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Using Xmonad

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Using Xmonad


One day I woke up and my life changed, I has a notification on google plus,
on an archlinux group a buddy post happy because he istalled Xmonad,
I was curious, he so happy and just a backgroud,
something was wrong with my observation.
Then I investigated….

¿What is Xmonad?
“xmonad is a dynamically tiling X11 window manager that is written
and configured in Haskell. In a normal WM, you spend half your
time aligning and searching for windows. xmonad makes work easier,
by automating this.” For me is to use the computer focused in the functionality,
beacuse this is exactly Haskell “An advanced purely-functional programming language”

it has many groovy solely you need study a little more.

we go to install on Archlinux.

sudo pacman -S xorg xorg-utils xmonad xmonad-contrib xmobar dmenu git feh terminator

and search the corresponding video driver

xorg xorg-utils is the the displays server (X windows system)
xmonad xmonad-contrib our windows manager

xmobar we can have a top bar this give us information as date,battery, wifi, anything
dmenu this allows search any program and execute
git to get our files of github

feh this allows set background we are using on .xinitrc

terminator This is just I love terminator but you can choose your preference and edit xmonad.hs
on home directory you should have .xmonad (~/.xmonad) if you don’t have create it, on directory .xmonad:
git clone https://github.com/robertbnd/dotfiles/blob/master/xmonad.hs
git clone https://github.com/robertbnd/dotfiles/blob/master/xmobar.hs
on ~/
git clone https://github.com/robertbnd/dotfiles/blob/master/.xinitrc
this file is executed when starts X windows system
on tty use startx and run your xmonad or if you has gdm change the option of gnome to xmonad.

by default Xmonad use ALT but I chaged to use windows key example

windows key + o: Run the terminal “terminator”
windows key + g: Run chrominum
windows key + f: Firefox
windows key + Shift + F4 : turn off our computer
windows key + Shift + F4 : change focused window

I commented xmonad.hs you can found all the combinations.
My recomendation is to learn Haskell because you can understand easily the configuration
and also is a good lenguage. I need fine-tune my xmonad but for now is ok,
nevertheless you can ask me any question.


Learn haskell http://hackr.io/tutorials/haskell
Tutorial Xmonad


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