21年5月30日に、SDF Editorのソースコードが公開され、
###SDF EditorでShadertoyやGLSLのモデリングを劇的に簡単に!
"SDF Editor" https://joetech.itch.io/sdf-editor はプロトタイプのSDF(SignedDistanceFunction(符号付距離関数)モデリングツール
タイプするよりも視覚的にデザインできるのでこれを使わないときよりも何十倍も効率的にモデリングできる。ShadertoyやGLSL SandbboxなどのGLSL系シェーダーを書くときに役に立つが、"SDF Editor"は今のところjsonのファイルを出力するだけなので、GLSL形式にコンバートするためのコンバーターをPythonで応急で書いた。
git -> https://github.com/ultrahamlet/convSDF
↓SDF Editorでモデリングすると、
↓Shadertoyで(GLSL Sandboxでも)このように表示できる。
↑ s = 30.にしてメタボール化した場合
import json
import numpy as np
import quaternion
import numpy as np
def rotate_x(deg):
# degreeをradianに変換
r = np.radians(deg)
C = np.cos(r)
S = np.sin(r)
# x軸周りの回転行列
R_x = np.matrix((
(1, 0, 0),
(0, C, -S),
(0, S, C)
return R_x
def rotate_y(deg):
# degreeをradianに変換
r = np.radians(deg)
C = np.cos(r)
S = np.sin(r)
# y軸周りの回転行列
R_y = np.matrix((
(C, 0, S),
(0, 1, 0),
(-S, 0, 1)
return R_y
def rotate_z(deg):
# degreeをradianに変換
r = np.radians(deg)
C = np.cos(r)
S = np.sin(r)
# z軸周りの回転行列
R_z = np.matrix((
(C, -S, 0),
(S, C, 0),
(0, 0, 1)
return R_z
#JSON ファイルの読み込み
f = open('test10.json', 'r')
json_dict = json.load(f)
n = 0
val0 = []
val1 = []
scale = []
pos = []
rotate = []
for v in json_dict.values():
if n == 0:
val0 = v
if n == 1:
val1 = v
n += 1
n = 0
for vals in val0:
#print(vals[1], '-->scale')
j = 0
for vv in val1[n]:
if j == 1:
k = 0
for vvv in vv:
if k == 0:
k += 1
if j == 2:
j += 1
n += 1
#rot = rotate_x(0.)*rotate_y(0.)*rotate_z(10.)
#e = np.linalg.inv(rot)
print ('#')
bl = []
i = 0
for r in rotate:
t = r.replace('Vector3(','')
t = t.replace(')','')
u = t.split(',')
# rotation
v0 = float(u[0])
v1 = float(u[1])
v2 = float(u[2])
rot = rotate_x(v0)*rotate_y(v1)*rotate_z(v2)
qt = quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(rot, nonorthogonal=True)
axis = quaternion.as_rotation_vector(qt)
angle = np.degrees(qt.angle())
blob = 'blob'+str(i)
blob.replace(' ','')
if angle == 0:
axis[2] = 1.0
print('float',blob,'= sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos -',pos[i],', vec3(',axis[0],',',axis[1],',',axis[2],'),', -angle,'),',scale[i],');')
i += 1
i = 0
body = 'float body = '
for blb in bl:
if i < len(bl)-1:
body = body + 'smin(' + blb + ','
body = body + blb
i += 1
i = 0
for blb in bl:
if i < len(bl)-1:
body = body +',s)'
i += 1
body = body + ';'
print (body)
print ('#')
このコード内のtest.jsonというファイル名があるが、"SDF Editor"で出力したファイル名と同じにする。
shellからpy convSDF.pyと起動ですると、上記のモデリングの場合、以下のような出力になる。
float blob0 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( 0, 0, 0 ) , vec3( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ), -0.0 ), vec3( 0.3, 0.7, 0.3 ) );
float blob1 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( 0.6, -0.1, 0 ) , vec3( -0.0 , -0.0 , -0.17453292519943292 ), -9.999999999999998 ), vec3( 0.3, 0.7, 0.3 ) );
float blob2 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( -0.6, -0.1, 0 ) , vec3( -0.0 , -0.0 , 0.17453292519943292 ), -9.999999999999998 ), vec3( 0.3, 0.7, 0.3 ) );
float blob3 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( -1.2, -0.3, 0 ) , vec3( 0.5299444538176428 , 0.07975984427717622 , 0.38456721096773666 ), -37.79327497049043 ), vec3( 0.53, 1.16, 0.3 ) );
float blob4 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( 1.2, -0.3, 0 ) , vec3( 0.03870171594046606 , 0.18351114054423867 , -0.3420014972101488 ), -22.348232248236474 ), vec3( 0.3, 0.7, 0.3 ) );
float blob5 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( 2, -1, 0.1 ) , vec3( -0.0 , -0.0 , 0.34906585039886595 ), -20.000000000000004 ), vec3( 0.4, 0.5, 0.5 ) );
