filled",
fontsize = 18,
fontcolor = 6,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fillcolor = 11
// node define
shape1 [label = "pentagon", shape = pentagon];
shape2 [label = "hexagon", shape = hexagon];
shape3 [label = "septagon", shape = septagon];
shape4 [label = "octagon", shape = octagon];
shape5 [label = "doublecircle", shape = doublecircle];
shape6 [label = "doubleoctagon", shape = doubleoctagon];
shape7 [label = "tripleoctagon", shape = tripleoctagon];
digraph shape_sample04 {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2
node [
colorscheme = "rdylgn11"
style = "solid,filled",
fontsize = 18,
fontcolor = 6,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fillcolor = 11
// node define
shape1 [label = "invtriangle", shape = invtriangle];
shape2 [label = "invtrapezium", shape = invtrapezium];
shape3 [label = "invhouse", shape = invhouse];
shape4 [label = "Mdiamond", shape = Mdiamond];
shape5 [label = "Msquare", shape = Msquare];
shape6 [label = "Mcircle", shape = Mcircle];
shape7 [label = "square", shape = square];
digraph shape_sample05 {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2
node [
colorscheme = "rdylgn11"
style = "solid,filled",
fontsize = 18,
fontcolor = 6,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fillcolor = 11
// node define
shape1 [label = "star", shape = star];
shape2 [label = "underline", shape = underline];
shape3 [label = "note", shape = note];
shape4 [label = "tab", shape = tab];
shape5 [label = "folder", shape = folder];
shape6 [label = "box3d", shape = box3d];
shape7 [label = "rarrow", shape = rarrow];
shape8 [label = "larrow", shape = larrow];
Node Sytle
name | desc |
solid | 枠を実線で引く |
dashed | 枠を破線で引く |
dotted | 枠を点線で引く |
bold | 枠を太線で引く |
rounded | 枠を角丸で引く |
diagonals | |
filled | ノードを単色で塗つぶし |
striped | ノードを複数色で縦縞状に塗つぶし |
wedged | ノードを複数色で楔状に塗つぶし |
The style "striped" is only supported with clusters and rectangularly-shaped nodes.
- box
- Msquare
- rect
- rectangle
- square
The style "wedged" is allowed only for elliptically-shaped nodes.
- ellipse
- oval
- circle
- doublecircle
- Mcircle
digraph node_sample {
//graph settings
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
label = "node simple",
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2
// node common settings
node [
colorscheme = rdylgn11,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fontsize = 18,
fontcolor = 6,
fillcolor = 11,
margin = 0.2
// node define
alpha [shape = box, label = "alpha", style = "solid,filled"];
beta [shape = box, label = "beta", style = "dashed,filled"];
gamma [shape = box, label = "gamma", style = "dotted,filled"];
delta [shape = box, label = "delta", style = "bold,filled"];
epsilon [shape = box, label = "epsilon", style = "rounded,filled"];
zeta [shape = box, label = "zeta", style = "diagonals,filled"];
eta [shape = box, label = "eta", style = "solid,striped" fillcolor = "8:9:10:11"];
theta [shape = ellipse, label = "theta", style = "solid,wedged", fillcolor = "8:9:10:11"];
またラベルを{ }
で囲むとセルの描画方向が横から縦に変わり、{ }
digraph graph_name {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8",
bgcolor = "#EDEDED",
rankdir = TB,
nodesep = 1.1,
ranksep = 1.05
node [
shape = record,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
fontsize = 12,
// node define
alpha [label = "<pl>left|center|<pr>right"];
beta [label = "<pl>left|<pc>center|<pr>right"];
gamma [label = "left|center|<pr>right"];
delta [label = "{left|{<pc>center|{top|middle|bottom}}|right}}"];
