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When to Make the Move from VPS to Cheapest Dubai Dedicated Server - Onlive Server

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Dubai Dedicated Server

Cheapest Dedicated Server Hosting seems to be the natural progression or shift from basic VPS Hosting.

With the growth witnessed in your business website, it becomes important for you to make the choice of other resource-rich server hosting solutions instead of sticking to your existing shared server solution. This is important because your shared server environment might not be enough for handling the traffic and other requirements of your business website. Most probably, your site requires more resources. Therefore, your main objective should be knowing when is the perfect time for you to make the move from a normal Server Hosting to a Dedicated Server Hosting. Choose UAE-based Dubai Dedicated Server and VPS Hosting.

Dubai Dedicated Server - Intel Xeonz, 8GB RAM, 500GB SSD.jpg

Understanding the Major Differences

Business websites require a server to work efficiently so that they can be accessed by the general public. Servers are basically computers with special software settings and custom hardware as well. Shared hosting involves a set up where several sites are stored or are served on the same space. Shared server hosting plans are relatively cheaper in comparison to VPS or dedicated hosting plans mainly because there are several websites hosted on the same server. For larger websites, there are several disadvantages of using a shared server hosting environment. Dubai Dedicated Server plan price is just $333 per month.

Larger websites require more resources in terms of CPU power and RAM. Since there are a large number of people using the applications and programs on the site at the same time, such websites require more resources. In a shared server hosting environment, the machine does not have a lot of resources to be used by large websites. Thus, there are chances for the websites to run bottlenecks that eventually slow down the sites. The slowdown generally takes place when the hosting provider or company sets a number of sites on the same server or when the sites get a lot of traffic. The first situation will not be a problem for you if you have made the choice of a popular server hosting provider. Nevertheless, as you have your site grows in popularity, you will start coming across performance problems because of the space being available only for a shared package. This is the time when you should move on to cheap VPS hosting.

Huge Resource Requirements but Limited Budget- Find the Right VPS Solution

Upgrading to a cheap VPS server hosting plan will be a wise step for you since you will be getting a better operating system and control panel configurations. You will get them in the form of different options like Debian, Centos, Citrix, Ubuntu and Windows in the operating system category. Under the control panel head, you will find Plesk and DirectAdmin. Other specifications include 1 core processor, 30 GB storage space, 1 GB RAM, 100 Mbps network connectivity speed, 1 TB data transfer bandwidth, and KVM architecture. Though the term VPS might seem a bit intimidating, considering the features that it has got on offer, it can likely be said that it is one of the best hosting solutions available to large website owners on a limited budget.

Frequently asked questions about VPS hosting are:

Q1. What is VPS?
A1. It is basically one huge server partitioned into several virtual servers providing the environment of a dedicated server.

Q2. What are the benefits of a Dedicated Server?
A2. One of the most important benefits of Dubai Dedicated Server is that it offers all the features like free technical support wXeon an affordable range.

Q3. Is VPS needed for my small site?
A3. Small sites do not necessarily require VPS servers until and unless they have outgrown the space provided through shared hosting.

Q4. What resources do I get?
A4. You get resources like guaranteed disk storage space, RAM, bandwidth and full-fledged KVM architecture.

Q5. Are there trial periods available with this package?
A5. Yes, you can choose to use VPS plans for a 30 day trial period.


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