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SavePanel for macOS

Last updated at Posted at 2022-03-19

Since allowedFileTypes is removed on macOS 12.0, you need workaround to replace the feature.

๐ŸŸฉScreenshot main:

    func ExecIBScreenshot() {                                                               //<*๐Ÿ’™Screenshot*>
        let wShot:NSImage?  = macOS.CallGetScreenshot(appName, pPercent:1, pInverse:false)  //๐ŸžGet screenshot.
        if wShot == nil         { return }                                                  //
        else { }                                                                            //
        let wcgi:CGImage    = wShot!.cgImage(forProposedRect: nil, context: nil, hints: nil)!//Convert to CGImage.
        let wRep:NSBitmapImageRep   = NSBitmapImageRep(cgImage: wcgi)                       //
        let wData:NSData    = wRep.representation(using: .png, properties: [:])! as NSData  //
        var wName:String    = ""                                                            //
        if zScreenFolder == "" {                                                            //
            zScreenName     = "screenshotMMA"                                               //filename
            wName           = zScreenName                                                   //screenshotMMA for the alert.
        } else {                                                                            //
            zScreenNum          += 1                                                        //
            let wNum:String = Call.PickupLastWords(String(1000 + zScreenNum), pString: "999")//001, 002, ... 999
            wName           = zScreenName + wNum                                            //screenshotMMA999
        }                                                                                   //
        let wFolder:URL     = URL(fileURLWithPath:NSHomeDirectory()+"/Desktop")             //Save on the desktop.
        let wX              = macOS.SavePanelScreen(["png"], pMsg:cm.rcMSG[LT.msg17],       //20220318
                                pDirURL:wFolder, pCreateDir:true, pFName:wName+".png")      //Save panel
        let wA              = Call.GetFileInfo(wX.rURL, pExtentionArray: [], pSyspathArray: [])//Get file info.
        zScreenType         = "." + wA.rExtention                                           //
        let wNew:String     = Call.RemoveLastWords(wA.rName, pString: zScreenType)          //Remove the extention.
        if wNew == wName {                                                                  //
        } else {                                                                            //
            zScreenName     = wNew                                                          //Replace it to userโ€™s one.
        }                                                                                   //
        zScreenFolder       = Call.RemoveLastWords((wX.rURL).path, pString: zScreenName + zScreenType)//folder path
        Call.WriteDatafile(wX.rURL, pData: wData)                                           //Write the screenshot.

๐ŸŸฉSavePanel for Screenshot:

        func SavePanelScreen(_ pFType:[String], pMsg:String, pDirURL:URL?,  //๐ŸŽ20220318 (M19)<*NSSavePanel*>
        pCreateDir:Bool, pFName:String)-> (rURL:URL, rState:String) {   //๐ŸŽโ‘ nil: Cancelled โ‘กOK: rURL is OK.
        let wBool:Bool = false                                          //๐ŸŽ
        while wBool == false {                                          //๐ŸŽ
            let wSave                   = NSSavePanel()                 //๐ŸŽ
            wSave.nameFieldStringValue  = pFName                        //๐ŸŽ
//          if pFType.count > 0 {   wSave.allowedFileTypes   = pFType } //๐ŸŽSet Extention. โŒDesperated on macOS 12.0
            wSave.allowsOtherFileTypes  = false                         //๐ŸŽDo not allow other extentions.
            wSave.message               = pMsg                          //๐ŸŽMessaga for the panel.
            wSave.directoryURL          = pDirURL                       //๐ŸŽFolder name for the panel.
            wSave.canCreateDirectories  = pCreateDir                    //๐ŸŽA user can create a new folder.
            wSave.treatsFilePackagesAsDirectories  = false              //๐ŸŽ
            let wModal                  = wSave.runModal()              //๐ŸŽ
            if wModal.rawValue == NSApplication.ModalResponse.cancel.rawValue {//๐ŸŽ
                return (wSave.url!, rrNG)                               //๐ŸŽโ™ป๏ธreturnโ™ป๏ธ Canceled.
//          } else  { return (wSave.url!, "")  }                        //๐ŸŽโ™ป๏ธreturnโ™ป๏ธ Normal end โŒDesperated on macOS 12.0
            } else  {                                                   //๐ŸŽ20220318
                let wPath:String = wSave.url!.path + ""                 //๐ŸŽ20220318<โ€”-Use the file name + extention as is.
                return (URL(fileURLWithPath: wPath), "")                //๐ŸŽ20220318 โ™ป๏ธreturnโ™ป๏ธ Normal 
            }                                                           //๐ŸŽ
        }                                                               //๐ŸŽ

๐ŸŸฉUsual SavePanel:

    func OpenPanel(_ pFType:[String], pMulti:Bool, pDir:Bool,           //๐ŸŽ(M20)<*NSOpenPanel*>
        pFile:Bool, pCreateDir:Bool)->  [URL] {                         //๐ŸŽโ‘ nil: Cancelled โ‘กOK: rURL is OK.
        let wBool:Bool = false                                          //๐ŸŽ
        while wBool == false {                                          //๐ŸŽ
            let NSOpen = NSOpenPanel()                                  //๐ŸŽallowedContentTypes
//          if pFType.count > 0 { NSOpen.allowedFileTypes   = pFType }  //๐ŸŽ20220318 Set Extention. โŒDesperated on macOS 12.0
            NSOpen.allowsMultipleSelection  = pMulti                    //๐ŸŽMultiple selection
            NSOpen.canChooseDirectories     = pDir                      //๐ŸŽFolder
            NSOpen.canChooseFiles           = pFile                     //๐ŸŽFile
            NSOpen.canCreateDirectories     = pCreateDir                //๐ŸŽCreate a new folder
            NSOpen.treatsFilePackagesAsDirectories = false              //๐ŸŽ
            let wModal = NSOpen.runModal()                              //๐ŸŽ
            if wModal.rawValue == NSApplication.ModalResponse.cancel.rawValue {//๐ŸŽ
                return []                                               //๐ŸŽโ™ป๏ธreturnโ™ป๏ธ Canceled: []
            } else if NSOpen.urls.count > 0 {                           //๐ŸŽ
                var wURL:[URL]              = []                        //๐ŸŽ20220318
                var wFType:[String]         = []                        //๐ŸŽ20220318
                for ftype in pFType {                                   //๐ŸŽ20220318 Convert every extention to โ€œ.โ€ + extention.
                    wFType.append("."+ftype)                            //๐ŸŽ20220318
                }                                                       //๐ŸŽ20220318
                for url in NSOpen.urls {                                //๐ŸŽ20220318 The filepath has one of extentions that are allowed?
                    let wA = Call.GetFileType(url, pTypeArray: pFType)  //๐ŸŽ20220318 
                    if wA != "" {                                       //๐ŸŽ20220318 <โ€”-Yes
                        wURL.append(url)                                //๐ŸŽ20220318 Save the URL
                    } else { }                                          //๐ŸŽ20220318 <โ€”-No
                }                                                       //๐ŸŽ20220318
                return wURL                                             //๐ŸŽโ™ป๏ธreturnโ™ป๏ธ Normal end
            }                                                           //๐ŸŽ
        }                                                               //๐ŸŽ

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