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Notes | Working with Nx

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Youtube | An Introduction to Nx Workspaces - Understanding Nx & Monorepos #1

Monorepo is just a repository that contains multiple prejects
recommeds to use nx console extension of vscode
using monorepos will share a sigle set of dependencies in package.json

  1. Create a new empty Nx Workspace

    • npx create-nx-workspace WORKSPACE-NAME
    • https://nx.app/ nx cloud like commercial version
    • libs folder is where most of the code lives.
    • one node_modules folder for all the projects.
    • workspace.json: all configuration of projects
    • nx.json contains configuration for our workspace
  2. Generate a new React app with Nx

    • nx is the command line tool
    • nx list give us options that we have within our Nx workspace
    • nx list @nrwl/react shows posibilities that we have
    • nx g @nrwl/react:application [--help] where "application" is an option of the list.
  3. Generate new projects for Nx with Nx console

    • Vscode has plugin "nx console"
    • "nx console" is a menu with all the posibilites options
  4. Running a Rect App in the Browser with Nx

    • workspace.json contianis the core configuration
    • "defaultProject" is a important variable
    • "projects" has every project and the actions to ejecute in every project.
  5. Install and use external npm packages in an Nx workspace

  • Install a new dependency is as usually we do.

6.. Add styling to a react app inside an Nx workspace

7.. Configure assets for my react app in an Nx workspace

  • apps/store/src/assets -> Paste here the elements
  • in workspace.json is defined the path

8.. Create a shared react library in an Nx workspace

  • nx g @nrwl/react:lib ui-shared --directory=store
  • nx g @nrwl/react:component header --project=store-ui-shared where store-ui-store is a project in workspace.json

9.. Generate a typescript librabir in an Nx workspace

  • nx g @nrwl/workspace:lib util-formatters --directory=store
  • in tsconfig.json is the name of library to import

10.. Use the Nx dependency graph to visualize your monorepo structure

  • nx dep-graph
  • applications are represented by squares

11.. Create react feature libraries in an Nx workspace

  • the code use to be in lib folder by reusability and bounded context

12.. Create an express backend api in an Nx workspace

  • npm install -D @nrwl/express
  • nx g @nrwl/express:application NAME --frontendProject=store
  • check the file proxy.confg.json
  • nx run api:serve

13.. Use run commands to launch the api and app of an Nx workspace

  • nx run-many --target=serve --projects=api,store --parallel=true

14.. Connect to a express.js api from a react app in an Nx workspace

  • with useState and useEffect we can call the api

15.. Share and reause functionality with libraries in Nx

  • just import the function need it.

16.. Share code between a react frondend and node.js backend application in Nx
- create the library and import where is need it.
- nx g @nrwl/workspace:lib util-interfaces --directory=api

17.. Use storybook to develop react componets in Nx
- storybook is a framework to test components
- yarn add @nrwl/storybook -D
- nx list @nrwl/react contains schematics storybook-configuration
- nx run store-ui-shared:storybook

18.. Use cypress and storybook to test your react components in isolation

  • with e2e test we use cypress
  • nx run store-ui-shared-e2e:e2e --watch

19.. Run jest test from a react app with Nx

  • nx run store:test

20.. Build your react app with Nx

  • nx run store:build --configuration=production

21.. Linting a react app with Nx

  • nx run store:lint

22.. Scale CI runs with Nx affected commands

  • affected command show what dependency we need test/build etc again.
  • nx affected:dep-grap --base-16-adjust-jest-tests

23.. Speed up with Nx computation caching

  • nx affected:test --all
  • nx read hash from files ./node_modules/cache

24.. Update your Nx workspace with Nx migrations

  • nx migrate lastest
  • npm install
  • nx migrate --run-migrations=migrations.json
  • commit migrations.json then the teams could update their code

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