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Europe VPS Server is Perfect Hosting Solution for Increasing the Speed of Site

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Do you remember the days when dial-up connections were used to browse the internet, and thus the pages loaded very slowly? Such was the situation that you could make yourself some tea or coffee or even a sandwich after typing in the URL only to come back and find that the page was still loading. However, things have changed for the good these days with internet speeds getting faster and faster. It has become more than important for websites to maintain their load speeds if they really want to fight competition and emerge out successful in front of their customers. In other words, if you are the owner of a site and if you want to make a good impression among prospective customers, it is necessary for you to ensure that your site loads up quickly. For this and more functionalities, it is best to opt for Europe VPS Server solutions.

Understanding the Concept of Website Speed

If you want to understand the concept of website speed, you must pay attention to consumer behavior. The number of views of a page is determined by the speed at which it loads. For example, if a certain site loads up quickly, it increases the chances of the consumers browsing through the site and exploring further into the same. The majority of website visitors generally wait for not more than two to three seconds for a site to load. If the site does not load within this time frame, they assume that the site is down or is not worth visiting. Hence they have this mindset to move on to some other site which will probably be a competitor site.

Approximately 3/4th of the customers with the habit of shopping online do not tend to shop at a site the second time if they experienced some problem with the site like poor loading time. Then some customers would tell friends about the negative experience they had with a site which will further hurt the future sales of a site. This means that even a simple delay of one second could lead to lost sales. Remember, every bit helps, and thus by increasing load time from say 6 or 5 seconds down to 2 seconds, sites can easily increase their page views. What's more, an increase in page views automatically means an increase in the sales of the products and services of a site.

Other Features Impacted by the Speed of a Website Page

Yet another important thing to understand here is that Google uses the page load time of different sites when it computes sites' search engine rankings. This means that if a certain site takes a very long time to load, Google is likely to place it lower on the search engine result pages. Generally speaking, a site that fails to secure a position on the first page of the search engine results on Google might have its sales greatly suffering.

Hosting and Its Relation with Website Speed

The page load time of a site relates to several important factors, which include bandwidth usage and memory. People choosing shared server hosting should share these resources with the other sites being hosted on the same server. This means that if a certain site witnesses a spike in traffic, this might take a toll on the performance of the other sites being hosted on the same server. That's because the site will monopolize all available server resources resulting in the slowing down of the other sites. A few simple instances like this will not take much time for the users to drive away from a badly performing site.

The troubles faced with hosting a site on a shared server can easily be made away with by going for Europe VPS hosting. VPS or virtual private server hosting means that the sitresponsiblel remain on a shared server, but in this setting, the server will be divided into several virtual machines running as an independent dedicated server. The users on each virtual server will have their own allotted resources, and they will not have to share the same with the other sites being hosted on the same server. This means that all the sites being hosted on a VPS server will load quicker, and they will also be more responsive at the same time. All the features of a dedicated server are available to the users of a VPS server which means that the users are on a more beneficial side as they do not have to pay for the features exorbitantly.


Europe VPS hosting is the ultimate solution for all those website owners who do not have sufficient budget to go for the private setting or arrangement of a dedicated server. However, they require the same level of control and resources as is available with a dedicated server. Europe VPS Server Hosting comes as an easy and perfect solution for making a company's site run faster. And, of course, faster page load times will automatically transform visitors into buying and paying customers.


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