float blob6 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( -0.9, -1, 0.3 ) , vec3( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ), -0.0 ), vec3( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 ) );
float blob7 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( -0.5, -1, 0 ) , vec3( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ), -0.0 ), vec3( 0.3, 0.4, 0.3 ) );
float blob8 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( -0.1, -1, 0 ) , vec3( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ), -0.0 ), vec3( 0.3, 0.4, 0.3 ) );
float blob9 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( 0.4, -1.1, 0 ) , vec3( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ), -0.0 ), vec3( 0.3, 0.4, 0.3 ) );
float blob10 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( 1.16, -1.2, 0 ) , vec3( 0.20868863562245224 , 0.2064328427505375 , 0.02169696607101488 ), -16.864458033998545 ), vec3( 0.71, 0.4, 0.3 ) );
float blob11 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3( -0.6, -1, 0.3 ) , vec3( 0.0 , 0.0 , 1.0 ), -0.0 ), vec3( 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ) );
float body = smin(blob0,smin(blob1,smin(blob2,smin(blob3,smin(blob4,smin(blob5,smin(blob6,smin(blob7,smin(blob8,smin(blob9,smin(blob10,blob11,s),s),s),s),s),s),s),s),s),s),s);
GLSL Sanboxのこのコードか
Visual Studio CodeなどでShadertoyをオフラインで表示できる。
// --------[ Original ShaderToy begins here ]---------- //
const float epsilon = 0.01;
const float pi = 3.14159265359;
const float halfpi = 1.57079632679;
const float twopi = 6.28318530718;
#define LIGHT normalize(vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
//Quatertion Formula taken from http://www.geeks3d.com/20141201/how-to-rotate-a-vertex-by-a-quaternion-in-glsl/
vec4 RotationToQuaternion(vec3 axis, float angle)
float half_angle = angle * halfpi / 180.0;
vec2 s = sin(vec2(half_angle, half_angle + halfpi));
return vec4(axis * s.x, s.y);
vec3 Rotate(vec3 pos, vec3 axis, float angle)
axis = normalize(axis);
vec4 q = RotationToQuaternion(axis, angle);
return pos + 2.0 * cross(q.xyz, cross(q.xyz, pos) + q.w * pos);
mat2 Rot(float a)
vec2 s = sin(vec2(a, a + pi/2.0));
return mat2(s.y,s.x,-s.x,s.y);
//Distance Field function by iq :
float sdSphere(vec3 p, float s)
return length(p) - s;
float sdEllipsoid( in vec3 p, in vec3 r)
return (length(p/r ) - 1.) * min(min(r.x,r.y),r.z);
vec3 opRep( vec3 p, vec3 c )
return mod(p,c)-0.5*c;
float smin( float a, float b, float k )
float h = clamp( 0.5+0.5*(b-a)/k, 0.0, 1.0 );
return mix( b, a, h ) - k*h*(1.0-h);
//taken from shane's desert canyon, originaly a modification of the smin function by iq
float smax(float a, float b, float s)
float h = clamp( 0.5 + 0.5*(a-b)/s, 0., 1.);
return mix(b, a, h) + h*(1.0-h)*s;
float Claws(vec3 pos, vec3 size, vec4 angles)
vec2 s = normalize(vec2(10.0, 1.0));
float height = 5.0;
vec3 a = pos.y * angles.w + angles.xyz;
float c1 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos, vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), a.x), size);
float c2 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos + vec3(0.0, 0.0, size.x), vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0), a.y), size);
float c3 = sdEllipsoid(Rotate(pos - vec3(0.0, 0.0, size.x), vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0), a.z), size);
return max(min(min(c1, c2), c3), pos.y);
float Leg(vec3 pos, vec3 axis, float angle, vec3 size, vec4 angles)
pos = Rotate(pos, axis, angle);
float claw = Claws(pos + vec3(0.0, size.y*0.5, 0.0), vec3(0.075, 0.75, 0.075)*size.y, angles);
float leg = sdEllipsoid(pos, size);
return min(leg, claw);
float Teeth(vec3 pos)
