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Chromiumの規模を確認する その4: 変更が多かった場所

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前回 は Chromium の M88 と M89 とでの変更量を確認した


C, C++, Assembly, Java の4言語での差分

内容 結論
レンダリングエンジン Blink の変更量 10万LOC (変更全体のほぼ 1/10)
JavaScriptエンジン v8 の変更量 4万LOC
最も変更量が多かったコンポーネント 27万LOC (Chrome)

src 以下のディレクトリ毎の変更量

C, C++, Assembly, Java の4言語に絞って確認する

$ touch /tmp/NULL

バージョンが変わって削除されたファイルやディレクトリの比較でエラーがでないようにダミーファイル (/tmp/NULL) を用意する

$ time \
for d in `for i in  chromium/src/* chromium2/src/* ; do basename $i; done | sort | uniq `; \
do \
    name=`basename $d`; \
    c1="chromium/src/$name"; \
    c2="chromium2/src/$name"; \
    if [ ! -e $c1 ] ; then \
        c1="/tmp/NULL";  \
        echo "[0] $c2" 1>&2; \
    elif [ ! -e $c2 ] ; then \
        c2="/tmp/NULL"; \
        echo "[+] $c1" 1>&2; \
    fi ; \
    ~/work/cloc-1.88/cloc --quiet --diff --timeout=60 --diff-timeout=60 --csv $c2 $c1 \
    | tail +3 | sed "s@^@$name,@"; \
done  \
| sed  1i"dir, Language, == files, != files, + files, - files, == blank, != blank, + blank, - blank, == comment, != comment, + comment, - comment, == code, != code, + code, - code"  \
> cloc_diff_M88_M89_src.csv 

3 errors:
Diff error, exceeded timeout:  chromium2/src/testing/buildbot/chromium.fyi.json v. chromium/src/testing/buildbot/chromium.fyi.json
Diff error, exceeded timeout:  chromium2/src/testing/buildbot/chromium.clang.json v. chromium/src/testing/buildbot/chromium.clang.json
Diff error, exceeded timeout:  chromium2/src/testing/buildbot/chromium.android.json v. chromium/src/testing/buildbot/chromium.android.json

1 error:
Diff error, exceeded timeout:  chromium2/src/third_party/blink/web_tests/external/WPT_BASE_MANIFEST_8.json v. chromium/src/third_party/blink/web_tests/external/WPT_BASE_MANIFEST_8.json

2 errors:
Diff error, exceeded timeout:  chromium2/src/tools/metrics/histograms/histograms_xml/obsolete_histograms.xml
Diff error, exceeded timeout:  chromium/src/tools/metrics/histograms/histograms_xml/obsolete_histograms.xml

real    41m3.007s
user    35m14.436s
sys 2m5.908s

diff でタイムアウトしているファイルは大勢に影響なさそうなので無視して進める

C, C++, Assembly, Javaの4言語のみに絞って LOC を確認する

Directory 変更 追加 削除 合計
third_party 36,815 110,806 259,397 407,018
chrome 34,405 144,731 95,094 274,230
components 15,346 61,823 25,718 102,887
content 8,778 24,457 16,319 49,554
ash 3,494 18,949 8,095 30,538
ui 3,944 12,472 4,868 21,284
chromeos 1,490 13,146 6,468 21,104
services 2,590 9,321 2,821 14,732
media 1,660 9,604 2,033 13,297
net 2,777 7,302 2,495 12,574
base 2,115 4,929 2,849 9,893
device 567 2,871 5,012 8,450
chromecast 573 5,661 1,955 8,189
extensions 1,913 1,771 2,004 5,688
android_webview 461 3,191 1,299 4,951
cc 1,113 2,670 719 4,502
weblayer 380 2,508 1,519 4,407
ios 231 1,970 1,510 3,711
sandbox 18 59 2,467 2,544
gpu 352 1,190 325 1,867
fuchsia 134 1,293 307 1,734
crypto 36 124 1,336 1,496
pdf 372 838 158 1,368
remoting 228 887 185 1,300
mojo 391 391 304 1,086
tools 103 596 139 838
skia 102 505 141 748
google_apis 233 357 113 703
storage 306 159 50 515
url 124 328 55 507
printing 116 366 19 501
headless 30 160 45 235
sql 4 126 5 135
gin 16 70 4 90
build 16 36 8 60
ipc 19 27 4 50
rlz 21 7 0 28
ppapi 7 9 2 18
apps 2 7 7 16
testing 6 0 3 9
native_client_sdk 0 0 0 0
jingle 0 0 0 0
dbus 0 0 0 0
courgette 0 0 0 0
codelabs 0 0 0 0
cloud_print 0 0 0 0
buildtools 0 0 0 0
総計 121,288 445,717 445,852 1,012,857

third_party の変更を確認する

$ time \
for d in `for i in  chromium/src/third_party/* chromium2/src/third_party/* ; do basename $i; done | sort | uniq `; \
do \
    name=`basename $d`; \
    c1="chromium/src/third_party/$name"; \
    c2="chromium2/src/third_party/$name"; \
    if [ ! -e $c1 ] ; then \
        c1="/tmp/NULL";  \
        echo "[-] $c2" 1>&2; \
    elif [ ! -e $c2 ] ; then \
        c2="/tmp/NULL"; \
        echo "[+] $c1" 1>&2; \
    fi ; \
    ~/work/cloc-1.88/cloc --quiet --diff --timeout=60 --diff-timeout=60 --csv $c2 $c1 \
    | tail +3 | sed "s@^@$name,@"; \
done  \
| sed  1i"dir, Language, == files, != files, + files, - files, == blank, != blank, + blank, - blank, == comment, != comment, + comment, - comment, == code, != code, + code, - code"  \
> cloc_diff_M88_M89_src_third_party.csv 