epsilon [label = "{top|<pm>middle|bottom}"];
// edge define
alpha:pl -> beta:pl [ label = "a-b", weight = 2.0];
alpha:pr -> gamma:pr [label = "a-g", weight = 1.0];
beta:pc -> epsilon:pm [label = "b-e"];
gamma -> delta:pc [label = "g-d"];
label = "left|center|<pr>right"
ノード名:ポート名 -> ノード名:ポート名 [
- same : ノードを同じランクに配置します。
- min : ノードを最小ランクに配置します。
- source : (通常は)ノードを最小ランクに配置します。
- max : ノードを最大ランクに配置します。
- sink : maxと同じようにノードを一番下または一番左に配置します。
- GroupAノードとalpha, delta, etaノードが同じランクになる
- GroupBノードとbeta, epsilon, thetaノードが同じランクになる
- GroupCノードとgamma, zetaノードが同じランクになる
digraph graph_name {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
label = "node simple",
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#4D4D4D",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = LR,
margin = 0.1,
nodesep = 0.5,
ranksep = 0.7
node [
shape = ellipse,
style = "filled",
colorscheme = rdylgn11,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fontsize = 18,
fontcolor = 6,
fillcolor = 11,
margin = 0.07
edge [
colorscheme = rdylgn11,
color = 7
alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, theta;
GroupA, GroupB, GroupC [shape = none, style = "", fontsize = 16];
GroupA -> GroupB -> GroupC [arrowhead = none, color = white];
{rank = same; GroupA; alpha; delta; eta;}
{rank = same; GroupB; beta; epsilon; theta;}
{rank = same; GroupC; gamma; zeta;}
グラフは左側から右側へ描画する設定(rankdir = LR)になっているので、最小ランクのノードは左側、最大ランクのノードは右側に配置されます。
digraph graph_name {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
label = "node simple",
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#4D4D4D",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = LR,
margin = 0.1,
nodesep = 0.5,
ranksep = 0.7
node [
shape = ellipse,
style = "filled",
colorscheme = rdylgn11,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fontsize = 18,
fontcolor = 6,
fillcolor = 11,
margin = 0.07
edge [
colorscheme = rdylgn11,
color = 7
theta, eta, zeta, epsilon, delta, gamma, beta, alpha;
alpha -> beta -> gamma [arrowhead = none, color = white];
{rank = min; alpha; delta; eta;}
{rank = same; beta; epsilon; theta;}
{rank = max; gamma; zeta;}
digraph graph_name {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8",
bgcolor = "#4A4A4A",
rankdir = LR,
margin = 0.2
node [
shape = box,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
fontsize = 12,
style = "solid, filled",
fillcolor = "#EFEFEF"
b1 [label = "第一次川中島の戦い\n1553年"];
b2 [label = "第二次川中島の戦い\n1555年"];
b3 [label = "厳島の戦い\n1555年"];
b4 [label = "第三次川中島の戦い\n1557年"];
b5 [label = "桶狭間の戦い\n1560年"];
b6 [label = "第四次川中島の戦い\n1561年"];
b7 [label = "三河一向一揆\n1563年"];
b8 [label = "第五次川中島の戦い\n1564年"];
b9 [label = "金ヶ崎の戦い\n1570年"];
b10 [label = "姉川の戦い\n1570年"];
b14 [label = "三方ヶ原の戦い\n1572年"];
b15 [label = "一乗谷の戦い\n1573年"];
b16 [label = "小谷城の戦い\n1573年"];
b17 [label = "長篠の戦い\n1573年"];
b18 [label = "七尾城の戦い\n1576年"];
b20 [label = "天正伊賀の乱\n1581年"];
b21 [label = "甲州征伐\n1582年"];
b22 [label = "本能寺の変\n1582年"];
b23 [label = "山崎の戦い\n1582年"];
b24 [label = "賤ヶ岳の戦い\n1583年"];
b25 [label = "小牧・長久手の戦い\n1584年"];
b27 [label = "羽柴秀吉の紀州攻め\n1585年"];
b28 [label = "羽柴勢の四国攻め\n1585年"];
b29 [label = "九州平定\n1587年"];
b30 [label = "小田原征伐\n1590年"];
b31 [label = "文禄の役\n1592年"];
b32 [label = "慶長の役\n1597年"];
b33 [label = "関ヶ原の役\n1600年"];
b1 -> b2 -> b4 -> b6 -> b8 [color = "#9A9A9A"];
b9 -> b10 -> b15 -> b16 [color = "#DBDBDB"];
b14 -> b17 -> b21;
b22 -> b23;
b24 -> b25 -> b27 -> b28 -> b29 -> b30;
b31 -> b32;
1550, 1560, 1570, 1580, 1590, 1600;
1550 -> 1560 -> 1570 -> 1580 -> 1590 -> 1600 [arrowhead = normal, color = white];
