using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Linq;
using FVRlib;
/// <summary>
/// This example shows how to create, calibrate and test a custom gesture.
/// </summary>
public class CalibTestCtrl : MonoBehaviour {
// FVR
FVRConnection fvr;
FVRGesture gesture;
//Control variables
int samplesPerSecond = 0;
int roundLength = 0;
int tCalibRounds = 0;
int ntCalibRounds = 0;
// Texts
/*public Text samplesPerSecondTxt;
public Text roundLengthTxt;
public Text tCalibRoundsTxt;
public Text ntCalibRoundsTxt;*/
// Images
/*public Image targetImg;
public Image nonTargetImg;
public Image testImg;*/
public Button targetBtn;
public Button nonTargetBtn;
public Button resetBtn;
public Button[] varBtns;
void Start () {
/// When using the FVRContainer prefab, the FVRConnection won't be destroyed on load allowing you to keep your calibrated gestures and centering data.
/// Since the FVRConnection comes from a previous scene, you can't drag and drop it into a public variable when you are making the scene.
/// So when the new scene gets loaded you will need to find the FVRConnection instance in order to use it.
fvr = FindObjectOfType (typeof(FVRConnection)) as FVRConnection;
// Create a new custom gesture
gesture = fvr.gestureManager.RegisterCustomGesture ("gestureName");
// Display the default settings
samplesPerSecond = fvr.gestureManager.calibrationSamplesPerSecond;
roundLength = (int)fvr.gestureManager.calibrationRoundLength;
//UpdateTexts ();
// Button control
targetBtn.interactable = false;
void Update () {
/// Custom gestures like all other FVR gestures, have a triggered and a held flag. which can be used for events.
/// In this example, to test the gesture, we simply check if the gesture is being held and change the color of an image accordingly
if (gesture.held) {
//testImg.color = Color.green;
} else {
//testImg.color = Color.white;
/// <summary>
/// You can change the amount of samples that are to be taken every second of the calibration round, and fed into the svm.
/// This value should always be higher than 1 and is limited by processing speeds.
/// Recomended values are 10~20
/// </summary>
public void ChangeSPS(int dir){
samplesPerSecond += 1 * dir;
samplesPerSecond = samplesPerSecond < 1 ? 1 : samplesPerSecond;
fvr.gestureManager.calibrationSamplesPerSecond = samplesPerSecond;
//UpdateTexts ();
/// <summary>
/// You can change the length of the calibration round.
/// This length should always be higher than 0 and making it too long might affect the results in a negative way.
/// Recomended values are 1~3
/// </summary>
public void ChangeRL(int dir){
roundLength += 1 * dir;
roundLength = roundLength < 1 ? 1 : roundLength;
fvr.gestureManager.calibrationRoundLength = (float)roundLength;
//UpdateTexts ();
public void SetTargetPress(){
StartCoroutine (Calibrate (true));
public void SetNonTargetPress(){
StartCoroutine (Calibrate (false));
// Reset the calibration data and start all over again
public void ResetCalibrationPress(){
fvr.gestureManager.ResetPatternData (gesture);
tCalibRounds = 0;
ntCalibRounds = 0;
//UpdateTexts ();
targetBtn.interactable = false;
nonTargetBtn.GetComponentInChildren<Text> ().text = "Set\nDummy";
foreach (Button b in varBtns) {
b.interactable = true;
// Updates the display texts
/*void UpdateTexts(){
tCalibRoundsTxt.text = tCalibRounds.ToString ();
ntCalibRoundsTxt.text = ntCalibRounds.ToString ();
samplesPerSecondTxt.text = samplesPerSecond.ToString ();
roundLengthTxt.text = roundLength.ToString ();
/// <summary>
/// Calibrate the gesture with target or non-target values.
/// Calibration requires time, and it's best to let the user know what's going on, so this process is best done in a coroutine.
/// </summary>
IEnumerator Calibrate(bool target){
if (target) {
// Setting target values
fvr.gestureManager.SetTargetData (gesture);
} else {
// Setting non-target values
fvr.gestureManager.SetNonTargetData (gesture);
/// The first time we set a target or non-target value, the round length and samples per second are ignored and the SVM takes only one value with dummy data then
/// the dummy data is replaced with real data.
/// After the first round the FVRGesture.calibrated flag is set to true and you are ready to start calibrating with real data
if (gesture.calibrated) {
nonTargetBtn.GetComponentInChildren<Text> ().text = "Set\nNonTarget";
foreach (Button b in varBtns) {
b.interactable = false;
// We dont wan't multiple coroutines taking the same data so it's good to block the user from starting a new one before this round is done
targetBtn.interactable = false;
nonTargetBtn.interactable = false;
resetBtn.interactable = false;
float t = 0;
while (gesture.registering) {
/// While the target or non-target data is being set, the FVRGesture.registering flag will be set to true.
/// A count down or a image fill loading bar is a good way to let the user know your app is doing something.
/// Once the porcess is done, the FVRGesture.registering flag will be set to false, and we will exit this while loop.
t += Time.deltaTime;
targetImg.fillAmount = t / (float)roundLength;
nonTargetImg.fillAmount = t / (float)roundLength;*/
yield return null;
/*UpdateTexts ();
targetImg.fillAmount = 0;
nonTargetImg.fillAmount =0;*/
// After the process is done you can enable whatever buttons you need to proceed with the calibration or move on with your app.
targetBtn.interactable = true;
nonTargetBtn.interactable = true;
resetBtn.interactable = true;
Targetジェスチャの登録ボタン ― SetTargetPress関数
NonTargetジェスチャの登録 ― SetNonTargetPress関数
Resetボタン ― ResetCalibrationPress関数