[-] chromium2/src/third_party/adobe

1 error:
Diff error, exceeded timeout:  chromium2/src/third_party/blink/web_tests/external/WPT_BASE_MANIFEST_8.json v. chromium/src/third_party/blink/web_tests/external/WPT_BASE_MANIFEST_8.json
[+] chromium/src/third_party/eigen3
[+] chromium/src/third_party/emoji-metadata
[+] chromium/src/third_party/farmhash
[+] chromium/src/third_party/fft2d
[+] chromium/src/third_party/fp16
[+] chromium/src/third_party/gemmlowp
[-] chromium2/src/third_party/glslang
[-] chromium2/src/third_party/guava
[+] chromium/src/third_party/neon_2_sse
[+] chromium/src/third_party/ruy
[-] chromium2/src/third_party/shaka-player
[-] chromium2/src/third_party/spirv-cross
[-] chromium2/src/third_party/spirv-headers
[-] chromium2/src/third_party/SPIRV-Tools
[+] chromium/src/third_party/tflite
[-] chromium2/src/third_party/vulkan_headers

real    13m11.152s
user    11m53.177s
sys 0m36.285s


third_party ディレクトリの変更量

third_party ディレクトリ内で変更量の大きい順に確認する

  • Chromiumのレンダリングエンジンである Blink が最も変更量が多く約10万LOC
  • Protocol Buffers や AV1 のデコーダが大きな変更
Directory 変更 追加 削除 合計
blink 15,610 45,718 39,034 100,362
protobuf 14,368 35,395 49,516 99,279
vulkan_headers 0 0 82,183 82,183
libaom 162 0 77,587 77,749
win_build_output 424 10,207 8,510 19,141
boringssl 4,071 8,899 724 13,694
abseil-cpp 419 3,725 748 4,892
brotli 1,497 2,038 804 4,339
fft2d 0 3,697 0 3,697
crashpad 198 433 237 868
liburlpattern 41 385 4 430
grpc 0 243 0 243
mozilla 0 0 38 38
inspector_protocol 3 25 0 28
android_deps 0 19 4 23
opus 0 20 0 20
zlib 11 0 1 12
leveldatabase 2 0 4 6
gvr-android-sdk 5 0 0 5
libvpx 3 0 0 3
adobe 0 0 3 3
libva_protected_content 0 2 0 2
r8 1 0 0 1
zxcvbn-cpp 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ...
afl 0 0 0 0
総計 36,815 110,806 259,397 407,018


- 88.0.4324.91
- 89.0.4388.4

Chromium のバージョン v8 のバージョン
88.0.4324.91 cbcbe9243488ceffd693a94a335bfd4d09b1e9ca
89.0.4388.4 8b42c4e7175e5d28c57d72dade99c52a144bec1f
$ cd chromium2/src/
$ git status
HEAD detached at 88.0.4324.91
nothing to commit, working tree clean
$ cat DEPS | grep v8
  'v8_revision': 'cbcbe9243488ceffd693a94a335bfd4d09b1e9ca',
              'version': 'y8fIfH8Leo2cPm7iGCYnBxZpwOlgLv8rm2mlcmJlvGsC',
    Var('chromium_git') + '/v8/v8.git' + '@' +  Var('v8_revision'),
                '--bucket', 'v8-wasm-fuzzer',
                '-s', 'src/v8/test/fuzzer/wasm_corpus.tar.gz.sha1',
$  time ~/work/cloc-1.88/cloc --quiet --csv --git-diff-all --timeout=60 --diff-timeout=60 cbcbe9243488ceffd693a94a335bfd4d09b1e9ca 8b42c4e7175e5d28c57d72dade99c52a144bec1f > ../cloc_diff_M88_M89_v8.csv

real    2m44.866s
user    2m39.741s
sys 0m5.018s

Language 変更 追加 削除 合計
C++ 10,227 15,597 8,281 34,105
JavaScript 1,269 6,050 3,306 10,625
C/C++ Header 2,368 5,658 1,804 9,830
HTML 62 741 565 1,368
Python 429 503 144 1,076
Lua 0 0 407 407
JSON 97 9 158 264
Bourne Shell 33 26 32 91
CSS 7 81 0 88
XML 0 44 0 44
YAML 0 8 0 8
Markdown 3 3 0 6
DOS Batch 1 0 0 1
Windows Module Definition 0 0 0 0
WebAssembly 0 0 0 0
vim script 0 0 0 0
TypeScript 0 0 0 0
Scheme 0 0 0 0
R 0 0 0 0
make 0 0 0 0
C 0 0 0 0
Bourne Again Shell 0 0 0 0
Assembly 0 0 0 0
総計 14,496 28,720 14,697 57,913
Language 変更 追加 削除 合計
C++ 10,227 15,597 8,281 34,105
C/C++ Header 2368 5658 1804 9830
C 0 0 0 0
Assembly 0 0 0 0
合計 12,595 21,255 10,085 43,935

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