{rank = same; 1550; b1; b2; b3; b4;}
{rank = same; 1560; b5; b6; b7; b8;}
{rank = same; 1570; b9; b10; b14; b15; b16; b17; b18;}
{rank = same; 1580; b20; b21; b22; b23; b24; b25; b27; b28; b29;}
{rank = same; 1590; b30; b31; b32;}
{rank = same; 1600; b33;}
属性はグラフと同様に[ ]
digraph graph_name {
// define subgraph
subgraph cluster_sub1 [
属性 = 値;
属性 = 値;
digraph node_sample {
//graph settings
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
label = "node simple",
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2,
nodesep = 0.5,
ranksep = 0.8,
compound = true
// node common settings
node [
colorscheme = rdylgn11,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fontsize = 12,
fontcolor = 6,
fillcolor = 11,
margin = 0.05,
style = "solid,filled"
edge [
color = white
subgraph cluster_0 {
label = "clu0";
labelloc = "t";
labeljust = "l";
fillcolor = "#ababab";
alpha [label = "alpha", shape = box];
beta [label = "beta", shape = box];
gamma [label = "gamma", shape = box];
eta [label = "eta", shape = box];
alpha -> beta;
alpha -> gamma;
alpha -> eta;
subgraph cluster_1 {
label = "clu1";
labelloc = "t";
labeljust = "l";
fillcolor = "#ababab";
delta [label = "delta"];
epsilon [label = "epsilon"];
zeta [label = "zeta"];
theta [label = "theta"];
delta -> epsilon;
delta -> zeta;
delta -> theta;
subgraph cluster_2 {
label = "clu2";
labelloc = "t";
labeljust = "l";
fillcolor = "#888888";
lambda [label = "lambda", shape = "octagon"];
mu [label = "mu", shape = "octagon"];
lambda -> mu;
subgraph cluster_3 {
label = "clu3";
labelloc = "t";
labeljust = "l";
fillcolor = "#888888";
nu [label = "nu", shape = "trapezium"];
xi [label = "xi", shape = "trapezium"];
nu -> xi;
subgraph sg {
iota [label = "iota", shape = "Mdiamond" ];
kappa [label = "kappa", shape = "Mdiamond"];
iota -> kappa;
alpha -> delta;
beta -> lambda [weight = 3];
gamma -> lambda;
epsilon -> nu;
eta -> mu;
graph [
compound = true
alpha -> delta [lhead = "cluster_1", ltail = "cluster_0"];
edge Sytle
name | desc |
solid | エッジを実線で引く |
dashed | エッジを破線で引く |
dotted | エッジを点線で引く |
bold | エッジを太線で引く |
digraph edge_sample {
//graph settings
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
label = "edge simple",
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2
// node common settings
node [
colorscheme = rdylgn11,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fontsize = 16,
fontcolor = 6,
fillcolor = 11,
mirgin = 0.1
// edge common settings
edge [
color = white,
fontcolor = white
// node define
alpha [shape = box, label = "alpha", style = "solid,filled"];
beta [shape = box, label = "beta", style = "dashed,filled"];
gamma [shape = box, label = "gamma", style = "dotted,filled"];
delta [shape = box, label = "delta", style = "bold,filled"];
epsilon [shape = box, label = "epsilon", style = "rounded,filled"];
zeta [shape = box, label = "zeta", style = "diagonals,filled"];
eta [shape = box, label = "eta", style = "solid,striped", fillcolor = "8:9:10:11"];
theta [shape = ellipse, label = "theta", style = "solid,wedged", fillcolor = "8:9:10:11"];
// edge define
alpha -> beta [style = "solid", label = "solid"];
gamma -> delta [style = "dashed", label = "dashed"];
epsilon -> zeta [style = "dotted", label = "dotted"];
eta -> theta [style = "bold", label = "bold"];
- dir : エッジの矢印の表示タイプを指定します。
- arrowhead : エッジの終端の矢印のタイプを指定します。
- arrowtail : エッジの始端の矢印のタイプを指定します。
- arrowsize : 矢印のサイズの大きさを指定します。
+-----------+ +-----------+
| NodeA (t)---[Edge]--->(h) NodeB |
+-----------+ +-----------+
