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Ruby の REPL ではもう irb じゃなく pry を使うのがフツーになってると思います。

pry の機能をくわしく紹介してくださってるのが


すごく単純な事なのですが、やはり help にはそのコマンドの簡単な内容が載ってますよね。

[1]pry(main)> help


###1. Help

help               Show a list of commands or information about a specific command.

###2. Context

cd                 Move into a new context (object or scope).
find-method        Recursively search for a method within a class/module or the current namespace.
ls                 Show the list of vars and methods in the current scope.
pry-backtrace      Show the backtrace for the pry session.
raise-up           Raise an exception out of the current pry instance.
reset              Reset the repl to a clean state.
watch              Watch the value of an expression and print a notification whenever it changes.
whereami           Show code surrounding the current context.      (Alias: @)
wtf?               Show the backtrace of the most recent exception.

###3. Editing

/^\s*!\s*$/        Clear the input buffer.
amend-line         Amend a line of input in multi-line mode.
edit               Invoke the default editor on a file.
hist               Show and replay readline history.        (Alias: history)
play               Playback a string variable, method, line, or file as input.
show-input         Show the contents of the input buffer for the current multi-line expression.

###4. Introspection

ri                 View ri documentation.
show-doc           Show the documentation for a method or class. (Alias: ?)
show-source        Show the source for a method or class.        (Alias: $, show-method)
stat               View method information and set _file_ and _dir_ locals.

###5. Gems

gem-cd             Change working directory to specified gem's directory.
gem-install        Install a gem and refresh the gem cache.
gem-list           List and search installed gems.
gem-open           Opens the working directory of the gem in your editor.

###6. Commands

import-set         Import a pry command set.
install-command    Install a disabled command.

###7. Input and output

.<shell command>   All text following a '.' is forwarded to the shell.
cat                Show code from a file, pry's input buffer, or the last exception.
change-inspector   Change the current inspector proc.
change-prompt      Change the current prompt.
fix-indent         Correct the indentation for contents of the input buffer
list-inspectors    List the inspector procs available for use.
list-prompts       List the prompts available for use.
save-file          Export to a file using content from the repl.
shell-mode         Toggle shell mode. bring in pwd prompt and file completion. (Alias: file-mode)

###8. Misc

gist               Upload code, docs, history to https://gist.github.com/.
clipit             Alias for `gist --clip`
pry-version        Show pry version.
reload-code        Reload the source file that contains the specified code object. (Alias: reload-method)
toggle-color       Toggle syntax highlighting.

###9. Navigating pry

!pry               Start a pry session on current self.
disable-pry        Stops all future calls to pry and exits the current session.
exit               Pop the previous binding.    (Alias: quit)
exit-all           End the current pry session. (Alias: !!@)
exit-program       End the current program.     (Alias: !!!, quit-program)
jump-to            Jump to a binding further up the stack.
nesting            Show nesting information.
switch-to          Start a new subsession on a binding in the current stack.

###10. Prompts

simple-prompt      Toggle the simple prompt.

gist コマンドなんて初めて見ました。


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