The perfect team must have this characteristics
Psychological Safety
"shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking" (Amy Edmondson)
The people are free to express ideas and make mistakes without fear of being reprimanded.
Building a psychologically safe workplace | Amy Edmondson | TEDxHGSE - Youtube
No one wants to look: Ignorant, incompetent, intrusive, negative
then when people go to work, they do self protection and don't participate with opinions.
Psychological safety is a belief that own will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes.
The teams with Psychological safety have more errors but it's because the team is willing to express and discuss them
For implement Psychological Safety
- Frame the work as a learning problem, not an execution problem, recognize, make explicit that there's enormous uncertainty ahead and enormous interdependence, we've got to have everybody's brains and voices in the game.
- Acknowledge your own fallibility.
- Model curiosity, ask alot of questions creates a necessity for voice.
I have to dial back a little on excellence?
Psychological Safety is specially required when the activity has uncertainty and interdependence.
Team members get things done and you can rely on each other
- Clarify roles and responsibilities of team members
- Talk about how to be conscientious
Structure & Clarity
Everyone's goals, roles and responsibilities are clear.
consider implement OKR
The work I do is meaningful to me
Give team members positive feedback on something outstanding they are doing
and offer to help them with something they struggle with.
The work we do matters for others and our organization - we're making a difference
Reflect on the work you're doing and how it impacts customers and the organization.
really understand why we do what we are doing.
She did a survey to score every concept.
Psychological Safety: I feel comfortable brainstorming with my team.
Dependability: When my teammates say they'll do something, they follow through with it.
Structure and Clarity: We have clear team/project goals and we feel that are achievable.
Meaning: The work I do is meaningful, I get a sense of personal and professional fulfillment from it.
Impact: I understand how our work contributes to the organization's goal and changes for the better for our Colleagues and Customers.
And one optional comment, it is a very important question.
After getting the report and seeing which are the best teams then have a conversation with the leaders and if the team is good she asks them why his team is so happy.
Evaluate periodically.
The cycle is:
Awareness -> Actions -> Feedback
Giving people the vocabulary
data makes it easier
Leadership accountable.
Support and coaching.
Visibility and feedback to the teams.