vec3 polarPos;
polarPos.x = atan(pos.x, pos.y) / 3.14;
polarPos.y = length(pos.xy)-0.12;
polarPos.z = pos.z;
vec3 p = opRep(polarPos, vec3(0.25, 7.0, 0.0));
p.y = polarPos.y;
p.z = pos.z;
return sdEllipsoid(p, vec3(0.07, 0.05, 0.07));
float ZCylindricalDisplace(vec3 pos, vec2 size)
vec2 uv;
uv.x = (atan(pos.x, pos.y));
uv.y = pos.z;
float m = smoothstep(0.1, 1.0, length(pos.xy)) * smoothstep(-1.0, -0.75, cos(uv.x));
return 0.5 * m;
vec3 TransformPosition(vec3 pos)
pos.yz *= Rot((pos.z + 2.0)*sin(iTime*0.3)*0.2);
pos.xy *= Rot(pos.z*sin(iTime*0.1)*0.25);
pos.y -= 0.5 + sin(iTime*0.5)*0.2;
return pos;
float Tardigrade(vec3 pos)
pos = TransformPosition(pos);
float s = 0.01;
// 「ここに置く」
float res = body;
return res;
vec3 RayMarch(vec3 rayDir, vec3 cameraOrigin)
const int maxItter = 128;
const float maxDist = 30.0;
float totalDist = 0.0;
vec3 pos = cameraOrigin;
float dist = epsilon;
float itter = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < maxItter; i++)
dist = Tardigrade(pos);
itter += 1.0;
totalDist += dist;
pos += dist * rayDir;
if(dist < epsilon || totalDist > maxDist)
return vec3(dist, totalDist, itter/128.0);
float AO(vec3 pos, vec3 n)
float res = 0.0;
vec3 aopos = pos;
for( int i=0; i<3; i++ )
aopos = pos + n*0.2*float(i);
float d = Tardigrade(aopos);
res += d;
return clamp(res, 0.0, 1.0);
//Camera Function by iq :
mat3 SetCamera( in vec3 ro, in vec3 ta, float cr )
vec3 cw = normalize(ta-ro);
vec3 cp = vec3(sin(cr), cos(cr), 0.0);
vec3 cu = normalize( cross(cw,cp) );
vec3 cv = normalize( cross(cu,cw) );
return mat3( cu, cv, cw );
//Normal and Curvature Function by Nimitz;
vec4 NorCurv(in vec3 p)
vec2 e = vec2(-epsilon, epsilon);
float t1 = Tardigrade(p + e.yxx), t2 = Tardigrade(p + e.xxy);
float t3 = Tardigrade(p + e.xyx), t4 = Tardigrade(p + e.yyy);
float curv = .25/e.y*(t1 + t2 + t3 + t4 - 4.0 * Tardigrade(p));
return vec4(normalize(e.yxx*t1 + e.xxy*t2 + e.xyx*t3 + e.yyy*t4), curv);
vec3 Lighting(vec3 n, vec3 rayDir, vec3 reflectDir, vec3 pos)
float diff = max(0.0, dot(LIGHT, n));
float spec = pow(max(0.0, dot(reflectDir, LIGHT)), 10.0);
float rim = (1.0 - max(0.0, dot(-n, rayDir)));
return vec3(diff, spec, rim)*0.5;
float TriplanarTexture(vec3 pos, vec3 n)
return 0.0;
float BackGround(vec3 rayDir)
float sun = smoothstep(1.0, 0.0, clamp(length(rayDir - LIGHT), 0.0, 1.0));
return sun*0.5;
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy/iResolution.xy;
vec3 cameraOrigin = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
if(iMouse.z > 0.0)
cameraOrigin.x = sin(iMouse.x*0.01) * 5.0;
cameraOrigin.y = iMouse.y*0.05 - 10.0;
cameraOrigin.z = cos(iMouse.x*0.01) * 5.0;
cameraOrigin.x = sin(iTime*0.25 + 2.0) * (6.0 + sin(iTime * 0.1));
cameraOrigin.y = sin(iTime*0.3) - 0.5;
cameraOrigin.z = cos(iTime*0.25 + 2.0) * (6.0 + sin(iTime * 0.15));
vec3 cameraTarget = vec3(0.0, 0.25, -1.0);
vec2 screenPos = uv * 2.0 - 1.0;
screenPos.x *= iResolution.x/iResolution.y;
mat3 cam = SetCamera(cameraOrigin, cameraTarget, sin(iTime*0.15)*0.5);
vec3 rayDir = cam*normalize(vec3(screenPos.xy,2.0));
vec3 dist = RayMarch(rayDir, cameraOrigin);
float res;
float backGround = BackGround(rayDir);
if(dist.x < epsilon)
vec3 pos = cameraOrigin + dist.y*rayDir;
vec4 n = NorCurv(pos);
float ao = AO(pos, n.xyz);
vec3 r = reflect(rayDir, n.xyz);
vec3 l = Lighting(n.xyz, rayDir, r, pos);
float col = TriplanarTexture(pos, n.xyz);
col *= n.w*0.5+0.5;
col *= ao;
col += ao * (l.x + l.y);
col += l.z*0.75;
col += BackGround(n.xyz)*0.25;
res = col;
res = backGround;
fragColor = vec4(vec3(res), 1.0);
// --------[ Original ShaderToy ends here ]---------- //