More than 5 years have passed since last update.

フロントReact, バック play scala でWebサイトを構築する

Last updated at Posted at 2018-11-25


MacOS Mojave 10.14.1
scala 2.12.6
sbt 1.2.1
npm 6.4.1
node 8.12.0


1. play frameworkのプロジェクトを作成する


$ sbt new playframework/play-scala-seed.g8

2. public ディレクトリ内のものを全て削除する。


$ rm -rf public/*

3. uiディレクトリを作成


$ mkdir ui


1. create-react-app


$ cd ui
$ create-react-app .

2. ncpとrimrafを追加でインストール。


$ npm install -D ncp rimraf
// または
$ yarn add ncp rimraf -D // こっちは確かめてない。

rimraf : Unixコマンドの rm -rf あたる処理をしてくれるもの
ncp : 再帰的にファイルとディレクトリーのコピーをしてくれるもの

3. package.jsonの修正


  "scripts": {
    "build": "rimraf ../public && react-scripts build && ncp build ../public && rimraf build",
  "proxy": "http://localhost:9000",

scriptsの "build" のところは、

  1. プロジェクトのルートディレクトリ配下のpublicディレクトリを削除
  2. reactのソースコードのビルド
  3. ビルドして出来上がった、buildディレクトリを、publicディレクトリとしてプロジェクトのルートディレクトリにコピー
  4. 出来上がったbuildディレクトリの削除




続いては、play scala側の設定をしていきます。

1. FrontendCommands.scalaの作成


  * Frontend build commands.
  * Change these if you are using some other package manager. i.e: Yarn
object FrontendCommands {
  val dependencyInstall: String = "npm install"
  val test: String = "npm run test"
  val serve: String = "npm run start"
  val build: String = "npm run build"

2. FrontendRunHook.scalaの作成


import java.net.InetSocketAddress

import play.sbt.PlayRunHook
import sbt._

import scala.sys.process.Process

  * Frontend build play run hook.
  * https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.6.x/SBTCookbook
object FrontendRunHook {
  def apply(base: File): PlayRunHook = {
    object UIBuildHook extends PlayRunHook {

      var process: Option[Process] = None

        * Change these commands if you want to use Yarn.
      var npmInstall: String = FrontendCommands.dependencyInstall
      var npmRun: String = FrontendCommands.serve

      // Windows requires npm commands prefixed with cmd /c
      if (System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("win")){
        npmInstall = "cmd /c" + npmInstall
        npmRun = "cmd /c" + npmRun

        * Executed before play run start.
        * Run npm install if node modules are not installed.
      override def beforeStarted(): Unit = {
        if (!(base / "ui" / "node_modules").exists()) Process(npmInstall, base / "ui").!

        * Executed after play run start.
        * Run npm start
      override def afterStarted(addr: InetSocketAddress): Unit = {
        process = Option(
          Process(npmRun, base / "ui").run

        * Executed after play run stop.
        * Cleanup frontend execution processes.
      override def afterStopped(): Unit = {
        process = None




import scala.sys.process.Process

 * UI Build hook Scripts

// Execution status success.
val Success = 0

// Execution status failure.
val Error = 1

// Run serve task when Play runs in dev mode, that is, when using 'sbt run'
// https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.6.x/SBTCookbook
PlayKeys.playRunHooks += baseDirectory.map(FrontendRunHook.apply).value

// True if build running operating system is windows.
val isWindows = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().contains("win")

// Execute on commandline, depending on the operating system. Used to execute npm commands.
def runOnCommandline(script: String)(implicit dir: File): Int = {
  if(isWindows){ Process("cmd /c set CI=true&&" + script, dir) } else { Process("env CI=true " + script, dir) } }!

// Check of node_modules directory exist in given directory.
def isNodeModulesInstalled(implicit dir: File): Boolean = (dir / "node_modules").exists()

// Execute `npm install` command to install all node module dependencies. Return Success if already installed.
def runNpmInstall(implicit dir: File): Int =
  if (isNodeModulesInstalled) Success else runOnCommandline(FrontendCommands.dependencyInstall)

// Execute task if node modules are installed, else return Error status.
def ifNodeModulesInstalled(task: => Int)(implicit dir: File): Int =
  if (runNpmInstall == Success) task
  else Error

// Execute frontend test task. Update to change the frontend test task.
def executeUiTests(implicit dir: File): Int = ifNodeModulesInstalled(runOnCommandline(FrontendCommands.test))

// Execute frontend prod build task. Update to change the frontend prod build task.
def executeProdBuild(implicit dir: File): Int = ifNodeModulesInstalled(runOnCommandline(FrontendCommands.build))

// Create frontend build tasks for prod, dev and test execution.

lazy val `ui-test` = TaskKey[Unit]("Run UI tests when testing application.")

`ui-test` := {
  implicit val userInterfaceRoot = baseDirectory.value / "ui"
  if (executeUiTests != Success) throw new Exception("UI tests failed!")

lazy val `ui-prod-build` = TaskKey[Unit]("Run UI build when packaging the application.")

`ui-prod-build` := {
  implicit val userInterfaceRoot = baseDirectory.value / "ui"
  if (executeProdBuild != Success) throw new Exception("Oops! UI Build crashed.")

// Execute frontend prod build task prior to play dist execution.
dist := (dist dependsOn `ui-prod-build`).value

// Execute frontend prod build task prior to play stage execution.
stage := (stage dependsOn `ui-prod-build`).value

// Execute frontend test task prior to play test execution.
test := ((test in Test) dependsOn `ui-test`).value

3. FrontendController.scalaの作成


package controllers

import javax.inject._

import play.api.Configuration
import play.api.http.HttpErrorHandler
import play.api.mvc._

  * Frontend controller managing all static resource associate routes.
  * @param assets Assets controller reference.
  * @param cc Controller components reference.
class FrontendController @Inject()(assets: Assets, errorHandler: HttpErrorHandler, config: Configuration, cc: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) {

  def index: Action[AnyContent] = assets.at("index.html")

  def assetOrDefault(resource: String): Action[AnyContent] = if (resource.startsWith(config.get[String]("apiPrefix"))){
    Action.async(r => errorHandler.onClientError(r, NOT_FOUND, "Not found"))
  } else {
    if (resource.contains(".")) assets.at(resource) else index

4. エラーの修正


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: A named attribute key must start with a lowercase letter: Run UI tests when testing application.




$ sbt run


Scala Play React Seed

ここまで、参考[1]のサイトを見ながら進めてきたが、この記事の著者が便利にもscala-play-react-seedなるものを作ってくれている。これを落として使えばいける(はず)。なのだが、最初これをダウンロードして使おうとしたら起動して、ブラウザ画面が立ち上がるところまではいったもののエラーになってしまい、原因がわからなかった。なので、今回は参考[1]の記事を参考に自分でコピペしながらプロジェクトを作成した。まだよく理解しいないことも多いが、色々試しながらscala, play, reactを勉強していこうと思う。


  1. React with Play Framework 2.6.x :ソースコードなどはここからひっぱっていてます.
  2. Getting Started with Play Framework
  3. yohangz/scala-play-react-seed

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