
More than 3 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2018-04-23
  • App Storeアイコンのバッジでアップデートに気づいて動かすとなんかアップデートに時間がかかって微妙...ってことありませんか?
  • ソフトウェアアップデートにはコマンドもあるんですね、アップデートはコマンドラインからしちゃいましょう!
  • なんとなく精神衛生的にいい感じですw


  • ヘルプを見るとこんな感じ
sh-3.2$ softwareupdate -h
usage: softwareupdate <cmd> [<args> ...]

** Catalog Management:
    --set-catalog <URL> Set the new catalog URL (requires privileges)
    --clear-catalog     Clear the catalog URL back to defaults (requires privileges)

** Manage Updates:
    -l | --list     List all appropriate update labels (options:  --no-scan, --product-types)
    -d | --download     Download Only
    -e | --cancel-download      Cancel a download
    -i | --install      Install
        <label> ... specific updates
        -a | --all      All appropriate updates
        -R | --restart      Automatically restart (or shut down) if required to complete installation.
        -r | --recommended  Only recommended updates
    --background        Trigger a background scan and update operation
    --ignore <label> ...    Ignore specific updates
    --reset-ignored     Clear all ignored updates

** Other Tools:
    --suspend-background    Suspend background operations from occurring temporarily (use --duration to specify duration to suspend in seconds)
        --duration <duration>)      Optional duration in seconds to suspend background operations (defaults to 5*60 seconds)
    --dump-state        Log the internal state of the SU daemon to /var/log/install.log
    --evaluate-products Evaluate a list of product keys specified by the --products option
    --history       Show the install history.  By default, only displays updates installed by softwareupdate.
    --all           Include all processes in history (including App installs)

** Options:
    --no-scan       Do not scan when listing or installing updates (use available updates previously scanned)
    --product-types <type>      Limit a scan to a particular product type only - ignoring all others
        Ex:  --product-types macOS  || --product-types macOS,Safari
    --products      A comma-separated (no spaces) list of product keys to operate on.
    --force         Force an operation to complete.  Use with --background to trigger a background scan regardless of "Automatically check" pref

    --verbose       Enable verbose output
    --help          Print this help

基本的には、softwareupdate -i -aでOK

  • 全てインストール(リスタートは無し)で実行します。
sh-3.2$ softwareupdate -i -a
Software Update Tool

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