
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

My brew list

Last updated at Posted at 2018-01-09
  • インストールした理由がわからないのもありますが、一覧を出してみます。
#!/bin/sh -eu

for i in `brew list`; do
echo "1. "`brew info "${i}" | grep "${i}:"`


  1. autoconf: stable 2.69 (bottled)
  2. bash-completion: stable 1.3 (bottled)
  3. clang-format: stable 2017-11-14 (bottled), HEAD
  4. fswatch: stable 1.11.2 (bottled)
  5. gcc: stable 7.2.0 (bottled), HEAD
  6. gdbm: stable 1.14.1 (bottled)
  7. gettext: stable (bottled) [keg-only]
  8. git: stable 2.15.1 (bottled), HEAD
  9. gmp: stable 6.1.2 (bottled)
  10. gnu-tar: stable 1.30 (bottled)
  11. htop: stable 2.0.2, HEAD
  12. isl: stable 0.18 (bottled), HEAD
  13. libevent: stable 2.1.8 (bottled)
  14. libidn2: stable 2.0.4 (bottled), HEAD
  15. libmpc: stable 1.1.0 (bottled)
  16. libunistring: stable 0.9.8 (bottled)
  17. libyaml: stable 0.1.7 (bottled)
  18. maven: stable 3.5.2
  19. mpfr: stable 4.0.0 (bottled)
  20. ncurses: stable 6.0 (bottled) [keg-only]
  21. nkf: stable 2.1.4 (bottled)
  22. openssl: stable 1.0.2n (bottled) [keg-only]
  23. openssl@1.1: stable 1.1.0g (bottled) [keg-only]
  24. pcre: stable 8.41 (bottled), HEAD
  25. perl: stable 5.26.1 (bottled), HEAD
  26. pkg-config: stable 0.29.2 (bottled)
  27. postgresql: stable 10.1 (bottled), HEAD
  28. pyenv: stable 1.2.1 (bottled), HEAD
  29. python: stable 2.7.14 (bottled), HEAD
  30. readline: stable 7.0.3 (bottled) [keg-only]
  31. redis: stable 4.0.6 (bottled), HEAD
  32. ruby: stable 2.5.0 (bottled), HEAD
  33. sqlite: stable 3.21.0 (bottled) [keg-only]
  34. tree: stable 1.7.0 (bottled)
  35. uncrustify: stable 0.66.1 (bottled), HEAD
  36. vim: stable 8.0.1400 (bottled), HEAD
  37. wget: stable 1.19.2 (bottled), HEAD
  38. zsh: stable 5.4.2 (bottled), HEAD
  39. zsh-completions: stable 0.27.0, HEAD

What does "keg-only" mean?

  • FAQ に記載がありました。

It means the formula is installed only into the Cellar; it is not linked
into /usr/local. This means most tools will not find it. We don’t do
this for stupid reasons. You can still link in the formula if you need
to with brew link.

  • kegとはビール樽という意味ですが、ここではインストールだけされていて/usr/localにはシンボリックリンクをつけてないパッケージのこと。…だそうです、コマンドではなくライブラリがこれにあたるようですね。

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