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DevOpsDays Tokyo 2019 参加レポート

Last updated at Posted at 2019-04-15

*English follows after Japanese

2019.4.9〜10 DevOpsDays Tokyo 2019に参加して来ました。充実して濃い内容のカンファレンスで、たくさんの刺激と情報を頂いて来ました。その感想をこちらでみなさまと共有します。


DevOpsDays とは?

DevOpsDays は世界中で開催されているカンファレンスです。ソフトウェア開発、ITインフラ運用、そしてその境界線上にあるトピックをカバーし、特にDevOpsを実現するための自動化、テスト、セキュリティ、組織文化にフォーカスします。

ref. About DevOpsDays


  1. DevOpsの定義は人によって少し異なるところもあるが、はっきりと共通している部分がある。価値のあるものを開発し、短いスパンで確実にお客様にデリバリーし、そのフィードバックを得て柔軟に素早く対応して行くための取り組みということ。これを実現するためには、レガシーな開発手法では難しく、Agileな開発手法と考え方が必須となる。

  2. 技術的負債を最小限にしつつ良いものを作って行くために努力しなければならない。Test Driven Development、Behavior Driven Development、Mob ProgrammingやPair Programmingが効果的。実際に参加者のほとんどがこの中のいくつかの手法を導入している。

  3. CICD(Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery)は当たり前になってきた。Pipelineも流行り。

  4. 上記3つを私たちのチームでは試行錯誤しながら自分達で進めてきた。DevOpsのベストプラクティスが分からない状態で進めてきたが、間違えていなかったことに安心感を得た。

  5. 日本国内で開かれた開発カンファレンスでここまで英語が主流なカンファレンスは初めて。海外からの登壇者も多く、生々しい情報を英語のままで直接聴けた。また、登壇者の講演やスライドの英語がとても分かりやすく、同時通訳の日本語より伝わる内容が多かった。

ref. DevOpsDays Tokyo Program

Participated in DevOpsDays Tokyo 2019

We just participated in 2019.4.9-10 DevOpsDays Tokyo 2019. It was a matured and detailed conference and we acquired a lot of motivation and information from it. Hereby, we would like to share our thoughts about it with you all.

What is DevOpsDays?

DevOpsDays Tokyo is a local conference to share technology trends, case studies, and knowledge from IT professionals who have been working to improve their product and processes through DevOps practices, both in Japan and abroad.
With content in both Japanese and English, our community strives to improve processes and outcomes by not only bridging the gap between Dev and Ops, but between Japanese and western IT cultures.

ref. About DevOpsDays

Below are my thoughts.

  1. The definition of DevOps may differ a little from person to person, but its aspects are clear and common. It is an effort to develop valuable things, deliver them reliably to customers in a short span, get feedback and respond flexibly and quickly. In order to achieve this, it is difficult with legacy development methods, and Agile development methods and ideas are essential.

  2. We must strive to make good things while minimizing technical liability. Test Driven Development, Behavior Driven Development, Mob Programming or Pair Programming are effective. In fact, most of the participants have introduced some of these methods.

  3. CICD (Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery) has become commonplace. Pipeline is also popular.

  4. Till now, Our team carried out the above three by ourselves with trial and error. We went forward without knowing the best practices of DevOps, but felt relieved that we were not wrong.

  5. This is the first development conference we participated in Japan so far where English is the mainstream. There were many speakers from overseas, and I could hear lively information directly in English. In addition, the speaker's speech and slides were very easy to understand, and most of the content did not need Japanese interpretation.

For the details of each conference session, please refer to the speaker's slides linked to the program on the official website.

ref. DevOpsDays Tokyo Program


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