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#I work for an international company

####Working for an International company is a great way to meet people and learn about different cultures.####

I would like to describe my experiences with people/cultures that i have met.

WARNING 1 This posting has nothing to do about coding or IT! :v:
WARNING 2 英語版のみ~:frowning2:

#This list starts here↓#

Spain: The Spanish are very friendly and warm people. Generally easy and pleasant to work with. They have a flexible way of thinking. the definition of quality is different when compared to Japan. Almost polar opposites. Perhaps is it because they live close to the Mediterranean sea? :sunrise:

Italy: I have worked with many Italians. They are very passionate about their work and passionate about their wine! They have a very high work ethic which I did know until i worked with them. They also close to the Mediterranean sea, but different personality than the Spanish.

Switzerland: The Swiss are very logical and reasonable to work with. Swiss people are very sharp on numbers, so you need to make sure that any reports you present are very accurate.

Germany: Is very similar to the Swiss and Japanese. Very precise and accurate about numbers. Both countries have a very high level of expectation for excellence and accuracy.

The Netherlands: The Dutch have a relaxing and friendly personality. This came to be as a big surprise because I was working with the French/Swiss for such a long time... I can truly say that working for the Dutch is very nice and friendly.

Poland: I did not know much about Polish until just recently. As i discover more about Polish, i am finding out that they are very detailed and smart. I discovered that there are many Polish software developers.

Japan: The Japanese have an amazing work ethic and loyalty which is unmatched by any other country. Commitment, hard work, and keen eye for detail are common traits. Japanese play as hard as they work. Which I believe is a way of life work balance. 飲みニケーション is a good way to describe it.:beers:

Argentina: South America is hospitality is supreme. I was amazed to find out that the cost of living is very high in Argentina and many people often have 2 jobs. Working 2 jobs can make you hungry, but it is unusual for me to start dinner at 22:30.. Work was often done while drinking a coffee at a local cafe (but most of the talk usually was not about work:relaxed:).

Philippines: Hospitality and family feeling is what i get in the Philippines. Everyone at the office is treated like family. They often dine together. Not just a small group, but the whole office will often have dinner together. Food is great and drinks are cold. Always best to drink a San Miguel Light:beers:.. because you never just have a couple.. they serve them by the bucket!

United Kingdom: The BRITS. They do not like Americans. They think that all American's are stupid. Even though, I am American, I really do like the Brits. Their very dry humor takes time get used to, then you just turn it around and reverse it and make a joke back to them. The English like the challenge of a good joke debate.. Especially while having a pint of Cider!:beer:

America: I saved the BEST(??):v: country for the last. Many Americans have a competitive personality. I suppose because an American is not a single race. Americans are a mix of people from all over the world.

Because everyone has different opinions and backgrounds, it is important to be able to negotiate. This is a very important life skill. There is a lot of politics in American business, so i quickly learned that I need to be able to negotiate strongly and clearly to get what i want or needed. But a good thing is that once a decision is made, the action can come quickly. But beware, politics can be a challenge if you do not know how to manage properly.

Lastly, I feel that Americans have a mindset that is open for new ideas, and looking for the next new gadget.

Finally, i feel very fortunate to have the opportunity to work for international companies. It has given me an opportunity to learn about our world and its many cultures.


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