- forward : エッジの終端に矢印を表示します。
- back : エッジの始端に矢印を表示します。
- both : エッジの両端に矢印を表示します。
- none : 矢印を表示しません。
digraph edge_sample {
//graph settings
graph [
charset = "UTF-8";
label = "edge simple",
labelloc = "t",
labeljust = "c",
bgcolor = "#343434",
fontcolor = white,
fontsize = 18,
style = "filled",
rankdir = TB,
margin = 0.2,
pad = 0.1
// node common settings
node [
colorscheme = rdylgn11,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
color = 7,
fontsize = 16,
fontcolor = 6,
fillcolor = 11,
mirgin = 0.1
// edge common settings
edge [
color = white,
fontcolor = white
// node define
alpha [shape = box, label = "alpha", style = "solid,filled"];
beta [shape = box, label = "beta", style = "dashed,filled"];
gamma [shape = box, label = "gamma", style = "dotted,filled"];
delta [shape = box, label = "delta", style = "bold,filled"];
epsilon [shape = box, label = "epsilon", style = "rounded,filled"];
zeta [shape = box, label = "zeta", style = "diagonals,filled"];
eta [shape = box, label = "eta", style = "solid,striped", fillcolor = "8:9:10:11"];
theta [shape = ellipse, label = "theta", style = "solid,wedged", fillcolor = "8:9:10:11"];
// edge define
alpha -> beta [style = "solid", label = " forward", dir = forward];
gamma -> delta [style = "solid", label = " back", dir = back];
epsilon -> zeta [style = "solid", label = " both", dir = both];
eta -> theta [style = "solid", label = " none", dir = none];
Arrow Shapes
name | family |
box | lbox,rbox,obox,olbox,orbox |
crow | lcrow,rcrow |
curve | lcurve,rcurve |
diamond | ldiamond,rdiamond,odiamond,oldiamond,ordiamond |
dot | odot |
inv | linv,rinv,oinv,olinv,orinv |
none | |
normal (default) | lnormal,rnormal,onormal,olnormal,ornormal |
tee | ltee,rtee |
vee | lvee,rvee |
- l : エッジの左側の部分のみを残して形状をクリップ。
- r : エッジの右側の部分のみを残して形状をクリップ。
- o : 矢印を塗つぶさないバージョンを使用します。
// edge define
alpha -> beta [style = "solid", label = " box", arrowhead = box];
gamma -> delta [style = "solid", label = " crow", arrowhead = crow];
epsilon -> zeta [style = "solid", label = " curve", arrowhead = curve];
eta -> theta [style = "solid", label = " diamond", arrowhead = diamond];
// edge define
alpha -> beta [style = "solid", label = " dot", arrowhead = dot];
gamma -> delta [style = "solid", label = " inv", arrowhead = inv];
epsilon -> zeta [style = "solid", label = " tee", arrowhead = tee];
eta -> theta [style = "solid", label = " vee", arrowhead = vee];
value | position |
n | 上 (北) |
ne | 右上 (北東) |
e | 右 (東) |
se | 右下 (南東) |
s | 下 (南) |
sw | 左下 (南西) |
w | 左 (西) |
nw | 左上 (北西) |
c | 中央 |
_ | 自動 (default) |
|nw | n | ne|
| w | | e |
|sw | s | se|
digraph graph_name {
graph [
charset = "UTF-8",
bgcolor = "#EDEDED",
rankdir = TB,
nodesep = 0.8,
ranksep = 1.1
node [
shape = rect,
fontname = "Migu 1M",
fontsize = 12
alpha [label = "alpha"];
beta [label = "beta"];
gamma [label = "gamma"];
delta [label = "delta"];
{rank = min; alpha;}
{rank = same; beta; gamma;}
{rank = max; delta;}
alpha -> beta [tailport = w, headport = nw];
alpha -> gamma [tailport = e, headport = ne];
beta -> delta [tailport = sw, headport = w];
gamma -> delta [tailport = se, headport = e];
command line tool
> dot.exe -Kdot -Tpng graph_sample.dot -ograph_sample.png
- -Kv : vにはレイアウトエンジンを指定します。
- -Tv : vには出力フォーマットを指定します。
- -ofile : fileには出力ファイル名を指定します。
- -Gname : nameにグラフの属性名を指定します。
- -Nname : nameにノードの属性名を指定します。
- -Ename : nameにエッジの属性名を指定します。
> dot.exe -v -Glabel="new title" -Kdot -Tpng graph_sample.dot -ograph_sample.png
D:\dev\graphviz-2.38\bin>dot.exe -?
