library checkerを埋めようと思ったときにどこから手を付けるべきかわからなかったので難易度表代わりとして。
rank | Problem | User |
1 | A + B | 583 |
2 | Unionfind | 546 |
3 | Many A + B | 496 |
4 | Static RMQ | 464 |
5 | Static Range Sum | 454 |
6 | Point Add Range Sum | 430 |
7 | Associative Array | 390 |
8 | Point Set Range Composite | 267 |
9 | Lowest Common Ancestor | 267 |
10 | Range Affine Range Sum | 230 |
11 | Convolution | 224 |
12 | Z Algorithm | 205 |
13 | Suffix Array | 196 |
14 | Strongly Connected Components | 182 |
15 | Shortest Path | 178 |
16 | Vertex Add Path Sum | 149 |
17 | Convolution (mod 1,000,000,007) | 139 |
18 | Inv of Formal Power Series | 135 |
19 | Range Kth Smallest | 133 |
20 | Tree Diameter | 131 |
21 | Matching on Bipartite Graph | 128 |
22 | Vertex Add Subtree Sum | 120 |
23 | Determinant of Matrix | 116 |
24 | Number of Substrings | 111 |
25 | Line Add Get Min | 106 |
26 | Exp of Formal Power Series | 101 |
27 | Log of Formal Power Series | 100 |
28 | Factorize | 99 |
29 | Queue Operate All Composite | 97 |
30 | Sort Points by Argument | 95 |
31 | Range Chmin Chmax Add Range Sum | 93 |
32 | Two-Edge-Connected Components | 91 |
33 | Set Xor-Min | 89 |
34 | 2 Sat | 89 |
35 | Vertex Set Path Composite | 82 |
36 | Pow of Formal Power Series | 78 |
37 | Sqrt Mod | 77 |
38 | Enumerate Primes | 76 |
39 | Cycle Detection | 75 |
40 | Segment Add Get Min | 73 |
41 | Counting Primes | 72 |
42 | Subset Convolution | 71 |
43 | Multipoint Evaluation | 70 |
44 | Sum of Floor of Linear | 70 |
45 | Discrete Logarithm | 69 |
46 | Persistent UnionFind | 67 |
47 | Maximum Independent Set | 66 |
48 | Rectangle Sum | 62 |
49 | Static Range Inversions Query | 61 |
50 | Sqrt of Formal Power Series | 55 |
51 | Montmort Number | 53 |
52 | Find Linear Recurrence | 53 |
53 | Dynamic Tree Vertex Add Path Sum | 53 |
54 | Assignment Problem | 52 |
55 | Persistent Queue | 52 |
56 | Point Add Rectangle Sum | 51 |
57 | Bitwise Xor Convolution | 50 |
58 | Bitwise And Convolution | 49 |
59 | Polynomial Interpolation | 46 |
60 | Kth Root(Integer) | 45 |
61 | Partition Function | 44 |
62 | Matching on General Graph | 43 |
63 | Stirling Number of the First Kind | 42 |
64 | $#_p$ Subset Sum | 41 |
65 | Cartesian Tree | 41 |
66 | System of Linear Equations | 40 |
67 | Stirling Number of the Second Kind | 40 |
68 | Polynomial Taylor Shift | 39 |
69 | Sum of Totient Function | 38 |
70 | Bernoulli Number | 38 |
71 | Dynamic Tree Vertex Add Subtree Sum | 37 |
72 | Dynamic Tree Vertex Set Path Composite | 36 |
73 | Matrix Product | 35 |
74 | Enumerate Palindromes | 34 |
75 | Enumerate Triangles | 34 |
76 | Tetration Mod | 34 |
77 | Dominator Tree | 30 |
78 | Directed MST | 30 |
79 | Determinant of Sparse Matrix | 28 |
80 | Dynamic Sequence Range Affine Range Sum | 27 |
81 | Frequency Table of Tree Distance | 27 |
82 | Manhattan MST | 26 |
83 | Dynamic Graph Vertex Add Component Sum | 26 |
84 | Run Enumerate | 25 |
85 | Nim Product ($\mathbb{F}_{2^{64}}$) | 24 |
86 | Predecessor Problem | 22 |
87 | Dynamic Tree Subtree Add Subtree Sum | 20 |
88 | K-Shortest Walk | 20 |
89 | Kth term of Linearly Recurrent Sequence | 20 |
90 | $\sum_{i=0}^{\infty} r^i i^d$ | 20 |
91 | Minimum cost b-flow | 19 |
92 | $\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} r^i i^d$ | 18 |
93 | Chromatic Number | 18 |
94 | Composition of Formal Power Series | 14 |
95 | Division of Polynomials | 12 |
96 | Three-Edge-Connected Components | 12 |
97 | Edge Coloring of Bipartite Graph | 11 |
98 | Kth Root(Mod) | 11 |
99 | Hafnian of Matrix | 10 |
100 | Inv of Polynomials | 9 |
101 | Convex Layers | 8 |
102 | Binomial Coefficient | 8 |
103 | Chordal Graph Recognition | 7 |
104 | Tree Decomposition (width 2) | 7 |
105 | Multivariate Convolution | 6 |
106 | Convolution (mod 2^64) | 5 |
107 | Global Minimum Cut of Dynamic Star Augmented Graph | 1 |
108 | Characteristic Polynomial | 1 |