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Meetings: WDT - TestingTalks

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WebDevTalks and TestingTalks are monthly meetings that make the people of my country Colima,Mexico.


Ivan Velazquez
The mate speaks about the news webAPIs HTML5 that he liked it.

He mentions that this option is useful because you can change the status of a website like pause a video.

Online Status
It's like in slack when you are offline the website can alert it.

The opinion of Ivan the vibration is a plus for the UX, and can be use in videogames like flappybird

Device Orientation

Ambient Light
In this case he said one option is change the theme of our website example when is night the light off we can detected and set a black theme.

Battery Status
The documentation said is obsolete.

Speech Reconition
I need test this api, the idea you can speak with the browser

Speech Synthesis
We can make the browser speaks

and last but not least important webassembly, isn't api but is a new technology with high performance.

React Native

Noel Escobedo
Noel mentions tool to work with react native this is the list.


This is the code that he used to show the parts with react native.

One more thing, he said we need to have precaution with the use of "tabs" because the memory can be heavy, he learn this because in one project on the tabs he used 1GB.

The absence of testing and the consequences

Giuseppe Serrano

The point of this talk was the quality
He talks about a job that he had, in this job the Project Manager didn't want to have a testing team well the result was the client was unsatisfied because the product had alot bugs, the work team started to work 7 days they didn't have relaxation because they now need work in fix every bug.

The 30% of development time is the industry standard for testing,
example: 10 weeks developing a feature then + 3 weeks testing,
of course always use your criteria but assign time for testing.

Testing in the world of continuous integration

Vannesa Lopez

She encourages us to use CI because is more easy for every project to have feedback, I asked, what happens with the time with the testing if all the process in very fast?
She said the idea is every night the team of development has a new release to the next day to test and anyway the team of QA must start since of point to take requirements.

Also she said the project should start in development with the business logic because the front-end always the client will want changes but the business logic will rarely change.


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