Usage: dot [-Vv?] [-(GNE)name=val] [-(KTlso)<val>] <dot files>
(additional options for neato) [-x] [-n<v>]
(additional options for fdp) [-L(gO)] [-L(nUCT)<val>]
(additional options for memtest) [-m<v>]
(additional options for config) [-cv]
-V - Print version and exit
-v - Enable verbose mode
-Gname=val - Set graph attribute 'name' to 'val'
-Nname=val - Set node attribute 'name' to 'val'
-Ename=val - Set edge attribute 'name' to 'val'
-Tv - Set output format to 'v'
-Kv - Set layout engine to 'v' (overrides default based on command name)
-lv - Use external library 'v'
-ofile - Write output to 'file'
-O - Automatically generate an output filename based on the input filename with a .'format' appended. (Causes all -ofile options to be ignored.)
-P - Internally generate a graph of the current plugins.
-q[l] - Set level of message suppression (=1)
-s[v] - Scale input by 'v' (=72)
-y - Invert y coordinate in output
-n[v] - No layout mode 'v' (=1)
-x - Reduce graph
-Lg - Don't use grid
-LO - Use old attractive force
-Ln<i> - Set number of iterations to i
-LU<i> - Set unscaled factor to i
-LC<v> - Set overlap expansion factor to v
-LT[*]<v> - Set temperature (temperature factor) to v
-m - Memory test (Observe no growth with top. Kill when done.)
-m[v] - Memory test - v iterations.
-c - Configure plugins (Writes $prefix/lib/graphviz/config
with available plugin information. Needs write privilege.)
-? - Print usage and exit
- E: edges
- N: nodes
- G: the root graph
- S: subgraphs
- C: cluster subgraphs
name | E | N | G | S | C | type | default | notes |
arrowhead | E | arrowType | normal | エッジの終端の形状を指定 | ||||
arrowsize | E | double | 1.0 | 矢印の大きさ倍率で指定 | ||||
arrowtail | E | arrowType | normal | エッジの始端の形状を指定 | ||||
bgcolor | G | C | color,colorList | 背景色 | ||||
center | G | bool | false | 中央に出力する | ||||
charset | G | string | "UTF-8" | キャラクタセットを指定 | ||||
color | E | N | C | color,colorList | black | 図形のカラー | ||
colorscheme | E | N | G | C | string | "" | 図形のカラースキーマの名前空間を指定, colorやfillcolorはスキーマの色番号で指定できる | |
comment | E | N | G | string | "" | コメント | ||
compound | G | bool | false | クラスタ間のエッジを可能とする | ||||
concentrate | G | bool | false | 同一ノードへのエッジの線を1つに束ねる | ||||
dir | E | dirType | forward(directed),none(undirected) | エッジの矢印のタイプを指定する | ||||
constraint | E | bool | true | ランク付けにエッジを考慮する | ||||
distortion | N | double | 0.0 | shape=polygon | ||||
fillcolor | E | N | color,colorList | lightgrey(N),black(C) | 塗つぶし色 | |||
fixedsize | N | bool,string | false | ノードの大きさを指定可能にする 実際の大きさはheight/width | ||||
fontcolor | E | N | G | C | color | black | フォントカラー | |
fontname | E | N | G | C | string | "Times-Roman" | フォント名 | |
fontpath | G | string | system-dependent | フォントを探すパス | ||||
fontsize | E | N | G | C | double | 14.0 | フォントサイズ | |
forcelabels | G | bool | true | |||||
gradientangle | N | G | C | int | "" | グラデーション塗りの角度 | ||
group | N | string | "" | グループ名 同じグループのノードをより近く配置する | ||||
headlabel | E | lblString | "" | エッジの終端のラベル | ||||
headport | E | portPos | center | エッジの終端を接続するポート | ||||
height | N | double | 0.5 | ノードの高さ | ||||
label | E | N | G | C | lblString | "\N" (nodes),"" (otherwise) | ラベル | |
labelangle | E | double | -25.0 | ラベルの位置を角度で指定する | ||||
labeldistance | E | double | 1.0 | ラベルの位置をノードからの距離で指定する | ||||
labelfloat | E | bool | false | ラベルの重なりを許可する | ||||
labelfontcolor | E | color | black | ラベルのフォントカラー | ||||
labelfontname | E | string | "Times-Roman" | ラベルのフォント名 | ||||
labelfontsize | E | double | 14.0 | ラベルのフォントサイズ | ||||
labeljust | G | C | string | "c" | ラベル位置 r=right-justified, l=left-justified | |||
labelloc | N | G | C | string | "t"(C),"b"(G),"c"(N) | ラベル位置 t=top, b=bottom, c=centered | ||
landscape | G | bool | false | |||||
layer | E | N | C | layerRange | "" | |||
layerlistsep | G | string | "," | |||||
layers | G | layerList | "" | |||||
layerselect | G | layerRange | "" | |||||
layersep | G | string | " :\t" | |||||
layout | G | string | "" | グラフのレイアウトを指定します。デフォルトはdotです。 | ||||
lhead | E | string | "" | エッジの終端をクリップするクラスターの名前 | ||||
lheight | G | C | double | ラベルの高さ. (write only) | ||||
lp | E | G | C | point | ||||
ltail | E | string | "" | エッジの始端をクリップするクラスターの名前 | ||||
lwidth | G | C | double | ラベルの幅. (write only) | ||||
margin | N | G | C | double,point | ノードの場合はラベルのマージン、labelloc,fixedsizeが指定されている場合は無効 | |||
nodesep | G | double | 0.25 | ノード間の距離 | ||||
nojustify | E | N | G | C | bool | false | ||
pad | G | double,point | 0.0555 (4 points) | パディングを指定 | ||||
peripheries | N | C | int | shape default(N),1(C) | 枠線の重数 | |||
ordering | N | G | string | "" | ||||
orientation | N | double | 0.0 | |||||
orientation | G | string | "" | |||||
rank | S | rankType | ランクの指定 "same", "min", "source", "max", "sink" | |||||
rankdir | G | rankdir | TB | 配置方向 TB, BT, LR, RL | ||||
ranksep | G | double,doubleList | 0.5(dot),1.0(twopi) | 同一ランクのノード間の距離 | ||||
ratio | G | double,string | ||||||
regular | N | bool | false | |||||
rotate | G | int | 0 | グラフの回転度 | ||||
shape | N | shape | ellipse | ノードの形状 | ||||
sides | N | int | 4 | shape=polygonの時.頂点の数を指定 | ||||
size | G | double,point | グラフの最大サイズ | |||||
skew | N | double | 0.0 | shape=polygon | ||||
splines | G | bool,string | エッジの描画方法を指定する none,line(false),polyline,curved,ortho,spline(true) | |||||
style | E | N | G | C | style | "" | 枠線のスタイル filled=塗つぶす | |
taillabel | E | lblString | "" | エッジの始端のラベル | ||||
tailport | E | portPos | center | エッジの始端を接続するポート | ||||
weight | E | int,double | 1 | エッジの重み付け 重みが大きいエッジが結ぶノードがより近く配置される | ||||
width | N | double | 0.75 | ノードの幅 |
color = "white:red:yellow"
color = "#EFEFEF:#F0F0F0:#ADADAD"
- TB : top to bottom.
- BT : bottom to top.
- LR : left to right.
- RL : right to left.
circo draws graphs using a circular layout (see Six and Tollis, GD ’99 and ALENEX ’99, and Kaufmann
and Wiese, GD ’02.) The tool identifies biconnected components and draws the nodes of the component on
a circle.fdp
fdp draws undirected graphs using a ‘spring’ model. It relies on a force-directed approach in the spirit of
Fruchterman and Reingold (cf. Software-Practice & Experience 21(11), 1991, pp. 1129-1164).neato
neato draws undirected graphs using a ‘spring’ model and reducing the related energy (see Kamada and
Kawai, Information Processing Letters 31:1, April 1989).osage
osage draws the graph using its cluster structure. For a given cluster, each of its subclusters is laid out internally
sfdp also draws undirected graphs using the ‘spring’ model described above, but it uses a multi-scale
approach to produce layouts of large graphs in a reasonably short timetwopi
twopi draws graphs using a radial layout (see G. Wills, Symposium on Graph Drawing GD’97, September,
1997). Basically, one node is chosen as the center and put at the origin.